Look At Me

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Barry runs up and grabs Wells but is immediately shot back by the same device that just brought down the shark.

"Barry!" Caitlin yells, running up trying to get the brace that is electrocuting him off his leg. She turns to Wells. "Turn it off!" She demands.

He walks up and kneels down next to Barry, pressing a button that stops the flow of electricity. Barry lays back, relieved that the pain stopped. He looks up at Caitlin who seems tense, but not surprised. She looks at Wells out of the corner of her eye, keeping her head turned toward Barry.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She says in a menacing whisper.

He stands up, keeping his gun aimed at them. "I'm Dr. Harrison Wells. I'm here to help you stop Zoom." He says firmly.

Barry looks from Caitlin to Wells and back to Caitlin. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. He reaches up and grabs her wrist gently, rubbing her hand with his thumb. He looks back to Wells.

"How do you know about Zoom?" He asks, eyeing the gun.

"He was terrorizing my earth long before he decided to invade yours."

"Your earth? Earth 2?" Barry asks.

"If that's what you want to call it." He says, sounding almost offended by the informal name.

"You're his doppelganger." Caitlin says to herself, but Barry and Wells both hear her.

"I am me." He says gruffly. He disarms the gun and moves it away from their face, leaning down and offering his hand to Barry. He stands up and helps Caitlin to her feet. "Now, if you're ready to get started, I'd like to better inform you and your team what you're up against. Your strategy so far has been disappointing and inadequate at best."

"My team?" Barry asks, wondering how this man knows anything about them.

"Yes, your team. This young woman, the cop, and the short one." He says, shifting the gun to rest on his back.

Barry turns to Caitlin. "We need to take care of this." He motions to the shark." Caitlin nods.

The next thing Caitlin knows, she is standing in Barry's lab with the gun that was around Wells' back. Wells is handcuffed to a chair in front of her. Barry is nowhere to be seen.

"This is unnecessary." Wells sighs angrily.

"Not to us." She says flatly, not looking at him.

Barry runs back in with Joe. Joe's eyes widen and he immediately pulls his gun from its holster and aims it at Wells, being only a motion away from pulling the trigger, Barry yells at him. "No! Joe, it's not him." Barry grabs the gun away from Joe, not missing Caitlin stepping closer to Wells out of the corner of his eye.

"What's he doing here?" Joe yells.

"It's not him." Barry says in a calmer voice now. "He's just a doppelganger." Wells rolls his eyes at the condescending title. "We have bigger problems."

"Bigger than this?" Joe asks, pointing to Wells.

"Yes." Barry says.

He walks Joe to the window of his lab and points outside. Joe looks out and looks back at Barry confused. "Look down." Barry instructs. Joe looks down and sees a large shark with arms and legs tied up in a net, hanging from the window.

"Damn. That is a big problem." Joe says.

"Any ideas on what to do with him?" Barry asks.

"Kill it." Wells says flatly.

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