Date Night

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"We're out of cereal." Barry whines.

"No. We're out of your cereal." Caitlin smirks at him from the table with her full bowl of cereal. "You're welcome to have some of mine."

Barry glares at her. "Granola is not cereal. I want real stuff."

"Fruit Loops?"

"Yes, Fruit Loops. Lucky Charms. Something with flavor. It's not asking much really." Barry whines. He slumps in the seat next to her, crossing his arms and resting his chin on them while he frowns at her.

"You sound like Cisco." Caitlin laughs.

"I haven't really seen him much lately. I'm filling the gap." He says, smiling at her.

"Well he's been with Kendra almost every night this week."

"Yeah. He even turned down movie night." Barry groans.

"He's in love." Caitlin says.

"So am I. You don't see me ditching movie night." Barry groans. His frown deepens. He reaches across the table and grabs Caitlin's spoon from her bowl and eats a spoonful of her granola.

"Hey!" She slaps his hand while he's putting the spoon back in the bowl. "You don't have to ditch me to have movie night."

"I would." He says tiredly. She raises her eyebrow at him. "I would!" He defends.

"Barry you've stayed the night here every night this week." She points out. "So, no. I don't think you would ditch me for a movie night with Cisco."

"So..." He says, sounding guilty. "I can stay at Joe's some more."

"Barry." Caitlin leans over to kiss him on the cheek. She leans close to his ear. "I love that you stay here." She whispers.

"What if I stayed here all the time?" He hesitantly asks.

Caitlin turns to look at him, considering the idea. "We haven't even been on an actual date." She says lightly.

"Well then, Caitlin Snow." Barry turns to face her and scoots closer, grabbing her hands in his. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asks in a very official voice.

"Where are you taking me?" She asks, smirking at him.

"It's a surprise." He smiles at her. "So, is that a yes?"

She stands up and puts her bowl in the sink and paces the kitchen, humming. She stops in front of him and leans down, touching their noses together. She smiles. "Yes."

Barry stands abruptly, picking Caitlin up as he does. She wraps her legs around his waist and laughs as he carries her into the bedroom. He sits on the bed, her straddling his lap, and pulls her closer by her waist to kiss her. She tangles her fingers in his hair and smiles into the kiss.

"Barry." She says, out of breath. "We're gonna be late for work."

"No." He says, his lips still touching hers. "You're already late. I still have an hour."

Caitlin leans to look at the clock on her nightstand. "Shit." She says, standing off Barry and walking to her closet.

He frowns dramatically but starts laughing at how sloppy she is rushing to try to get ready. She is tossing clothes out of the closet. He walks into her closet to see her standing there in her bra and underwear, staring at a rack of clothes. He walks up behind her and kisses her shoulder.

"You're already late." He whispers.

"You're a bad influence." She jokes.

He smiles but doesn't respond as he kisses higher up her shoulder, making his way to her neck. She closes her eyes and drops her head to the side to give him more access to her neck.

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