Chapter 14A: Medic

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Arnec stood there, Tangle beside of him. They fought off some Zombots when Arnec's tac pad rang "need something? Kinda busy."
"What are you doing?" He heard Amy ask.
"Capturing some Zombots... We've located someone..."
"Can't explain right now... I gotta go!"
"Wait, Arnec-!" He hung up and quickly dodged a Zombot. He looked over at the third person there... It was a dark blue wolf, yellow and blue eyed... Medic...
"Arnec, what trouble are you getting yourself into?"
"Trust me Medic... A ton... We'll have to catch you up buddy."
"Ha! You'd better... You know how long I've been lost?"
"A while, why we're bringing you home!"
"Who's the girl?"
"My girlfriend, Tangle..."
"You have a fine taste in women..." Medic said smiling.
Tangle blushed "I... Uh..."
Arnec laughed "Don't worry, he's just complimenting you! Although to me your more than fine... Princess..."
Medic looked over at Arnec "She's a princess too? Jeez... How lucky are you!?"
"I just call her that... She's a princess to me."
"What's she call you?"
"Pretty boy..."
"Heh... Nice..."
They continued fighting the Zombots until finally their numbers thinned and they got the advantage. Medic ran and slid over Arnec's back as Arnec bent over. He pulled out a tranquilizer gun and knocked three Zombots out... A few minutes later and the fight was over. After the fighting was over Arnec threw a ring, opening a portal to his house. "Eh! Could use some help!" He yelled. Amy and some of the others went through and picked up the infected, being careful not to touch them with uncovered body parts. They carried them in and into the lab. Arnec and Medic walked through together. "Medic, I kinda scratched myself out there... Could you grab the-"
"Lemme see..."
Arnec pulled his sleeve up, revealing a scratch. Medic put his hand above it and it healed "Woah! I didn't know you could do that!"
"Arnec... Being honest... I could write an entire book on what you don't know..."
"Jeez... Shots fired..."
"You know I'm kidding..."
"Heh heh... Glad to finally see you again..."
Amy walked up to them "So... Who's this?"
Arnec smiled and blushed a little
"This is my old friend... Amy, meet Medic."
Amy smiled "Hey." She said making a small wave. Medic had a slight smile on the edges of his mouth "Pleasure to meet you." He responded. "Likewise... Always great to meet fellow survivors."
"I bet... Arnec... Mind, uh... Showin' me where I'm sleepin? With all the new people I dunno if my old room's taken..."
"Nope... I kept it clean for you..."
"Well That's nice..."
"You're my buddy..."
"Heh heh... Arnec, I missed you... You know that?"
"What had even happened to you?"
"Went off to grab some supplies... Got too far away and got lost."
"And you survived by yourself for months?"
"Apparently... Now, I'm going to bed..." Medic said running up to his room and going to bed. Amy walked up to Arnec
"So, who was that?"
"An old friend... His name's Medic."
"Interesting name."
"Yeah... How's you and Sonic."
"He's being a turd, same as usual."
"That's just who he is... Least he likes fun..."
"Oh he likes fun alright..."
"I'mma go check on Tangle..."
"Your two are cute together... You know that?" Amy said, causing Arnec to blush. "You really think so? Thanks Ames..."
"No problems..."
"How's Dr. Starline? He caused any trouble?"
"Actually, no... Surprising too, Tails said he's actually been pretty good help considering... Everything... Shadow's been saying though to watch him..."
Arnec shook his head "Yeah... I know. Any progress on the cure?"
"Little... Not much... Just making it a tad bit stronger... We've gotten the population back up to a suitable level..."
"What would y'all have done if I wouldn't have been there?"
"About the virus? I dunno, throw it into the sun? I really don't know..."
"Sounds lame... We'll have to take the fight to Eggman soon... Make sure this cannot happen again..."
"Did you know him? Before this I mean..."
"Actually, no... Well, I encountered some of his machines but that's about it... I heard you and the others have bad blood though... Been in a lot of battles..."
"Him, Zavok, and... Infinite..."
"That's the guy who fought Razgriz, Right?"
"Yeah... I... I feel like he was forced to join-"
Suddenly they heard Tails "Infinite has been spotted! Arnec, can you take care of him?"
"Copy... On my way..." He looked over at Amy "... We'll have to finish this later. Tangle asks, I'm taking care of something..." He said as he left... Amy stood there "why's he wanting to fight him alone?" She asked herself. Tangle walked in "Where's Arnec?"
"Taking care of something... He'll be back..."
"Oh... Do you know when he'll be back?"
"Oh... If he asks where I'm at, I'll be in bed."
"Ok..." Amy replied as Tangle went to her and Arnec's bedroom and went to sleep. Amy sat there "Why's everyone telling me to tell someone where they're at?" She asked herself with a smirk. She went into her bedroom and went to sleep... Arnec wasn't going to be getting much sleep however...

A/N: sorry it took 3 days to update this. Had most of it written except the last little bit between Arnec and Amy 2 days ago.

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