Chapter 4: Tangled

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Arnec sat down. He thought about what he wanted to do... That's when Tangle walked in. She sat beside Arnec and got close to him... Arnec got a little nervous "T-tangle.. Is there... Is there something you need?"
"My... My fur... I feel like there might be some metal flakes left... Could you see if they're any?"
"Shouldn't be... Want me to check?"
"I'd like that... My arm first..."
"O-ok..." Arnec said nervously as he ran his hand through her fur on her arms... Tangle blushed a little... As did Arnec "Y-you're fine... There's... there's nothing wrong with your arms... That it?"
"Well my cheek feels itchy..." She said as she grabbed Arnec's hand and put it on her cheek and rubbed her cheek against it... But the she accidently purred! Arnec blushed red enough that she noticed. Tangle smiled and blushed too
"What is it?"
Tangle's tail slowly slid around Arnec while he was distracted... "Like something you see Arnec?"
"Awww... I thought you liked me?"
"I... I do..."
"Oh You do?"
"Dang it... You got me..."
"Hehe." Tangle giggled as she yanked Arnec towards her so they touched noses... Arnec blushed cherry red... "Tangle's smile is so cute..." He thought to himself... Tangle leaned in as if to kiss him... But it was interrupted by somebody. "Told ya Arnec, you done got tangled up!" Amy said as she walked in smiling...
"We're... We're not a thing!" He said sweating... Tangle smiled "Not yet... Pretty boy..." She said as she leaned in and kissed him! Arnec blushed but closed his eyes... As did Tangle... Arnec was glad he couldn't move... Tangle pulled him out... Arnec had a goofy smile on his face which made Amy laugh "His first kiss... How's it feel Arnec?" Amy asked. Arnec wasn't paying attention. Tangle laughed "must be pretty good... He's speechless! Might have to give him another..." She said as she stuck out her tounge playfully. Arnec sat there as Tangle connected her lips with his... And then he fainted... Amy laughed "Yep... He liked it... When Sonic gets up I might have to do that to him..."
"Think he'll faint?"
"Not if I do it..."
"What ever you say Ames..." Tangle said laughing. Amy left the room. Tangle rolled up Arnec's sleeve and rubbed the exposed fur... "Wow... His fur... It's so soft... Might just... Just..." She couldn't finish her sentence before she fell asleep on top of him...

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