Chapter 10A: Bloodlines

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A/N: In this chapter Razgriz is introduced. Who is Razgriz? Well... I'm not just gonna spoil it am I? (I mean considering the chapter name I've already spoiled something!) Oh well, Header image is what he looks like.

The next evening Arnec and Tangle were out looking for survivors but everywhere was more desolate and empty than usual... Suddenly Arnec found a drop of blood on the ground. He pulled his knife out and knelt down. He scraped the blood onto his knife and slide it across the scanner... His arm with the knife went to his side as he stood up... Tangle looked over at him. The knife fell out of his hand and he froze "Arnec? What's wrong?"
"This blood... It's almost identical to mine."
"What do you mean?"
"Like someone related to me..." He typed on his Mini-computer "Razgriz..." Arnec said to himself in shock... Tangle looked over his shoulder at the screen and sure enough that's exactly what it said, a wolf named Razgriz. It looked identical to him except his fur was black with gold accents instead of white and black like Arnec's. "Well where is he?" She asked. Arnec sighed "East... But Tangle... I need to tell you something..."
Tangle walked in front of him "What is it?"
"I... said I was orphaned... But I didn't tell you everything... I was around 5... I watched as a mugger killed my parents and left me and my twin brother..."
Tangle stood there, mouth agape "You had a brother?"
"Yeah... I never could remember his name though... I took what little stuff we had and moved into an abandoned house in the village... But..." Arnec had a tear from each eye go down his cheeks "...He was gone the next day... I have no clue what happened... Except that I failed... I couldn't even protect my own brother... I went up to a wall and punched it as hard as I could..." Arnec took off his right glove, revealing a taped up hand. He unwrapped it, revealing a hand with several scars and bruises. He sighed again "...It stung... hurt... I kept on everyday... Hitting that wall until I could no longer feel the pain... To survive day to day I would take scraps that people would throw out... Until I was around 8... Then... Someone was leaving food right outside my home... Like someone was trying to help me... They'd leave everything... Clothes, water, food, even some books... A new book every two weeks... And in perfect condition... That's how I got my coat..." he taped his hand back and put his glove back on "...One the few things I had that was truly mine was my honor... That's why I have a strict no-kill policy... Also I don't believe in cheating... For it would stain my honor..." A small smile formed on his face "...Also... I wasn't completely alone... When I was 12 I made my first friend... He was a wolf, blue fur... He had different colored eyes... One blue, one yellow... He helped me out one day when i was fightin some animals... I asked him his name and he said he didn't have one... So I gave him the nickname 'Medic' and it stuck... Sadly he went missing when the virus started..." His straight face slowly formed a smile "...You know, One of the reasons I love you Tangle is that you bring happiness to whomever you meet... You've brought me happiness... A purpose..." He said smiling... Tangle blushed but didn't say anything. Arnec looked away and got up "...Well... We might as well find this guy..."
Arnec heard Sonic on the comms "Hey, Arnec, we could use your help at Park avenue! It's Infinite!"
"Copy, Tangle let's go!" He said as he fired his grappling hook at a building. He opened his arms and Tangle held onto him as they swung building to building. Tangle gripped onto him tightly, causing a blush to form on Arnec's face, but a grin on Tangle's... Eventually they made it. Sure enough there were Zombots alongside Infinite... And that wolf was there... He looked exactly like Arnec except his fur was black and gold. Sonic got on comms "Me and Amy met this cool dude... His name's Razgriz!" They suddenly heard Razgriz on comms... He had a heavy (Australian) accent "Oi! I'll help ya the best I can!" Arnec and Tangle joined the fight. Razgriz looked over at Arnec and smiled "...Took you long enough... But now's not the time for reunions!"
Infinite had a red glow on his fist "I will use the full power of this to rip you apart atom by atom!" He yelled as he charged at Razgriz. Razgriz shrugged "All that for a punch?" He said chuckling. Infinite punched him, causing him to slide over 20 yards! Razgriz got up and groaned before he smiled. Infinite's single visible eye expanded with shock "WHAT!?"
"All right mate... Bout time you brought some muscle to the tussle!" Razgriz said chuckling as he popped his neck and rolled his shoulder. Arnec watched as he loaded a canister into his glove... Razgriz jumped beside of Infinite. Infinite laughed
"Ha! You missed you pathetic weakling!"
"Sorry mate, I don't miss..." Razgriz said with a toothy smile as he punched the ground, causing an explosion, Razgriz was using a burst wisp! Infinite was knocked back and Sonic gave him a spin dash, knocking him out while Arnec and Tangle covered them from the Zombots. Infinite slowly got up "Ugh... This isn't over..."
"You bloody dummy, tell the doctor his times come too!"
"You think I'm working with him? you're pathetic..."
"Well, from my point of view... You looked pretty... Oh, how do I put this?" Razgriz got a smile on his face "...W E A K..."
"What did you call me!?" Infinite asked yelling. Razgriz laughed "I didn't stutter!"
"Call me that one more time and I'll... I'll..."
"Keep on a stutterin!" Infinite growled before he fled. Sonic cleaned up the stragglers, him and Razgriz stood back to back. Amy ran towards Sonic "Sonic! Oh Sonic!" She yelled as she held her arms out and her eyes were closed. Sonic jumped out of the way so Amy hugged Razgriz instead "Oh, Sonikku... I thought you'd injured yourself!" Amy said still not realizing it wasn't her Sonikku. Razgriz smiled "Oi, not mucha the hugs type... Prefer kisses personally..." He said in his thick accent. Amy opened her eyes and shoved him off
"I'm so sorry!" She said before smacking him. Razgriz chuckled "Feisty... How I like my women!" He said rubbing the hand mark. Sonic ran up to Amy. Arnec and Tangle standing beside of him
"Sorry Ames." Sonic said smiling as he shrugged. Amy looked away, crossing her arms "you're not sorry!"
"Not my fault you have an obsession."
"I do NOT! And don't you ever say that again, Sonic T. hedgehog!"
"Oh really? I'll prove you have one." Sonic said as he put his hand on Tangle's shoulder. "...Hey girl..." He said jokingly. Amy pulled her hammer out "get your hands off my Sonikku!" To which Sonic started laughing "Told you!"
"Sonic, why you little...!" Amy yelled as she started chasing him, hammer in hand. Sonic would stop every few seconds and do a Taunting butt-wiggle before yelling "You're too slow!" Which would infuriate Amy even more. Arnec snickered a little while Tangle hid her laughter. Razgriz walked up to Arnec and gave him a handshake "Been too long mate!"
Arnec smiled as he went to hug his long lost brother... "...Uh... No." Razgriz said smiling. Arnec wasn't taking no for an answer though and made a smirk while making puppy eyes, causing Razgriz to roll his own eyes "... mate I've already said I'm not a hugger so stop."
He chuckled "...I'm kidding, bring it in!" He said as he hugged Arnec. "... Now, who's the pretty lady?"
"Uh... My girlfriend so don't go thinking of trying anything!"
"Hey, hey, hey... If the ladies like the accent they like the accent... Now I need somewhere to lie my head..."
"There is my house."
"You still got it? After this mess I wouldnta' thought that it'd be a standin...."
"Oh well it is... Did some interior decorating..."
"Wonder how miss November looks." Razgriz said chuckling. Arnec looked at him with a confused look "What?"
"You know on those calenders they have-"
"I think we get it..."
"You're boring."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah... You never told me her name..."
Arnec smirked as he rolled his eyes "Tangle..." He mumbled. Razgriz crossed his arms "Mate, if you can hardly tell me her name then I might just-"
"She's mine not yours!"
"Hehehehehe... Made you yell."
"Let's just go home." Arnec said crossing his arms. He let one down to his side and Tangle quickly latched on, causing Arnec to blush. Razgriz smiled "Somebody's embarrassed that a girl's holding his hand!"
"Bruh! Are you trying to get on my nerves?"
"Just trying to be a brother..."
Arnec chuckled "Well you're definitely being the annoying little brother!"
"I'm just funny... Unlike you, you uncultured swine!"
"You take that back!"
"YoU tAkE ThAt bAcK!!!"
"Quit mocking me!"
"qUiT mOcKiNg mE!!!"
Arnec let go of Tangle's hand and pounced on Razgriz, giving him a noogie. Razgriz rolled over and kicked him off (literally) with Arnec doing a backflip and landing on his feet. Razgriz went to tackle him but Arnec spun out of the way. Razgriz tried again and Arnec caught him. The two of the wrestled for a bit before Tangle wrapped her arms around Arnec and separated him from Razgriz with her tail. Razgriz chuckled "Had to have the lady break us up? Nice mate!"
"Bloody shut up!" Arnec yelled with an accent "Oh now look who's got an accent! Mine sounds better though..."
"Why does it matter?"
"Chicks dig accents..."
"Really? Where's your girl then?" Arnec asked smiling. Razgriz blushed "Uh... Not here right now!"
"Or she doesn't exist, because you annoy every girl you meet!"
"You're lucky she's holding me back..."
Tangle smirked "You two dorks don't shaddup I'll make you hug it out."
"Aw heck naw!" Both yelled. Tangle looked over and saw Amy still chasing Sonic, him still doing the butt-wiggle every once in a while. She looked at the two wolves
"Now... Hug it out."
"I'm not bloody hugging him!" Razgriz yelled with a voice crack. "What? You already did it once." Tangle asked. Razgriz rolled his eyes while smiling
"He wasn't a boring bloke then."
"Well he's your brother."
"I thought you were his girlfriend not our mother!"
"Shut up."
Razgriz made a sad little wimper as Tangle released him and Arnec. Arnec smiled "Come on." He said hugging him. After finally calming Amy down they went home. Razgriz made himself comfortable on the loveseat while Arnec and Tangle went upstairs. Arnec smirked as they sat down on the bed "I didn't think he'd be that annoying..."
"He's the opposite of you. Guess that's how some twins are..."
"How'd he have wisp powers?"
"I don't Arnec... But my tail knows it needs some love... Just like you, Pretty boy..." Tangle said as she pushed Arnec back and climbed onto him. "Now... I'm going to sleep."
"Well... I thought it'd be more than that. Oh well..." Arnec said yawning as Tangle was asleep on top of him. He grabbed the cover and covered the two of them before falling asleep...

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