Repeating History

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Caitlin is sitting in her lab with Jessie who is seated on the bed. She's spent the rest of the night and into the morning running tests, giving her fluids, and some vitamin shots. Cisco ran to get her food and she's been talking to Caitlin about what happened so Caitlin can make sure that, at least physically, she'll be okay.

Jessie sits in bed eating a big breakfast that Cisco got, and a vegetable smoothie that Caitlin demanded to give her some nutrition. Caitlin, her face focused and cold, walks out of her lab to see Harry standing by the door frame. He steps in front of her.

"She's gonna be okay." Caitlin assures him, giving him a weak smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "She needs a shower and some sleep. Other than that, I'll keep an eye on her, but she'll be fine."

Jessie finishes her meal and goes off to the guest quarters to shower and go to bed.

The rest of Team Flash - Joe, Caitlin, Harry, Cisco, and Barry - join in the cortex.

"How did we miss this?" Barry says in a cold whisper. "How did we miss this again?" He says louder, slamming his fist on the desk.

No one answers.

"Are we sure?" Cisco speaks up. "I mean is all we have to go on a name?"

"Jay's story about how he got his matched Barry's to a T. We knew he was researching us before he got here, we should've suspected something then." Caitlin says. "Him still not having caught Zoom even after two years. Not wanting us to trust Harry."

"We did suspect him." Cisco points out.

"Not enough." Barry spits.

"But he helped us." Cisco says. "Why? He was trying to help us defeat Zoom."

"Was he?" Caitlin asks. "Only thing I really remember him helping us with is trying to make Barry faster."

"To stop Zoom." Cisco cuts in.

"To steal." Harry speaks up. "He wanted Barry to get faster so he could steal his speed."

"You can't steal speed." Cisco scoffs.

"I did." Harry says. "The speed force is a physical thing. It can be harnessed. Given. Taken."

"So he never planned on killing me that night?" Barry asks.

"No." Harry answers. "He just wanted to motivate you to go faster."

"But Jay was helping us when Zoom was here. Jay was stuck here when Zoom was supposedly sending over breachers to kill Barry." Joe points out. "Hell, you said you've seen Zoom and Jay as the Flash fighting."

"Remnant." Harry says. "When has there ever been two Barry's in one place?"

"When I've time traveled." Barry answers.


"I still don't understand." Joe says.

Harry sighs. "If Zoom brought a copy of himself back from time traveling, he could be in two places at once."

"Why don't we ever do that?" Joe asks.

"Because time remnants cannot stay. They disrupt the timeline too much. At some point, one will have to die. Though I'm sure Zoom has no problem killing his own time remnant." Harry informs him. He sighs. "He had this all planned from the beginning."

The group is silent for a few moments, none making eye contact with each other. Barry stands and storms out. Caitlin turns but doesn't move to stop him. She knows he needs time. Needs to let this out. All of them do.

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