Chapter 1: The stranger

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Tails ran through the wreckage on his way back home, avoiding Zombots best he could. "Look all this... Looks horrible..." He thought to himself. He heard Something behind him in the bushes he turned and saw two red eyes looking directly at him... He didn't recognize who it was until he saw the tail... "Tangle... Please don't do this..." He said nervously. Tangle lunged at him! He closed his eyes waiting for the cold embrace of death, instead he saw someone tackle Tangle! "Here! I got you covered!" He heard the hooded figure yell at him as it tossed him a ring. Tails felt a little guilty leaving this person on their own but they seemed to be able to handle it. He threw the ring and teleported to his home. He nearly fainted as he stepped through due to how much he was shooken at just how bad Tangle had been infected. He went to his bedroom and went to sleep. He couldn't sleep well though, he had nightmares about if that person wouldn't have been there to save him...

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