Anonymous Tip

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"Has anyone seen Harry?" Cisco asks Barry and Joe as they walk into the cortex.

"Not since....uh, no. I haven't seen him." Barry answers. "How're the goggles coming along?"

Cisco turns and glares at him, giving him his answer.

"So where are we at on this?" Joe asks, looking between Barry and Cisco.

"We have a way to Earth 2," Barry points to Cisco, "but no way to save her once we're there. We have an idea with no idea how to execute it. We have a genius who usually comes up with the left-field plan who is nowhere to be found. We have nothing." Barry spits the final sentence. "Two days and nothing."

"At least we know he's not hurting her." Cisco says.

"Have you vibed her again?" Barry asks.

Cisco nods. "Just once. Still nervous about it, but nothing had changed."

"Has anyone checked in with Jessie? Has she heard from Harry?" Joe asks.

"No, she hasn't. She hasn't left the house. With Zoom free to travel between earths, she's been a little on edge." Cisco answers.

"I don't blame her. Can't imagine what spending months locked up in that place would do to a person." Barry says, his voice dark.

"Hey." Cisco walks over to him. "She won't be there for months. We're gonna get her back. Have you gotten any sleep?" Cisco asks, looking Barry's tired face over.

"Some." Barry looks away.

"Have you been home at all?" Joe asks.

"No. I can't be there. Not without her." Barry stands. "Not until she's home." He says to himself before he walks out.

"He's not okay." Joe says to Cisco. "Cisco? Cisco."

Cisco comes to and turns to Joe. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Joe asks.

"Yeah. I gotta get to work." Cisco walks out to his workshop.

Joe sighs.

"Hey, dad. Thought I might find you here." Iris walks in. "What's wrong?" She asks, noticing the discouraged look on his face.

"Harry is M.I.A. and Barry and Cisco are both too worried to think clearly about a way to get her back or stop Zoom." Joe explains.

"Well, then maybe we need a distraction." Iris offers, a smirk on her face.

"I was thinking the same thing. I thought about giving Henry a call. If anyone can talk to Barry about this, it's him." Joe explains. He notices the look on Iris's face. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Oh, just a little something out of Caitlin and I's playbook. A way to get the Flash back out on the streets."

"You think we can get Barry's speed back?" Joe excitedly asks.

"Huh? No. Not a clue." Iris answers. "But I may know a way to distract Barry and who knows...maybe get Zoom's attention enough to come back? But I need to talk to Cisco."

"He's in his workshop. I'll call Henry. You get to work on...whatever the hell it is you're doing."


"You want to what?" Barry asks.

"No, Barry, it's brilliant. We project a hologram of the Flash into Central City and we can trick people right into the cops' hands." Cisco says excitedly.

"How does this help us get Caitlin back?" Barry asks, annoyance clear in his voice. They called him here saying they had something. This wasn't what he expected.

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