Chapter 9A: Come and get your love

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A/N: Some mild fluff. Not any lemon so don't go taking your pan- hey! I said don't do that! You took them off, didn't you?(T_T)

Late the next day it was raining and pretty good too. Nothing of note had happened and Arnec sat there on the porch of his house. He had a cassette tape with some music on it laying on the table.
He grabbed the cassette tape and opened his music player on his belt, putting it inside. He put headphones on and started to play the tape (You see the video thumbnail you can probably guess what song.)

(In case the video ain't working, It's come and get your love now by Redbone. AKA the song from the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy.)
Arnec smiled as the rain continued to pour down... He went out and started dancing a little as the lyrics started. Just a little shuffle at first. And then he started spinning and doing other things timing perfectly with the song. He'd kick a puddle on occasion while perfectly lip syncing. After a bit he started moonwalking and still going strong with the lyrics. He did some other dance moves for a minute before Tangle stepped out and noticed Arnec being a goofball. She smiled as she leaned against the wall. Arnec spun and opened his eyes. He blushed a dark red when he saw Tangle. She laughed a little but hid it with her hand. Arnec walked up to her and took his headphones off "Princess?" He asked kissing her hand. Tangle laughed
"What are you doing?"
"Just having fun in the rain."
"Come on in... It's cold in there and I need a cuddle buddy." Tangle said as she put her hands on the inside of the Arnec's jacket, yanking him onto her. He blushed but wrapped his arms around her waist
"I think you wanna do more than cuddle..." He said as he made a happy smirk. Tangle blushed a little "Oh? Like what?" She asked as her tail wagged slowly. Arnec smiled and pecked her lips "Like that... Although I think you'd like a little more..." He said as he leaned into her so she was against the wall and kissed her... Tangle pulled him against her and deepened the kiss... Her hands rubbed across his back, Arnec took his hand off her and turned off his music player so that he'd have nothing to distract him, he put his hands on Tangle's back and rubbed it a bit... Tangle wrapped her legs around Arnec's waist and her arms around his neck... Arnec pulled out of the kiss and nuzzled his muzzle on her neck, pushing her head upwards, giving him plenty of room to plant some kisses... Tangle's tail slowly wrapped around Arnec, each kiss made it's grip tighten... Arnec smiled as he stopped, causing her tail to loosen up. He grabbed her tail with one of his hands and rubbed his cheek against it, causing Tangle to bite her lip from the pleasure. Arnec smiled  "Something up?" He asked sarcastically as he continued. He stopped a few seconds later and picked Tangle up, carrying her inside. Once they were inside Arnec quickly carried her to his bedroom, blazing past anyone in the house. Arnec laid her on the bed and not even two seconds later they're lips were connected. Tangle blushed madly though when Arnec licked for entry... Tangle denied him, not knowing what would happen. Arnec had a smirk and reached his hand down her side and to her rear, causing her to gasp... An event he took to his advantage, gently pushing his tounge into her mouth... Tangle closed her eyes and crossed her arms behind her head as Arnec continued loving on her... Arnec smiled as he pulled away and began to tickle her underarms and armpits...
"Arnec! What are you doing?" She asked laughing. Arnec smiled "Who's ticklish now?"
"Quit it!"
"Only if you say I'm not a nerd."
"I'm not a nerd." She replied with sarcasm. Arnec chuckled... "No... I'M not a nerd."
"I already told you I'm not a nerd!"
"Tangle!" Arnec yelled slightly
"What?" Tangle asked worryingly
Arnec stopped and put his head by her ear "Love ya..." He said as he pulled the shoulder of her top down and gave her shoulder a quick kiss... "...Your fur's way better than the wing of an angel..." He said as he continued. Tangle laughed a little but noticed someone behind Arnec, she quickly flipped Arnec over and looked at who it was. It was just Jewel. Arnec rolled onto his back and didn't notice Jewel was there. He grabbed Tangle's waist "Where ya going cuddle buddy?" He asked as he pulled her down and caught her. Jewel laughed a little before leaving. Tangle looked at Arnec, who's arms were rested on her shoulders "Someone was there you know?" She said as she put her hands over Arnec's. Arnec chuckled "Shoulda closed the door shouldn't I? Oh well..." He said yawning as he put his cheek on her head and smiled before falling asleep. Tangle laughed as she fell asleep too.

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