Chapter 9B: Secret help

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Arnec, Tangle, and Eternal walked to Mobtropolis, since it wasn't all that far from Spiral hill village. As they walked around the desolate streets they heard something. Eternal raised his fists "I sense we're being watched..."
"Yeah... Any idea what?" Arnec asked
"No." Eternal replied, shrugging. Arnec flicked his blade open and got next to an alleyway. Eternal raised an eyebrow "Need any help?"
"No... Don't want you to get hurt or-"
"Sigh... Let's just get this over with..." Arnec spun around the corner and looked around... Nothing... But then he saw someone facing the opposite direction... and then the person turned... It was Silver! He had on a black and blue jumpsuit and had 2 others with him...
"Silver!?" Arnec said, in shock. Silver looked at him and opened his mouth in surprise before sighing
"Alright... You got me."
"Who are these people?"
"The secret freedom fighters... I knew them before the war, they went off the grid though so I couldn't find them... This is Elias and Larry... Elias's sister Sally is our leader..." He said, introducing a chipmunk, Elias, and a Lynx, Larry.  "...Sorry I ran off..."
"Just wish you would've told me..."
"Yeah, sorry... My partners needed me though and i couldn't just stick them up."
Silver explained. Arnec slowly formed a smile "Well, I'm glad you're ok... Whisper's really worried..."
"Oh... I bet she'd be with me just running off..." Silver said, his hand on his back. Elias then walked up to Arnec "Hmm... Heard about you..."
"What do you mean?"
"Sal said she saw you kidnapping Zombots... And then they were cured... You have a cure?"
"Not... Exactly... If you can, come with us and I'll explain what I can..."
Elias smirked before looking at Larry "I'll have to talk to Sally about it... But we should be able to..."
Arnec smiled "well, since you know about me taking the Zombots, I think you know where I live already, don't you?"
"Yep... Alright... We'll go and speak with Sally and then, if we can, go to your place."
Arnec nodded "Sounds like a plan."
Suddenly Arnec heard Amy on the radio "Arnec, someone's here, looking for Eternal... Says he just wants to... Talk..."
Eternal looked over at Arnec skeptically "No... He found me!" Eternal said, punching a wall so hard it nearly collapsed.
"Who!?" Arnec asked. Eternal looked over at him "I don't have time to explain... But we need to get to your place now!"
"Well, let's go then!" Arnec said, looking at Tangle. They all nodded and Silver joined them as Arnec tossed a ring. Instead of opening a portal however, it just fell
"What the!?" Arnec said picking it up. Eternal shook his head "It's me... Since I'm from an alternate dimension, my energy interferes with the chaos energy in those rings..."
Arnec drooped his head "Well... We're walking back then... Let's head out!" He said before they headed back towards Arnec's home...

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