Catching Up

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The high-pitched screams of a woman alert the entire bar, causing everyone to stop what they're doing and turn to the entrance to see what the commotion is. Cisco jumps next to Caitlin who grabs onto Barry's arm. He reaches for his bag containing his Flash suit should he need it. They turn with the rest of the crowd to the entrance and see the crowd parting to let something through, bracing themselves for what might emerge. Another shriek comes as the person responsible emerges from the crowd.

"I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Iris yells as she runs up to Caitlin, Barry, and Cisco, attempting to wrap them all in a hug.

The crowd returns to a normal noise level once they realize they aren't in danger. Eddie walks through the crowd a little more inconspicuously than Iris and smiles as he nears the other three. Barry is the first to break free from Iris's hug and he hugs Eddie, followed by Caitlin and Cisco.

Caitlin leans over to Eddie. "Is she drunk already?"

Eddie laughs. "No, just delirious, I think. Our first flight was at five this morning." Caitlin nods.

Eddie wraps his arm around Iris as she places herself back at his side. She looks over and follows Barry's arm that is wrapped around Caitlin's waist. A wide smile appears on her face.

"Caitlin, wanna come get a drink with me?" Iris asks, widening her eyes at her. Caitlin nods and walks over to her and to the bar. Iris pulls her close by her arm. "I see you and Barry finally made up. Why didn't you call me?"

"I don't know. It just kinda happened. Then didn't. Then did again." Caitlin says flatly.

Iris groans. "You two are more dizzying than ten seasons of Ross and Rachel."

Caitlin laughs. "We're not on and off we just...we haven't really defined anything, y'know. So, when we disagree on something, we don't really know how to handle it with each other. But we keep coming back to each other when something bad happens."

"Then, I don't know, maybe defining something would help!" Iris exclaims, smacking Caitlin on the arm. "So, what? You're just, snuggly when you're sad? Or more?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Not, more. We've only kissed, calm down." Caitlin laughs. "He's the romantic, not me. I figured if he wanted us to actually be something and not just...I don't know, find comfort with each other...he would've said something by now."

"Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin." Iris dramatically says, shaking her head and putting her arm around Caitlin's shoulders. "Do we really think Barry seems like the type to make the first move? Or be quick about it? It took him years to admit he had feelings for me. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but you made the first move with him, didn't you?"

"Well, I mean, he did ask me on a date first. I just made the first physical move." Caitlin defends.

"Well at least bring it up then. Don't be too subtle, he's a little oblivious sometimes. But if you don't get on the same page about where you two are, there could be problems." Iris warns.

"Like what?" Caitlin asks. What could go wrong? It's not like she was worried about him pursuing another girl. If anything, she was just worried that he might decide to stop pursuing her. If that's even what he's doing.

"Like, I don't know, a pretty blonde catching his eye and flirting. And poor Barry Allen, doesn't know how to turn people down, he is nice back and doesn't tell her that he's seeing someone because he's not sure what you two are." Iris says as theatrically as possible.

"That was specific." Caitlin narrows her eyes at Iris. "What do you know?"

"Dad's new partner, Patricia,"

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