'Twas the Day Before Christmas

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Cisco's eyes go wide with panic. He drops the tools in his hands on the floor.

"Ramon, what did you do?" Harry asks, unfazed by the yelling.

"I don't know." He whispers, hiding behind a table.


Cisco yelps under the table.

"Cisco, where the hell are you?" Barry asks as he walks into the workshop. Harry points under the table. "Cisco!" Barry snaps. "You were supposed to meet me this morning."

Cisco crawls out and looks up at Barry who is staring at him, partly confused and partly angry.

"For what?"

Barry just raises his eyebrows and Cisco mouths an 'oh' before crawling all the way out and standing up. They both walk out, saying bye to Harry who just grunts without taking his eyes off his computer.

"Any luck with the breaches?" Caitlin asks, walking in just minutes after Barry and Cisco leave.

Harry grunts what Caitlin assumes is a no. She walks over to him and looks over his shoulder at his computer.

"What about you? Any luck?" He asks.

"No. There's nothing in any of those files that give any idea of Zoom's identity." She sighs. "Zoom obviously knows who Barry is and he's been using that against us. I can't help but think if we knew who he is we could turn the tables."

"It's a good idea, Snow" Harry assures her. "But it's not gonna be easy."

She grumbles and lays her head on the desk. Harry looks over at her and lightly chuckles. "Try working backward." He suggests.

She looks up at him, her eyebrows narrow. "What do you mean?"

"Instead of starting at Zoom and trying to figure out something about him, start looking at people who were criminals before the explosion. Find one who fits the profile."

"And if something about them or where they were could've turned them into a speedster." Caitlin finishes, a smile growing on her face. Harry smiles back and nods. She quickly stands up and walks out. "Thanks Harry!" She calls back. He laughs and gets back to work.


Three days pass without anyone really talking. Harry is shut up in Cisco's workshop or his room. Jay has been out and about. Barry and Cisco have been running around. Caitlin has been in her lab for almost 72 hours straight. And Iris and Joe have been visiting Francine to ask about Wally.

Barry walks into Caitlin's lab on Christmas Eve. morning. He jingles a bell by her ear, causing her to wake up and immediately groan at the brightness hitting her eyes.

"Hi." She mumbles, smiling sleepily at him.

He leans down and kisses her forehead. "Hi. Wanna go get some coffee?"

She nods and slowly backs up in the chair. They head to Jitters and sit down for coffee.

"How did Joe take the news?" She asks.

"Not great at first. He needed some time. But he's doing good now. He can't wait to meet him. Based on what little I met him, I think everything will be fine."

"Wally's a good kid. But he can be stubborn. He'll come around." Caitlin assures him.

"What've you been working on?" Barry asks, taking a drink of his coffee.

"Just still trying to figure out the speed thing." She says, not wanting to get his hopes up yet with what she's actually working on. "What about you? You and Cisco have been M.I.A. the last few days."

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