Chapter 22A: The battle

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Everyone charged down the ridge. They saw the bots and Zombots swarming the tower. Tails preformed airstrikes using the missiles on the Hyper-Tornado to wipe out as many as possible. They saw Silver and Whisper fighting together, Whisper using a cube wisp to smack a bot's head clean off. Rouge and Shadow doing the same with Omega using his guns to obliterate everything around them. The battle was looking good. But Sonic thought it could be better. Sonic and Arnec looked at each other
"Arnec, you ready?"
"Of course..."
"Then how about a double boost?"
"How you do it?"
"Just a little fist bump..." Sonic replied. Tangle ran beside of them "How about we make it triple?" She asked smiling. Arnec looked at Sonic and they nodded.
Energy circulated around the three as they got ready and activated the triple boost

For a second they floated in the air before going super fast. The three of them sped through the robots and Zombots, Tangle occasionally doing a backflip, smacking whatever's in front of her with her tail. Arnec twirling sideways while slicing robots in half with his sword. Sonic doing spindashes and airdashes. Imperial Tower was in sight, as was victory. Then Tails got onto the radio "So... We have an issue...." He said worried. The three found cover while Sonic got onto comms "What do you mean?"
"Well, when me and Dr. Starline separated Zero from the Phantom ruby... It cloned him and so Infinite is there! Also... Arnec, he's there too!"
Arnec got onto comms with them "Well, time we have some fun then! I'll take care of him. Sonic, can you handle ole Infy?"
"Can I? You are talking to Sonic the hedgehog!" Sonic yelled as he spundash a bot to pieces. Arnec chuckled
"I'll take that as a yes then... Tangle, stay here, I want to do this... Alone..."
"You sure?" Tangle asked. Arnec sighed
"Yes... I said what happened to me would never happen to anyone else... So help the others... Me and Sonic will handle Eggman's pawns."
"Ok... If you're sure..." Tangle said, little bit of sadness in her tone. Arnec smiled
"I won't be gone forever Princess... But... One kiss before I go?" He asked smiling. Tangle smiled and quickly kissed him. Arnec smiled "Think I just won because of you... Now, Sonic!"
"Let's go... Tails, where's he at?"
"Ship hangar next to the bottom. Infinite's the base near the tower."
"Copy... Alright... Let's go!" Arnec yelled as him and Sonic split up.

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