Chapter 14B: Everyone's here!

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A/N: Yeah, I mean everyone! There's even some references to my other fanfictions! Probably over stuffed it but whatever... Next chapter is gonna be a banger! And it won't take me two weeks to write! Hopefully... That's a big hopefully...

The next day Eternal was speaking with Darkstrive, who had just narrowed his eyes at what Eternal just said "I dunno... You know how crazy he is..." The red and black wolf answered to whatever Eternal had asked. Eternal smiled
"Exactly... Overwhelm him!"
"We don't have the numbers Eternal!"
"We got enough Guardians..."
"Need more than a couple X-factors and a demon to help them..."
"You're not a demon..."
"I'm a half-breed then!" Darkstrive nearly yelled. Eternal smiled as he out his hand on Darkstrive's shoulder
"No... Darkstrive... You're yourself! Just because your mother was one of... Them... Doesn't mean you are..." Eternal said happily. Darkstrive turned around and face palmed "Oh what is this... Eternal's magic words of wisdom? What's next, therapy?"
"We're all gonna need it after this..." Eternal mumbled as he crossed his arms and turned his head. Cyclone and Hurricane, a yellow hedgehog and a red falcon respectively, spoke to each other as the other two argued. "Cyclone, what do you think of all this?"
"I get that it's necessary... But wish we didn't have to fight..."
"Still preaching about that peace stuff?"
"Hurricane, war tore our dimension apart!"
"Yeah? War happens..."
"...Listen, I'm no poet, so I have no clue what to tell you... War is war... All there is to it."
"You still trying to beat Eternal?" Cyclone asked, changing the subject. Hurricane chuckled "Yeah..."
"It work?"
"No... I can get better though... One day, I'll do it!"
"What do you know about Stealth? I heard he's new..." Cyclone asked. Hurricane looked down at his extreme gear
"Him? Don't know much... Dude's like a shadow... Shrubs is kinda new too..."
"And... Fistfight?"
"You don't know him?! He was part of Eternal's old crew back in the day!"
"Him, Timestreak and Fistfight!"
"I don't remember that... Oh well, I gu-"
Timestreak suddenly appeared from a portal. Eternal spun around
"Where have you been!?"
"Traveling dimensions, I-"
"Timestreak, traveling across dimensions has consequences!" Eternal yelled, annoyed. Timestreak shrugged "Well, without me, you wouldn't have all these people willing to fight!" He said smirking. Arnec looked out the window and saw masses of people and even some fighter jets... Eternal then then heard them on the radio (here's what took me forever...)
"Diamond Cutters, on standby!"
"Desert Raiders, reporting!"
"Vents de liberté, on standby..." One of the voices said, sounding a lot like Arnec.
"Aces of Razgriz, on standby."
"Mighty and Ray, we're here!"
"Punisher squad, we're ready!" Another that sounded like Arnec?
"Secret Freedom Fighters, reporting!"
"Diamond Dogs, on the ready!"
"Secret Freedom Fighters, we're ready!"
"Fireteam Sentinel on standby..."
"Julie-su... Need a hand?"
"This is the Akasashan 66th squadron, callsign Galm... Here to help..."
"Shijin warriors... Let's not take too long..."
"Team Chaotix, let's get going!"
"Shade here...."
"Bomb and heavy... Ready to go..."
"Excalibur Sonic, my knights are on the ready!"
"Sonic underground, ready to rock!"
"Shadow here... Where's that damn 4th chaos emerald?"
"E-102 GAMMA... Systems online..."
And many, many more! Eternal couldn't believe it... He didn't know that Timestreak had brought literally everyone. He looked at Darkstrive "What do you think about our odds now?"
"Stand a lot better chance... But no matter how many we bring, this battle will be long... And most likely pretty ugly too..."
"I know... Lighten up a bit, would ya?" Eternal said with a slight smile. Darkstrive smirked and rolled his eyes. Eternal looked at everyone outside and turned on his walkie talkie that was connected to everyone "If you can hear me... My name is Eternal... I'm a guardian. Now, whatever background you come from doesn't matter. Because today you're all fighting for the same cause. Scrapman is an enemy far deadlier than Eggman in his dreams... An enemy that must be stopped. For far too long, me and my friends have allowed him to remain... But no longer! No longer will we hold back! No longer, will he plauge all of us with his senseless violence... No... Today he will fall... Today, his armies will be crushed to dust! Today... Is a new day! For all of us! No matter what dimension you're from! Rather it be Archie, IDW, Agris, Aces, whatever! We all, deep down, fight for the same thing... And we're here for the same reasons... So, here we all are, with a fire in our hearts! Let's give him the fight he so desires! Now... Let's go!" Eternal yelled as he hung up. He looked at Arnec "I hope you are ready..."
"Don't worry... I'm ready!"
"Good... All of your alternate dimension versions are too it seems... Let us go..." Eternal said before walking out, others in tail. That's when he saw the sheer size of the army... He smiled... It was time...

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