Chapter 3: Crushing

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Tangle woke up late the next day and went up to Arnec's room. She knocked. "It's unlocked!" He shouted. She opened the door and saw Arnec reading. He looked over at her and put the book down. Tangle smiled... "So... You were orphaned?" She asked as she sat down on the bed...
"Yeah... I grew up by myself... Before the infection i would try to help, but fell short a lot... But when I found out i was immune when the metal virus hit... It changed me... I'm taking more risks... Putting my life on the line more often... What about you Tangle?"
"I never knew my parents... I grew up with Jewel... She was like a sister to me..."
"I see, you two were close..."
"Yeah... Can't believe she's going to be back though..."
"Umm... I have to leave in a minute... Could you watch the place? Call me if anything happens..."
"Oh... Okay..."
"Something up?"
"Oh... Ok then... See you later." He said sounding confused as he teleported away with a ring. Tangle noticed he left his book on the bed "he was really into this book... I'll give it a read..." She picked it up and heard a pencil drop... It wasn't a book... It was Arnec's journal! Tangle flipped to the first page... It was, in detail, Arnec rescuing her... She continued reading... Arnec had written about her... "Soft fur, like touching the wing of an angel... A beautiful face... The prettiest smile? Arnec thinks I'm cute?! The sweetest personality? Oh wait till Jewel hears this!" She said to herself... Suddenly the door opened and Jewel stumbled in... Tangle sat her on the bed. "T-tangle? Is that you?"
"No it's Whisper."
"Aww... Tails said Tangle was up here..."
"It's me jewel... Ya goof. I actually could use your help... Here... Drink this..." Tangle said as she handed Jewel a bottle. Jewel took a sip and felt better... "Ugh... I don't feel that great... What was it you needed?"
"Read this..." Tangle handed her the journal. Jewel smiled "sounds like someone is in love... Who's is this?"
"Who's is it?"
"That cute boy who saved us that's who!" Tangle yelled... She covered her mouth... Amy ran up the stairs "I heard Tangle call someone cute... Who is it?"
"Nobody..." Tangle said nervously. Amy smiled "Oh, so nobody's cute?"
"Then who is? Tangle, I'll force an answer..."
"Promise you won't make fun of me?"
"Promise... Now who is it!?"
"Him? Give me a sec... Hey Tails! Get me a picture of Arnec!" A few seconds passed and Amy held a picture of Arnec up beside Tangle... "Mhmm... Looks like a perfect pairing to me... So, you asking him out?"
"I... I don't know..."
"Don't know? Ask him out... Let him know you have feelings for him... Does he have them for you?"
"Read this and you'll see..." Tangle handed her the journal "soft fur like an Angel's wing... beautiful face... Sweet personality... Tangle he is in love! Wish Sonic wrote about me like that... When you asking him out?"
"I... How do I go about it?" Tangle asked. Jewel smiled "I'd take it slow... That information was likely kept private for a reason... You might scare him if you go into it too fast." She told Tangle. Amy smiled "Or... Ask him out so he doesn't have to suffer..."
"I'll think about it..."
"That's all we ask Tangle..."
"Thanks jewel, thanks amy... After that I need to lay down and think about it..." She said as she went to her room and laid down... An hour passed. Arnec returned and had Sonic with him... He would cure him in a little bit... But Amy decided to talk to him "so... Rumor has it that Tangle's been eyeing you..."
"S-she has?"
"Oh yeah... Definantly has a thing for you..."
"A-are you sure?"
"She told me that you're the cutest guy she's ever met!"
"Don't say anything... Now... Let's help out poor Sonic... What did they do to you?"
Arnec did the standard procedure and went to bed afterwards... He noticed something odd... He left his journal on his bed... Why's it on the nightstand...

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