Chapter 7: Under the stars...

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Whisper and Tangle sat by each other on the bed. "Okay Whisp, what'd you need?"
"Being honest... I completely forgot what I was going to ask you... But I do need some help with something..."
"What is it?"
"You remember Silver?"
Tangle smiled, she knew about Silver's crush on Whisper.
"Yeah... Whisper... Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"
"So you'll help?"
"Depends... What are you wanting to do?"
"I... I was going to see if he could spend some time with me..."
"That it? I thought you liked him..."
"I... I haven't seen him in so long... Does he think about me?"
"The way he acted the last time I saw him around you? Definitely." Tangle said smiling. Whisper looked over and blushed "I... I dunno..."
"Whisper... You're stalling..."
"Stalling? I'm not stalling... I'm just a bit worried... What if he says no?"
"Every time you'd go on a mission he'd hope to go with you... He's in love with you Whisper! But uh... Just between you and me... He sucks at cards..." Tangle said. Whisper smiled at the last part. "... where's he even at?"
"Future... Should be coming back anytime... I sent him a beacon..."
"You can do that through time?"
"I already gave him a tracker."
"Imagine he just shows up..."
"I hope not..." Whisper said blushing a bit. The door opened suddenly and a familiar ivory hedgehog walked through... Whisper sat there with a red face. Tangle whispered to her "Oh, how convenient."
"Hey whisper... I came as soon as I could... My future looked different... It looked kinda normal... Like we cured the metal virus... I came to make sure you were okay..." Silver said blushing a bit himself. That's when he noticed Tangle "T-tangle? Is... Is that you?"
"No I'm a figment of your imagination. Yes it's me!" Tangle replied laughing.
"So there is a cure... And who was that passed out on the couch?" Silver asked. Tangle blushed "Uh... He's... He's my boyfriend actually..."
"I missed a lot... I was going to ask Whisper if maybe she wanted to hang out or something..." Silver explained. Whisper put her mask on to hide her face while Tangle grinned "Oh I think she does, don't ya Whisper?"
"Uh... Yeah... I'd... I'd be good with that..."
"Something up?" Silver asked. Whisper shook her head. "... Ok then... When you want to go?"
"Whenever you want..." Whisper said quietly. Tangle smiled "How's bout right now?"
"Why don't you and Arnec go on a date with us then!?"
"Wait, this is a date? Yes!" Silver quietly said to himself. "What, you want me to wake him up?!"
"Might as well!"
"I don't know... He's adorable when he's asleep..." Tangle said blushing. Silver smiled a bit "I can second that!"
Whisper looked over at him surprised
"Silver!? Are you... Are you-?"
"No! I just share an opinion with Tangle!" Silver said nervously. Tangle went to the door and opened it "Guess I'll wake Arny up..." Tangle said as she left and went downstairs. Arnec was still asleep. Tangle poked him and shook him a bit "Hey sleepyhead time to wake up!"
"Come on we're going on a date!"
"What? Where?"
"Somewhere... How about the roof? Got some room out there."
"Yeah... Just don't trip going out the window."
"Well you gotta get up first."
"I'm up, I'm up." Arnec said as he got up. His fur was all in his face so Tangle combed it with her hand so she could see his blue eyes. Both blushed and stared at each other for a bit before Tangle grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs. As she opened the bedroom door she saw Whisper and Silver making out on the bed, that escalated quickly. Tangle blushed but Arnec couldn't see anything "Tangle? Something up?"
"Look for yourself." Tangle said moving out of the way. As Arnec looked in there Whisper flipped Silver onto his back. Arnec blushed and he, with Tangle, snuck to and out the window onto the roof. After a few minutes Whisper and Silver followed. They sat there on the roof, with the sun setting in the distance... Arnec and Tangle laid down beside each other and held hands watching as the sky slowly faded into a deep, dark blue... Both looked at each other, Arnec looked into her beautiful purple eyes "I don't know what's prettier... Your eyes or the stars... But I'm voting for those eyes..."
"Aww... Your eyes are pretty too... I could get lost in all that dark blue..." Tangle said smiling. They pecked lips and smiled, blushing a bit. Silver and Whisper were talking about something but Arnec and Tangle were too busy looking at each other to listen. Arnec grabbed her and rolled both of them over so that Tangle was laying on top of him "You like it when I'm up here don't ya?" Tangle asked smiling. Arnec kissed her "Tangle... No matter where you are... I'll always love you..." Arnec said smiling as he put his hand on the side of her head, feeling the soft fur there. Tangle purred a little and smiled as she did the same to him... Whisper and Silver noticed the both of them and shouted together "Get a room!" Tangle blushed a bit "You wanted us up here! So why don't you!?"
"Oh like you're room? Oh wait we already did it in there!" Silver said jokingly. Whisper blushed and softly smacked him, much to Silver's embarrassment. Arnec smiled and looked back at Tangle "Little chilly out here ain't it?" She asked grinning as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled as he combed through her hair with his hand "I'll keep you warm princess." He said as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. Tangle blushed a bit. Her head felt heavy and she laid on Arnec's chest like a pillow and fell asleep. Arnec closed his eyes and fell asleep a few seconds later. Silver and Whisper went back in as to not disturb them and continued their date...

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