Chapter 25A: Devil Trigger

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The two quickly rushed outside. The dragon reared back, revealing several battleship cannons on it's upper thighs and under it's wings, alongside various other weapons. It roared as other giant machines joined him. Egg hammers, egg scarabs, egg eagles and more! (All the Rush bosses essentially, save for the egg Libra, egg king and egg salamander. Also, did I mention that there's more than one of each?)
"Now... You will all kneel before the power... Of Exscelus!" Egmman Nega yelled on a loudspeaker. Arnec smiled as he started to have a red glowing outline, more noticeable this time "Little family secret... We have something called a 'devil trigger' and with it... I gain immense power... And you done pulled the trigger... So... Hide behind your pathetic machines! Unlike the other, you'll feel my true power! Now... Let's dance!" He yelled drawing his sword.

(Song is a metal version of "Zero" from Ace Combat Zero. One of my favorite boss themes. Normal is under it.)

(Normal ver.)

Arnec charged at the robotic dragon, sword drawn. The dragon fired it's 3 barrel shoulder cannon. Arnec dodged it and did a blade dash into the dragon's leg, slicing off one of the leg cannons. It jumped back and roared."You even trying?" Arnec chuckled. One of the egg eagles went to peck on him but he grabbed it's beak and twisted it's head off, throwing it at one of the egg hammers and blowing it up "Guess it's a twist off!" He yelled, chuckling. Exscelus got on all fours and a railgun formed between it's wings. Arnec heard a female A.I. voice "Engaging target." It said as the railgun fired. It barely missed as Arnec did a backflip over the railgun shell. An egg scarab appeared and attempted to throw it's spiky ball at Arnec but he sliced it in half "oops, did I do that?" He said chuckling as he stabbed the egg scarab in the midsection and lifted it with his sword "Heh, it's a shishkebab!" (Is it one word? My grammer is off today and I remember it being one word but google says it's two.)
Arnec slung the egg scarab into the distance and turned his attention to Exscelus. "Re-engaging." It said as it fired, narrowly missing the wolf who had just strangled one of the Egg hammers. Sonic dodged one of the egg hammers "Ugh, it's not like we have the chaos emeralds!" He groaned. He then heard Blaze "no... But I had the Sol emeralds just for this!"
"When did you get those?!"
"I've had them... Just in case Eggman Nega showed up..."
"Well if you're wanting to have fun better hurry before Arnec steals all the glory." Sonic said as he did a spin dash through the Egg hammer's cockpit. Blaze chuckled before transforming into Burning Blaze. She flew next to Arnec as he sliced an egg eagle in half "Arnec! Need some help?" She asked as she incinerated an egg Scarab before kicking it, causing it to explode. An egg hammer went to crush her but she punched it so hard it flew up like a ragdoll. She levitated in the air and tried to find Exscelus. Arnec smirked as he continued dodging railgun shots "Alright! Bout time someone wanted to have some fun too!"
"Arnec? Just how crazy are you?"
"Me? I dunno... Wanna help me take care of this dragon dude? So... Crazy I guess?"
"Let's go. I think he's having enough fun trying to blast you."
"Probably... Alright, how we doing this?"
"We could charge in."
"I like a bit more strategy with my strategy."
"Then what do you think?"
"We'll slice both it's wings off then punch it so hard it starts doing flips!"
"You sure?"
"If you don't want me to steal the glory."
"Alright... Ready?"
"Please... Don't ever say that, like ever again."
"Wait... Can you even fly in that form?"
"Wouldn't be much of a super form without that ability. So... Yeah... Just not for long." Arnec said as he levitated by Blaze. They nodded and flew straight at Exscelus. It roared and fired more railgun rounds, of course missing. They both flew in an X shape by each other and sheered the wings off of Exscelus. It aimed one of it's shoulder cannons at Blaze who spun and launched a fireball, melting it. Arnec did a blade-dash and sliced the other shoulder cannon off. Exscelus still had the railgun though and finally managed to land a shot on Arnec, launching him backwards into a building. "Ow... That didn't feel good..." He said as he got up. He checked his pocket to make sure the cure was safe, which it was. He got onto the radio "Tails, me and Blaze are going to finish this guy... You take the cure and release it using the tower. Got it?"
"Yeah, but there's a robot dragon with a giant railgun you know?"
"Which is why I'm tossing it at you."
"Fine. I'll hand it to you."
Tails and the Hyper-Tornado flew by Arnec with the canopy open and Arnec handed him the vial with the cure. Exscelus turned his attention to Tails and readied the railgun. Arnec noticed "Tails, he's got a bead on you!"
"Yeah, I know... I'm going to try and shake him." He said as he banked to the left. Exscelus fired it's railgun and the shell grazed the right wing of the Hyper-Tornado, leaving a deep scratch and smoke coming off the wing. "I'm hit but still flying!"
"That's good buddy! Now, Blaze... Let's finish this guy off!" He said, levitating by Blaze. She nodded and they flew straight at Exscelus. It raised it's rear and lowered it's front, it opened it's mouth and launched a laser at Arnec! He spun around it and felt the laser's heat on his face. He and Blaze flew together at it and punched under it's front armpit areas, lifting it. They flew up with Exscelus trying to break free. They could feel them exiting the atmosphere and entering space... They couldn't hear anything but their own thoughts. They looked at each other and and nodded before swinging Exscelus around and towards the sun! Right after they threw him though, he activated some rocket boosters on his back... Almost as if he'd anticipated being in space. They looked at each other again and smiled before flying straight at Exscelus, they twirled around each other, a red and orange streak, and hit Exscelus at the same time. It flew back and pieces could be seen flying off it's back. As it flew towards the sun it fired one last round before it went into the sun with a loud roar. Arnec didn't hear that the railgun fired and looked at Blaze. He smiled before it struck him, hurtling towards Mobius at high speed. Tails had landed and was about to insert the cure into the atmosphere using a console. He looked over and saw Arnec crash. "Arnec? You okay?!" He asked running up to him.
"You wanna do the honors?" He asked. Arnec smiled and shook his head as the Devil Trigger faded. "You sure?"
"Go on Tails... Save the world..." Arnec said as he got onto his hands and knees. He looked at Tails "Go buddy!"
"Ok..." Tails replied as he ran up to the console. He inserted the cure and typed on the console "Only Eggman would have his password as password." He mumbled to himself. A beam shot out of the tower and into the sky... What looked like snow began to fall. Everyone still on the battlefield watched as the Zombots slowly turned into their normal selves while the robots shut down... Arnec smiled before passing out. Tangle and Sonic ran up to him and Tails
"Is he ok?" Sonic asked. Tails smiled and nodded. Tangle picked Arnec up and put him over her shoulder. Sonic smiled as he looked at everyone down at ground level "Well... It's over... Let's go celebrate!" He yelled as him, Tangle and Tails stood next to one another....

A/N: If you read this when it was originally posted, you may remember I had two endings. Yeah, I cut them. Sequels are as of now, canceled. I didn't have the motivation and it just wasn't shaping up. I'll still have them up, alongside the alt endings.

<old endings>
A/N: Okay, there's two endings, each setting up a different sequel. Ending 1's sequel/s are insane and full of plot twists but gets in-universe retconned. (It's hard to explain.) While ending 2 is the "canon" ending and it's sequel/s are not as insane but are still pretty cool (Well, in my opinion.). Also, yes, b version is still happening while I'm writing the sequels to this. I'm going to be very busy... Oh well, here's the 2 endings...

Ending 1: Arnec smiled before passing out. Tails went to grab him but was stopped by Razgriz "I'll get him... And Medic... Go and celebrate why don't ya?" He said. Tails gave him a skeptical look but left. Razgriz looked down at his brother "Alright... You helped me out, so I'm helping you..." He said before picking him up and walking away towards where Medic was and blasted the rubble away before sneaking away... (Sequel to this is Sonic: Future war. Should be up.)

Ending 2: Arnec smiled before passing out. Tails picked him up and struggled to hold him. Blaze landed by him "Allow me Tails... Also, keep some soldiers here, to protect Medic until we can get him out from under the rubble."
"Okay... Thanks Blaze..." Tails said before hopping back in the Hyper-Tornado and flying over the resistance, watching as everyone was reunited... (Sequel to this is Sonic: Left behind, should be up.)

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