Chapter 13A: Twin accents

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A/N: I'm breaking the one rule I set for myself when I started... I'm putting an Archie character in... I didn't want to because I'd have to explain why they're there but I really needed a certain someone for a certain reason :-|

3 days after the reunion of Team Dark, Amy had a mission for Razgriz.
"Razgriz, we got a distress signal near some old ruins... We need you to take care of it."
"Aight... I'mma goin." Razgriz said smiling as he left.

-1 hour later-

Razgriz reached the ruins and checked his tracker. Whoever sent the signal was in a cave by the ruins. He went in and saw a blue Pika being chased by Zombots on the edge of a cliff. Razgriz launched a grapple hook above her
"I'll save ya!" He yelled as he pummeled the Zombots like bowling pins, doing a flip and landing by her.
"You good?"
"Let's get outta here..." Razgriz said as he launched a grapple hook at the cave entrance. The girl latched onto him, causing a slight blush to form on his face. Once they made it out Razgriz smiled "Ai'd say that went plenty well... If ah say so myself!" the Pika looked over at the black and yellow wolf. "Wait... Your accent's kind of like mine!" She said happily
Razgriz blushed "Y-yeah... It is I guess... Kinda... Name's Razgriz..."
"Mine's Relic, You okay?"
"Yeah of course... Why yah askin?"
"Because you're being nervous... Somethin up?" Relic asked approaching Razgriz
"No nothin... I uh... I just ain't used to small talk tis all..."
Relic smirked happily "Are you sure?"
"Y-yeah... Can I ask you somethin?"
"Of course..."
"Could we uh... Work together, maybe?"
"Yeah... But why would you want to? I just ramble about stuff... I'm kinda boring..."
"B-because... Uh... I just wanna work with you... That's all..."
Relic smiled and crossed her arms "uh-huh... Sure..."
"You don't believe me?"
"You're the most goofy person I've ever met... You know that?" Relic said walking up to Razgriz. "That's a bad thing ain't it?" Razgriz said blushing. Relic hugged him "No... I love goofy people... We can work together anytime you want to..." She said smiling as she walked off. Razgriz did a fist pump "Heh heh, you did it mate! You talked to a girl... Was it this hard for Arnec... No it was harder, he didn't have an accent!" He said to himself. "... I'd better escort her... " He said to himself before he caught up to her.
"Oh, hey Razgriz..."
"H-hey... I... Got a place we can go too, safe from those things..."
"Yeah... Just follow me love..."
"Splendid! Wait... Did you just call me-?"
"I.. I uh, call all girls that!" Razgriz quickly said. Relic laughed but straightened her face quickly "I lost a good friend to those things... A robot... His name was fixit..."
"I know someone who can fix robots..."
"You do!? Take me to them!"
"I wanted to take it slow on the way..." Razgriz said, thinking about looking at her the way home. Relic raised an eyebrow
"Because why?"
"I... Uh..." Razgriz stuttered trying to think of something not awkward. Relic smiled
"I'm kidding..." Relic said laughing. Her and Razgriz started to walk back to Spiral hill Fortress (That's what it's called now, due to the way it looks with the wall) After a few minutes Relic looked over at Razgriz "I didn't even know about the virus until they attacked..."
"Yeah... You know anyone else? That survived I mean..."
"Course... My lame brother included."
"You got a brother?"
"Yep... He's boring though... And doesn't have an accent. We're also twins..."
"A twin? Identical?"
"Nope... And I'm glad... I like being myself."
"You're funny, you know that?"
"I try..." Razgriz said blushing.

-2 hours later-

Razgriz and Relic made it to Spiral hill Fortress and they went into Arnec's house. Amy greeted them "I see you found her..."
"Yep... Her name's Relic..."
Relic smiled "Hello... Uh, where am I staying?"
Razgriz blushed "Uh... I'd love it if you'd stay in my room... I've got plenty of room"
"You sure?"
"Course..." He said nervously. Relic smiled
"Alright... I'll get myself aquatinted..."
"I'll come with..." Razgriz said happily, making Relic give him a puzzled grin
"...To help you get settled in of course!" Razgriz said quickly before Relic thought he was trying to get with her. (which he was.) They both went upstairs to Razgriz's bedroom. Amy smirked and crossed her arms "That goofball is Arnec's twin?" She smiled as she shook her head.
"... Speaking of Arnec... Where is he?"
She typed on a computer and saw Arnec on the screen "need something? Kinda busy."
"What are you doing?"
"Capturing some Zombots... We've located someone..."

A/N: Who did he find? I dunno. Probably not someone who's important to the plot and deserves a chapter to themself! Hol up.

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