We're a Team

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"One more step!" Joe cheers on Barry as he gets six steps by himself on a cane. Barry's legs start shaking and he stumbles into the chair in front of him. "That's good, Bar." Joe says proudly.

"Yeah six whole steps. Someone give me a Bozo button." Barry cheers sarcastically.

"It's gonna take time Barry. A normal person would've been paralyzed." Joe says. "Permanently." He adds more firmly.

"How long until I'm fully healed?" Barry asks impatiently.

Caitlin puts a picture of his MRI from a week ago and one from this morning up on the bigger screens. "I'll save you the jargon, but you're almost fully healed."

"I'm still having trouble breathing." He says, pointing to his chest.

Caitlin nods. "Normal with a spinal injury." Barry sighs and turns away.

Harry walks through the room with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Where are you off to?" Joe asks.

"Back to my earth."

"Come to our earth. Mess things up and just leave. Sounds familiar." Joe scoffs.

Harry points to him. "Wasn't me. Zoom is still out there and he still has my daughter. Now if you don't mind, I need access to your breach room."

"Gladly." Cisco says, following Harry out of the room.

"Wait." Caitlin calls. They both turn. "You can't leave."

"Yeah he can. Jay showed us how to use the breaches." Cisco defends.

"No. You can't leave yet. Like you said, Zoom is still out there and you need our help as much as we need yours."

Harry turns to look around the room. "No thanks." And he turns to walk out with Cisco.

"Caitlin if he doesn't want to be here, let him go." Barry argues, not looking at her.

"I can't do that. Not yet."

Caitlin leaves the cortex and gets to the elevators to see Cisco standing alone.

"Where'd he go?"

"Needs to figure out which breach will get him to his lab." Cisco says. "Then he's leaving. Why do you want him to stay?"

"We need his help. Between him and Jay, I think we may have a chance of defeating Zoom, but we need them both because...I think he's right about Jay being scared. He hesitates. We need Harry."

Cisco sighs. "Fine. But you're talking to him. Not me."


Caitlin walks into Big Belly Burger to see Harry sitting at the bar with a drink and a burger with fries. She walks up and sits down next to him, facing forward.

"Don't get the cheese curds. They're addicting." She says flatly.

"I suppose you're here on behalf of your wonderful team?" He says, not looking up from the paper he's working on.

"Nope. They didn't want me to come."

"Then why are you here?" He asks, sounding uninterested.

"Getting lunch." She smiles at the waiter who recognizes her and nods.

Harry chuckles but doesn't look at her. He continues eating and working on his paper. The waiter brings her the food and she thanks him. She pops a cheese curd in her mouth and turns to look at Harry.

"Whatcha working on?" She asks eagerly.

"Trying to find which breach on your earth will take me home." He says flatly.

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