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Finish closing the breaches using Harry and Barry's breach bombs, leaving the last open one in S.T.A.R. Labs to travel to Earth 2, find where Zoom is keeping Jessie, and bring her back. Cisco and Caitlin explain their plan to Jay who wasn't there when it was developed.

"And you trust that Wells will follow through with this?" Jay asks skeptically. Caitlin and Cisco both nod. "I'm not surprised he sold you guys out, but I can't quite get behind all of you trusting him enough to go to Earth 2 with him. How do we know he isn't bringing Barry there just to hand him over?" Jay asks.

"Because it was our idea. And I trust him. He was given a choice and he chose his daughter. That didn't make me trust him any less." Caitlin defends. "He needs our help. He's needed it since he got here, and we haven't delivered."

"We've been trying to stop Zoom." Jay defends.

"Not enough. We've been hesitant since what happened with Barry last time.

"Jay, we're closing the breaches. Permanently." Cisco cuts in. "Which means whichever side you're on when we do, you're gonna be stuck."

"I'm staying here." Jay says quickly. He looks at Caitlin and smiles. "I'm not going anywhere."

Caitlin narrows her eyes and looks down at the table. "Jay," she starts. "I...the Velocity serum."

"Its killing me. I know." Jay says sadly. "I've known for a while."

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've been doing something about it."

"I didn't want the focus on me. I've tried everything, trust me. There's nothing more to be done."

"What if there is?" Caitlin offers. Jay looks curiously at her. "I want to find your doppelganger. Use his healthy cells to replace your dying ones. But...I can't find him anywhere."

Jay chuckles lightly. "Meet me tomorrow. I'll show you."

"Why can't you show me now?" Caitlin asks.

"You'll see. Tomorrow." Jay stands and gives them one final weak smile and walks out.

"I hate waiting." Caitlin pouts. "But I guess I'll need something to do while you guys are gone."

"You're not coming with us?" Cisco asks. "You've been there before."

"Yeah, but Barry needs to go, and you'll be more help to him with tracking Zoom. We need someone back here in case something happens. Jay, Joe, and I can handle it." Caitlin explains.

Caitlin takes a deep breath. "Just um...don't doppelganger, she-"

"Isn't you." Cisco assures her. He gives her a wide exaggerated smile that makes her laugh and they finish their coffee before heading back to S.T.A.R. Labs to get ready to send him, Barry, and Harry off to Earth 2.

"48 hours. After 48 hours, you close this breach. Whether we're back or not." Barry instructs Caitlin, Jay, and Joe.

"Here." Cisco walks up to Caitlin and hands her a folded piece of paper. "If I don't make it back, give this to my family."

"Cisco." Caitlin says, narrowing her eyes at him. "You're coming back."

"Just in case." He says. They hug before he pulls away and turns to the breach, taking a deep breath.

Caitlin walks up to Harry and hugs him. "If we don't come back, thank you for everything, Snow." He says, his smile sad but sincere.

"I'm looking forward to meeting Jessie." Caitlin says, assuring him that he'll be back.

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