Chapter 12B: Back in time

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Timestreak sat there by the museum "Well, might as well get this over with..." He said to himself. He crossed his arms in an X and disappeared. He then reappeared, but things were different, he was in Spiral Hill village, when the virus started...
"One year ago... Let's see here..." he said to himself as he looked over at a house identical to Arnec's...  He saw two wolves, one being light gray and having teal eyes, the other... Blue... They appeared to be around 15. He watched from on top of a hill
"Come on Medic! Don't be like that!" The gray one yelled, annoyed. The blue one groaned "I'm serious! You could get hurt!"
"I won't get hurt!"
"You said that 3 days ago! You know how dangerous the world is Arnec!?"
"Oh, my parents weren't murdered, and my twin brother stolen! So no, I think it's all rainbows and fluffy fureaking unicorns!"
"Huff... You always bring that up!"
"Well, you're the one who always assumed things! You can't do that, how you supposed to have friends!"
"I'll go out and find some supplies..." Medic grumbled before leaving. Timestreak watched from the shadows and chuckled
"Teenage angst to the max! Can't believe they're the same person..." He said to himself... After a while of watching he followed the blue wolf, Medic. He followed him stealthily to a far away and long abandoned factory... Medic sat down "Arnec has to learn... Learn that he can't just go around like he's invincible! Wait... What the heck is that!?" He said before spinning around. At least 20 Zombots limped towards him. Medic smirked as he loaded two pistols "Yell at Arnec for acting all cool and stuff, and I do it myself... Sigh." He then shot 4 of them, knocking them out... A tranquilizer pistol... Medic then shot  6 of them before hearing a sound he dreaded... Click, click... He scrambled for a magazine but found none. He looked at the Zombots that slowly came for him
"Arnec... Forgive me..."
Timestreak went to do something but Eternal's words echoed. He hesitated "I'm not just gonna let you die, paradox or not!" He said before jumping in front of Medic. He swiftly took out the Zombots, less than 3 seconds in fact, and helped Medic up.
"You okay kid?"
"Y-yeah... Who are you?"
"Can't tell you, but you need to come with me!"
"What, where!?"
"Well, that'd spoil the surprise now wouldn't it?" Timestreak asked, chuckling. Medic then looked down "What about Arnec?"
"He'll be safe... Trust me."
"How can I!?"
"Hey, pipe down... I just saved you, so you owe me, that's why!"
"Where are we-" before Medic could finish Timestreak grabbed him and both had disappeared... They landed in a new area, looked like Green Hill, except clean... Timestreak thought to himself "He said nothing about traveling to other dimensions... And plus, Medic helps us, we return him..." Medic then sat down "Where... Are we?"
"Genesis dimension... There's some others... Dreamcast... Archie... Ladadada..."
"What are we doing here?"
"Me and you... Are about to get to work!" Timestreak said, grabbing Medic and running off...

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