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Caitlin and Cisco set down her mattress into the frame as Barry runs past them with the few boxes Caitlin had. They finish moving the furniture while Barry quickly unpacks everything.

"What'd you do that for?" Caitlin asks.

"So, you wouldn't have to." Barry defends.

"And what if I don't want my stuff where you put it?" Caitlin asks, raising an eyebrow.

Barry sighs and quickly puts everything back in the boxes.

Caitlin smiles proudly at him. "Thank you." She says.

Cisco falls facedown onto the couch and sniffs dramatically. "Still smells like Blue Valley." He whines.

"What does Blue Valley smell like?" Barry laughs.

Cisco sniffs again. "Thai food."

Caitlin laughs. "That would be my dinner from the other night."

Cisco rolls over. "Well this place is definitely bigger than your studio there." Caitlin looks around at the small, one-bedroom apartment she rented. The one she was originally going to rent before moving to Blue Valley. The one just two blocks away from Cisco.

"One more stop?" Barry asks.

Caitlin looks over at him, her face blank. "You're going with me?"

"You thought we were gonna let you go there alone?" Cisco asks from behind her, rolling off the couch.

Barry smiles at her raising an eyebrow. "Not a chance, Dr. Snow."

Caitlin and Cisco drive to Wells' house while Barry runs. He is sitting on the front steps, tapping his foot impatiently.

"I could've run you two here. We could've been done by now." Barry says.

"That's an exaggeration for one. And two, we tend to get stranded when you run us places." Caitlin argues.

Barry shrugs and stands to let Caitlin get to the door. She unlocks the front door and walks in, taking a deep breath as Cisco and Barry walk in behind her and stand on either side of her.

"So, do we just...look?" Cisco asks.

"I don't know." Caitlin breathes out.

Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry all make their way through the house. They started out splitting up, but Cisco was freaked out by the house and Barry didn't want Caitlin wandering off alone. Each room they went through, they took record of what was in there. They didn't plan on getting rid of anything yet. They were scared they might throw out something that might help or come back and haunt them later. When they got to his bedroom and his office, they took special care to check every nook and cranny of the room to make sure they didn't miss anything hidden.

Caitlin sits at Wells' office desk, the one he was sitting at in his video to her. She checked the drawers, finding the oldest design drawings of S.T.A.R. Labs, design specs, and a few pictures of her when she was a kid that she quickly turned over and put back. She checked under the desk and ran her hands over every inch to make sure there weren't any hidden doors or loose boards. Cisco walks over, having finished his overly thorough pat down of the bookshelf.

"Damn, Wells' didn't skimp on the luxury furniture, did he?" Cisco says, leaning down to get eye level with the surface of the desk. "This feels hand-carved." He runs his finger along the molding along the edge of the desk.

"Ow! What the," Cisco shouts. A small shelf pops out of the desk and hits him in the face, scaring him and knocking him back on the ground.

Barry and Caitlin walk over to the side of the desk and look in the shallow drawer. There are three things inside. Two things Caitlin's never seen and one she hasn't seen in a long time. Cisco crawls up to them and peeks in between them to see what's in the shelf. He reaches in and grabs a small, leather-bound journal. Barry reaches for the old picture of himself when he was eleven. Caitlin stares at the silver object. The one she recognized from Wells fidgeting with it during the video.

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