Chapter 8B: A surprise awakening and a new ally

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A/N: Alright the first of the second version. Alrighty it took me nearly 2 months to write (due to other stories and just life.) so let's go! (This takes place after chapter 7 btw.) This version is going to be very different, I hope y'all enjoy it!

The next day Arnec slowly woke up and heard something... He looked up and saw something... Two people fighting... One was a wolf like him... Green in color, the other looked exactly like the green wolf but a robot... The green wolf spoke to the machine "Just because it has my powers doesn't mean it's as powerful!" The wolf yelled as he flew into the robot, a green streak marked the sky. The two flew at each other as they fought... Arnec quickly woke Tangle up and was ready to protect her in case one of these strangers hit them... He watched as the wolf pulled a chaos spear and threw it at the machine... It dodged and went to punch him. He smiled and opened a portal in front of himself. The robot went threw it and appeared above him, he hovered back and watched as the robot plummeted towards the ground. As it hit the wolf formed a spear of rock and launched it at the robot... The robot quickly made a barrier of what appeared to be wind... And then the robot made an evil chuckle "You think you can win?"
"You can read my mind... So, what's it say?"
"I sense fear..."
"I think you're just scared that a bolt got loose!" The green wolf said happily as he he crossed his arms "...You know the Dr forgot to do something..."
"Shield your circuits..." The wolf said as he reached his hand out... Electricity came out of the machine "The pain helps me..." The robot said before deactivating from the loss of power... "Now... To finish you!" The wolf said as he uppercutted the bot. He continued punching it until it was in space. The wolf flew next to Arnec who had a hidden blade on his other wrist "Name's Eternal... Sorry about that..."
"What was that all about?"
"Dr. Scrapman."
"Eggman but more loony. He built a robot copy of me... If you thought Eggman was bad... You got a whole nother thing coming..."
"How did you get all those powers?"
"I'm a guardian... Defender of life... I was born with those powers..."
"I'm... I don't know what to say... Um... We could actually use some help..."
"The infected... I know... I'm sorry for being late... The other guardians and Dr. Scrapman will his machines hindered my progress... I'm here to help though..."
"Well that's... That's awesome!"
"Just glad to help. Tis a shame the others can't help." Eternal said with a small smile.
Arnec smiled back and they went inside. Whisper was on the couch and quickly got up "Arnec, what happened?"
"We met someone... Someone who will be an ally..." Arnec said, introducing Eternal. Whisper smiled a little "well, that's good..." Her smile quickly faded "...But something happened."
"Silver... He's gone!"
Arnec shook his head "There's no way he's gone..." He said as he sighed. Eternal looked over at him "She is speaking the truth..."
"I know... You don't believe me?" Arnec asked. Eternal smiled "I do, just thought you didn't believe her."
"Wait, you can read minds too? Just how powerful are Guardians?"
"Very... We do try and protect... Well everything! Sad we had to work in secret for so long. I'll help find this... Silver."
"No, you just arrived and-"
"Relax... You want help, and you know it..."
Arnec sighed before smiling a bit "Fine..."
"Alright, let's go find us a missing hedgehog!" Eternal said happily as he went to go out the door. Arnec stopped him "Wait, let's try and figure out where he is..."
"That's where you think he is."
"Could you like, stop reading my mind?"
"I can't just magically stop! I'm a-"
"Guardian, we know!" Arnec said groaning. Eternal sighed and crossed his arms "You find me annoying."
"Not... Necessarily..."
"Yeah... And that's fine... But we're going to have to work together and you know it."
"Yeah... Sorry..."
"Listen... It's not your fault... You like certain types of people as do I. My type of person you find annoying... Although people like Tangle-"
"Could we please not talk about what I think of her!"
Tangle turned "What is it he thinks of me!?"
Eternal blushed "Uh oh... Uh... It's not bad... I promise..." Eternal said with a slight blush
"Then what is it?" Tangle asked, glaring st Arnec. Arnec blushed and looked away, pulling his hood up to hide his face. Eternal looked at Tangle "You really want to know?"
"Wouldn't be askin if I didn't!" Tangle asked rolling her eyes. Eternal walked up to her and whispered into her ear "He wants to have children... See? Not bad... Just... he wanted it to be a secret..." Arnec heard it and tried quickly as possible to go to his bedroom to hide from embarrassment. Tangle stopped that plan dead in it's tracks and quickly grabbed him with her tail, all while looking at Eternal. As she slid him back across the floor he took a pillow off the couch and hid his face. Tangle smirked as she lifted him in front of her, upside down "So... Wantin to have kids do ya?"
"M-maybe I had that thought a coupla times..."
"Coulda just said so... Woulda said yes..."
"I... I just didn't know if you'd want to..."
"Take the pillow off."
"Did you just tell me no?"
"Yes..." Arnec said with a slight whimper. Eternal hid his laugh with his fist. Tangle looked at her hand and then back at her tangled love. "Got to the count of 3. 1... 2..."
"Fine!" Arnec said as he threw the pillow off, nearly hitting Eternal on accident. Tangle chuckled "Now... Was that so difficult?"
"Then why cause all the trouble?"
"Kept you waiting huh?" Arnec said with a heavy blush. Tangle smiled "Sigh... What am I going to do with you?"
"Can we look for Silver now?"
"Yeah..." Tangle said releasing him, she didn't flip him back over though and he face planted. Arnec got up with a groan. Tangle blushed "...Whoops..." She said as she helped Arnec up. He smiled "That's alright..." He said as he nodded. He looked over at Eternal "...Well, what're we waiting here for?" He said as he motioned for him and Tangle to follow him...

A/N: Alright... I don't know if it's exactly how you wanted it Ultimatesonicracer but I tried my best to work with what you gave me (which was a lot!).

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