Chapter 12A: Team Dark

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Arnec quickly went to the lab and typed on one of the computers. He looked over and saw a 3d printer. He looked at the screen "Probably won't be finished before he gets there but I'll leave you here, get you your new body..." He said to himself as he left. On the screen it showed Omega...

-20 minutes later-

Shadow was at the chemical plant, Zombots were all over the place... He didn't see Rouge at all though. Until he turned around a corner. He saw her fighting some Zombots on top of a pipe. She went to kick one of them but missed and fell off the pipe
Shadow quickly slid and caught her. He sat her down "Rouge... You okay?"
"Yeah... Thanks..."
"Been a while, huh?"
"How much did I miss?"
"I'll fill you in on the details when we get back. For now, let's go. Arnec, you about here?" Arnec swung from a pipe and landed on all fours. He stood up "I gotcha. I'll send some people in to take care of these people..." He said as he tossed a ring in front of them, opening the portal. They entered the lab and Arnec smiled as Omega's body was complete. It looked just like his old one, except it had a bit more armor plating and an antenna on the back. Shadow smiled, as did Rouge when they saw him. Shadow chuckled "Team Dark is back in action... And here to stay..." He said as he put his hand on his hip.
"What upgrades he got?" Rouge asked. Arnec smiled a bit "Besides tougher armor plating, the antenna is a part of a shield system." He looked over at Omega "...So if anyone tries to touch you in a way or place that makes you uncomfortable... That's no good! Just use the shield, it'll toast whoever's touching you."
"Affirmative, have already detected it. Thank you for the upgrade... A jaw mechanism may not be necessary."
"No problem. Glad to help."
Shadow walked up to Arnec and went to give him a fist bump. Arnec obliged and gave him one. Arnec left the lab and went to bed, Tangle was already passed out.

A/N: I'm Sorry I had to make the Sonic sez reference. :-P (What Arnec says to Omega)

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