Chapter 6: Mobtropolis

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Arnec and Tangle left for Mobtropolis... The city looked abandoned... Paint on the buildings was faded... The place looked like something from a zombie apocalypse... Ironic. Arnec turned to Tangle "So, we're to get Shadow... What do you know about him?" Arnec asked. Tangle shrugged "Not much... Says he's the ultimate lifeform. Not as much of an egomaniac as you'd expect though... Whisper's squad got wiped by some bots that looked like them though..."
"I'm... Sorry... *Sigh* hurts me a bit just thinking about how it must feel to lose someone you're attached to..."
"Arnec... I know this isn't exactly the best time..."
"What is it?"
"I... I wanted to tell you something..."
"What is it you need to tell me?"
"When we talked... About you being orphaned and all that... You left your journal on your bed... I saw you with it when I walked in and I thought it was just a book... So... I... Read it...." Tangle said looking away, hiding her face... Arnec sat down... "...I'm sorry..." Tangle said apologizing... Arnec smiled a bit "It's... It's okay Tangle... I should've told you what it was... I should've told you I had feelings..."
"So... You wouldn't be the forgiving type would you?" Tangle asked smiling a bit... Arnec turned and smiled back "Why wouldn't I forgive you? You didn't do it intentionally... How many others have read it?."
"Amy and Jewel..."
"So that's why Amy was talking about you having a thing for me... Oh well we've got a job to do..." Arnec said as he got up. He helped Tangle up but before they could do anything Shadow appeared! "Alright, stick right by me... I can't let you get infected..." Arnec said to Tangle quietly. Shadow did the classic lunge... Arnec uppercutted him and jumped into the air to inject him with the tranquilizer... It didn't work... Shadow kept clawing at him, Arnec growled a bit as he threw him back to the ground. Tangle got a few hits in before retreating to cover. This bought Arnec the time he needed to load another canister. Arnec jumped on to Shadow's back and injected it again, this time in his upper torso area. Shadow slowly stopped clawing and growling and fell to the ground... Arnec picked him up and put him on his shoulder "Heavier than Sonic... Probably due to him being infected longer... And actually being fully infected..." Tangle walked up to him "you okay?"
"Just a few marks... No bites or anything..." He pulled out a ring and threw it in front of them, opening a portal. They went through and were back in the lab. Sonic was still out but was on the couch. Arnec put Shadow on the table and went to inject his blood but Tails stopped him "I was able to replicate your blood... It isn't much, and it works slower.... But it'll work..." Tails explained as he handed him a vial. Arnec put it into his gauntlet and injected Shadow... "Does it prevent reinfection?"
"Sadly, no..."
"So not 100% a cure... Regardless I'm amazed... You've had a lot of success..."
"Put me in a lab with proper tools and I can do anything..."
"I can believe that..." Arnec replied smiling. Tangle walked up to him "can we talk... Alone?"
"Uh... yeah sure..." Arnec said as they went to his room. They sat on the bed. "What is it Tangle?"
"This may seem like an odd question but... How old are you?"
"Around 16... Why?"
"Just wondering... I'm 15 by the way... Sorry if it was an intrusive question..."
"You're good... Just not used to telling people my age and stuff..."
"Oh... You know, I never really liked a guy before you? And I mean LIKED liked..."
"Never liked a girl before meeting you... You know how much I love you though..."
"Usually I hate just sitting around... But with you it ain't so boring..."
"Usually I like the peace and quiet... But if you're with me I like the action..." Arnec said as they slowly leaned towards each other... And then Sonic walked through the door "Tangle? Woah, you never told me you had a boyfriend..." Sonic said smiling as he hugged her "... I'm glad to see your alive Tangle..."
"Likewise... Oh and this is Arnec..." Tangle said smiling. Arnec and Sonic shook hands "So... Your blood is like a cure?"
"Similar... Tails is using it to make one... He's had some successes..."
"Well Tails is the smartest person I know... Where are you from?" Sonic asked. Arnec smirked a bit "Spiral hill village, same as Tangle."
"How come we hadn't met before?"
"I hid myself from others... I grew up alone... Didn't have friends or anything..."
"How'd you and her meet?"
"I... I saved her actually..." Arnec said blushing. "It was shortly after I found out about my immunity to the virus..." Arnec continued. Sonic leaned against the wall "How'd you find out?"
"The hard way... Got bit... The Zombot fell back and a part of the metal came off... That was... A week ago I think..."
"Oh... It's good to meet you though... Glad to see Tangle alive and happy... Me and her have fought together for a while... How long was I out though?"
"Before I found you? Amy said at least 3 months... Zombots didn't bother finishing you off I guess... Good thing too."
"You were able to take down Zombot Shadow?"
"With a little help, yes... Without Tangle I probably would have gotten seriously hurt... Or worse... Even in his weakened state he was still a formidable opponent... And he'll be a great ally when he recovers..." Arnec said smiling as he held Tangle's hand, causing both to blush. Tangle smiled "Gotta help those you care about..." Tangle said looking up at Sonic. Sonic smiled "Imma head downstairs and catch up with everyone... Talk to you two later..." Sonic said as he left and closed the door "Later!" Both said as they waved. They laughed a bit at them saying it at the same time. Tangle then threw herself onto Arnec, knocking him into the bed. She climbed over him "So, pretty boy? Who's going to be the cute one and who's the cuddly one?" Tangle asked smiling. Arnec flipped her over "How about both... I can be cuddly... Even if I look like crap."
"Ya look cute to me!" Tangle said grinning as she flipped back over on top of him and kissed him, causing Arnec to blush a bit. They continued flipping each other over for a little bit before they rolled off the bed and tumbled into the floor. Tangle slowly tangled Her legs with his and wrapped her arms around his neck and started to kiss him again... And then the door opened... It was Whisper this time and she was taken by complete surprise when she saw them... She leaned against the wall and messed with her mask a bit before finally poking Tangle's tail, much to Tangle's shock. She jumped into the air and was caught by Arnec... Both blushed at the sudden chain of events. Whisper smiled a bit "Tangle? Guess you're okay then... Went to check on you and..."
"Yeah... You might as well make an announcement that we're a thing now..."
"I will later... But uh... Could we talk in private?"
"I'll be downstairs if you need me..." Arnec said as he shut the door and headed downstairs. He decided to lay down on the couch and get some rest...

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