Chapter 13B: Invasion

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Eternal woke up and noticed that Timestreak still wasn't back
"He should have been back a long time ago... Unless he... he's traveling different dimensions isn't he!? Ugh..." Eternal grumbled to himself. He then looked over and saw a cup of water, the water rippling... He then felt the house shake! "The heck!?" He said to himself before heading outside. He looked up and saw a portal, dumping some kind of demons onto the ground... He saw Arnec holding his own against several, with a new sword to match his new fighting style. Eternal decided to join the fun, blasting several with different elemental powers. He then felt a familiar energy and that's when he realized...
"Scrapman is behind this..." He said to himself. Arnec looked over at him
"How can you tell?"
"Their minds... I can see him in them..."
"What do we do?"
"Hold them off... Find the source..."
"Can do!"
After a few minutes of fighting they drive the invaders away. They got a second to breath before a giant snakelike demon came out of the ground (picture below is similar to what I thought it was going to look like...)

It turned towards the heros, exposing an ugly head

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It turned towards the heros, exposing an ugly head. It then spoke in a demonic low voice. "I... Am... Final Doom..."
Arnec smirked "Final Doom? Well... What's next, Ultimate Doom? Black Doom? Demon Doom?"
Shadow then whispered into his ear "Uhh... Black and Demon Dooms are real things..."
Eternal then stepped forward "It don't matter who you are, you're threatening this planet and as Guardian, I can't allow that!"
"Words... That is all you have for strength... All of you shall perish..." Final Doom said, his maw slowly opening and shooting flames at Eternal. Eternal dodged it and scooted back. Suddenly a portal opened and two people came out of it, a pink wolf and a purple cat. Eternal turned
"Katie!? Solar? What are you two doing here!? Why aren't you in the Guardian dimension!?"
Katie smirked "Come on, don't you think us ladies like to have fun too?" Katie said smiling as she pulled out what appeared to be just a metal staff. She flicked it and a large bright blue energy blade came out in the shape of an axe. Solar formed fireballs from her hands, them glowing blue from the intensity of the heat. Eternal, Katie, and Solar stood side to side, weapons and powers ready. Final Doom made a demonic laugh as he breathed fire into the air
(Song is Subhuman from DmC V)

Eternal turned to the others "Stay back, let us do our thing!"
"I'll evacuate everyone!" Arnec responded, turning to the others "...Well, you heard him, Let's get out of here!" Arnec yelled before leading everyone out. The three guardians faced the beast. Eternal and Solar flew up to it while Katie stayed on the ground. Eternal launched a bolt of lightning at the beast, doing little. Solar launched some jets of flames at the monster's "face", also doing little. Katie slung her axe at it, giving it a clean slice before the axe flew back to her hands. The demon went for her but missed. She held the axe back until lightning came off and the blade glowed crimson red. She jumped and struck the beast, the blade digging into it's jaw. It threw her up into the air and went to chomp her but Eternal punched the beast. It turned and went to launch more fireballs, at Solar this time. "We need a plan!" Solar yelled, dodging one of the fireballs launched at her. Katie smiled as she landed "Distract him, I got something!"
"You heard her, let's get going!" Eternal said, smiling. Solar fired some fireballs and distracted it. Eternal went to fly up but Katie yelled his name
"What?" He asked, turning to her. Katie smiled as she rested the axe on her shoulder "Throw me!"
"Trust me..."
Eternal sighed before grabbing Katie and tossing her at the beast. "Mind if I... Cut in?" Katie said before charging her axe up and slicing part of Final Doom's throat. Eternal flew up and grabbed Final Doom by his throat where Katie had made the cut, ripping it open enough to go in. He shimmied (heh, funny sounding word) his way in and Arnec watched as Final Doom's body seized up and jerked violently to each side. There was something shining inside of the beast when suddenly it was split in half! Eternal hovered in the air, his arms spread to the side. Katie looked up and noticed that with the way the sun was up, it looked like there was a halo around Eternal. She smiled as he landed. Eternal smiled back "Thanks for the help... Didn't think it would go that well..."
"You should let us have fun more often! Just waiting on Fistfight and Darkstrive. should arrive sometime in the next 12 hours."
"Bringing everyone here, aren't we?"
"Scrapman is also here..."
"Wait what!?"
"In fact, we chased him here. We know where he is though..."
"One final effort is all that remains..." Solar told Eternal. Eternal stroked his chin, a smile growing on his face "Alright... We'll wait till we're all together... What about Molly and Dagger? Are they coming?"
"They'll be arriving with Darkstrive and Fistfight."
"Alright! And we've made some friends here too... So, tommorow is the day... The day we finally stop Scrapman and his madness."
"And we'll be with ya the entire way!" Katie said smiling as she put her hand on his shoulder while rubbing her own against his.
Eternal felt a blush form and swiftly looked away, causing Katie to laugh a little while Solar snickered. Arnec and the others returned, with Arnec holding his hand out "Thanks, that fight... That woulda beat the crap outta me..." Arnec said, shaking his hand. Eternal nodded "I'm glad to assist... I had help however. Arnec, everyone else... Meet Katie and Solar, both are close to me, especially one in particular..." He said, looking at Katie. Katie smiled and laughed a little again. Solar smirked and looked away, shaking her head and smiling. "...And I have more on the way apparently, even I was uninformed of their coming."
"More of you guys, the better! So, when we taking down that crazy doctor? In fact, both of the crazy doctors!"
"Ah, I had forgotten about Eggman... He'll get what's coming... But for now, we need to prepare ourselves for the coming battle." Eternal stated, looking around. Everyone nodded and things got back to normal... Except there was now a giant demon snake corpse on top of the museum...

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