Welcome to the Horror House

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"I have to cut it into pieces that small?" Jessie whines. Caitlin nods. "Why don't you just put it in a chopper?"

"There is an art to cooking and using a chopper is a shortcut. No shortcuts." Caitlin jokingly scolds. "Cut the onions when you're done with the peppers.

"That's round! How do I get that into tiny pieces?"

"You have five majors, Little Wells. Figure it out."

Caitlin gets to work on fixing the rest of the dinner, trading with Jessie every now and then so she can give her hands a break.

Barry walks in with an ice cream cake. "I don't get why we have to cook dinner but we can buy dessert."

"Because, one, I can cook and can't bake. Two, I specifically wanted this ice cream cake." Caitlin explains, putting the cake in the freezer.

"Why?" Barry asks.

"Because it's your favorite." She winks at him and he smiles back.

Jessie puts the dish in the oven and sits at the table. Caitlin is cleaning up the counter and Barry starts setting the table.

"You guys sure you don't mind me staying for dinner?" Jessie asks.

"Nope. Eddie's excited to meet you and it's not like we can't talk about Flash stuff in front of you." Barry explains. "Besides, you finally got Caitlin to finish packing, so you deserve a good dinner."

Caitlin nudges Barry. "I would've gotten there. And besides, I'm still not done. We have to pack all the dishes after dinner tonight." Barry groans.

"So why are you guys moving tomorrow? Seems like a weird time considering everything that's happening." Jessie points out.

"Well, Zoom doesn't know where our new place is, and he knows where this one is for starters." Caitlin answers.

"And we figured it'd be nice to finally have our place before we do this. Be able to go back to it afterward. Take all of our minds off everything else for now.

"We're having a housewarming party tomorrow night too if you wanna come. Your dad will be there." Caitlin says.

Jessie groans. "Guess he can't hover too much if we're at a party."

They all hear a knock at the door. Caitlin answers it and lets Iris and Eddie in after she hugs Eddie. "Welcome back." She says with a smile.

"Wow, you finally got done packing." Iris exclaims from behind her.

"Why did everyone doubt I would?" Caitlin asks, offended.

Iris looks to Barry with a raised eyebrow and they both laugh.

"Eddie, this is Jessie Wells, Harry's daughter." Caitlin introduces them.

Eddie reaches out to shake her hand and the five gather around the table for dinner. Iris and Eddie tell them about New York and moving back. Eddie ended up paying some movers to do it for them this time. They catch Eddie and Iris up on the plan for Zoom, informing them that Eddie will ensure everyone at CCPD is ready and Iris will be with Patty at CCPN to make sure they have some protection.

"Why aren't we doing this tomorrow?" Eddie asks.

"Cisco needs to rest." Caitlin says. "It took a lot out of him trying to open the breach today and he might need to hold it open for a while. He needs a break."

"So, is he helping us move you guys tomorrow?" Eddie asks.

"Yepp. But I'm sure he'll be on box placement duty again." Barry jokes. They all laugh and recount Cisco's job during Eddie and Iris's move to Jessie.

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