Chapter 8A: Awoken Shadow

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Arnec slowly woke up... The sun shined and felt good as he slowly opened his eyes. He smiled as Tangle was still on top of him passed out. He looked at the time: 6 AM... He smiled and gently lifted Tangle off of him, setting her beside him. He opened his mini-computer and talked to Tails
"Hey... Tails you there?"
"It's 6 in the morning, what is it? Where were you?"
"Oh... Oh yeah Silver told me that... Shadow should be waking up sometime today..."
"Alright... What should I know about him?"
"He gets angered easily by people calling him faker. But he's quiet... Really quiet.."
"Alright..." Arnec said with a puzzled tone...
He looked over at Tangle who was cuddling her tail and smiled. He picked her up bridal style and carried her in, laying her on the bed. He tucked her in and went downstairs. He noticed whisper passed out on top of Silver on the couch while Amy and Cream were asleep in the guest bedroom by the living room. He entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a bag of beef jerky. He sat down in a chair in the dining room and started reading on his Mini-computer as he ate. He also added a new piece of equipment to his right gauntlet... A tranq-blade... Unlike a normal blade this one wouldn't puncture but instead electrocute whoever was jabbed with it. A few minutes later he heard shuffling in the next room. He went in there and noticed Shadow starting to wake up... Shadow looked over at him and stood up onto the table quickly
"Who are you!? Where am I!?" He asked yelling. Silver and Whisper woke up and noticed the very angry hedgie.
"Shads, calm down..." Silver said with a bit of fear in his voice... Shadow's anger eased up as Amy walked in... He calmed down "Sorry... Where's Omega, and Rouge?"
Amy sighed "Don't know... Rouge ran off looking for survivors and as far as I know... Omega's in Tails' lab from where YOU ripped him apart."
"I... I did what?!?"
"When you were infected..."
"I'm getting him back..."
"Shadow we can't just-"
"Omega was an al-!" Shadow cut himself off "...A friend..." He said with a bit of sorrow in his voice... Tails walked in "I mean we can try... There might not be much left of my old lab..." Shadow put his fingers on his chin "If I can get Omega, we can repair him and then see if we can find Rouge..."
Amy tilted one of her eyebrows "Shadow? You feeling okay?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"I don't know... You're acting... Different..."
"Just ready to punch some heads..."
Arnec smiled "I'll go with you."
"No... Let me go alone... If I need to I'll remove my power inhibitor rings..."
"Don't worry... I'm immune..."
"Wait you are!?"
"Yeah... How do you think you're here right now? My blood... Tails is making a cure..."
"Hmm... Alright... And seeing as you managed to take me down... You're pretty good..." Shadow said with a slight smile. Arnec went upstairs and left a note for Tangle on where he was going. He approached Shadow "You ready?"
"Yeah..." Shadow replied as he stretched. Arnec nodded and through a ring in front of them, opening a portal. They went through it and noticed that Tails' lab was still standing... And there were no Zombots in the area... "I don't like this... Wolf... Stick with me..." Shadow said not knowing Arnec's name. Arnec chuckled "I'll take lead, name's Arnec." Arnec said as he flicked his tranq-blade open. Shadow nodded as they went into the lab... It was completely abandoned... It looked like no one had even been in it since Arnec had saved Tangle and Tails. They went to the actual lab and that's when Shadow saw him... Omega's head... It was covered in dust... Shadow typed on one of the computers and Omega's head switched on
"E-123 Omega, main power system online... Joints, offline... Weapons, offline..." Omega said as his eyes glowed
"...Shadow? Is... Is that you?"
"Yeah... It's... It's great to see you again..."
"Affirmative... Has Tails installed my jaw mechanism, to bite their ankles?"
"Uh... No?"
"My combat abilities are... Lacking then..."
Arnec smiled "Alright, grab him and we'll go."
Shadow smiled as he gently removed the cables "Alright... Let's get you outta here..."
Shadow said as he held Omega's head under his arm. Arnec threw a ring and it opened a portal to his home and they went through it. After they went through Tangle was up and hugged Arnec
"You're back... Took you long enough..."
"Kept you waiting huh?" Arnec replied as he chuckled. Whisper smirked
"He wasn't even gone five minutes..."
Tangle looked back at her
"Well when he ain't here it's lonely..." Tangle replied blushing. Amy smiled as she walked up to Sonic who was in the next room. Sonic looked over at her "Ames? Need something?"
"No... Just glad to be able to talk to each other again..."
"Same Ames... Same... Has Shadow been... Acting odd?"
"He just cares for his team... He's close to them, even if he doesn't want to admit it..."
"As long as he doesn't attack me... I don't mind him being different..."
"Yeah... Might be good for him... Shadow may be dark on the outside... But on the inside he just needs something, someone... To help him... To show him that there is more to the world than violence... I believe that Shadow can LEARN... Don't you?"
"I... I don't know... He might have something up his sleeve... I'd watch him... Just in case..." Sonic said in a concerned tone. Amy smiled "Don't be like that!"
"I'm just trying to look out for you, that's all. I care about you Amy... You know that."
Amy gasped "Sonic, you really care!?" She asked hugging him. Sonic blushed "Y-yeah... I always have... What makes you think I didn't?"
"You would always run?"
"Oh... Yeah... But regardless we're friends Amy, you know this!" Sonic said smiling. Amy slapped him "Sonic how could you! We're in the middle of the the apocalypse and you friendzone me!?"
"Amy, i-"
"No! Go away!"
"I don't know!"
"Ames look I didn't mea-"
"Go get with a chipmunk or something!" Amy yelled as she stormed off. She ran to her room amd slammed the door. Cream got up "Amy what's wrong?"
"It doesn't sound like nothing Amy... Did
Mr. Sonic do something?"
"No Sonic didn't do anything!" Amy said tossing herself onto the bed. Cream laid beside her "Amy you can tell me what's going on..."
"I don't wanna."
"I just want this all to be over..."
"We all do..."
"How's your spot?"
"Gone... Somehow... Must have scraped off when Gemerl was protecting me..."
"I'm sorry... About having to leave him..."
"It's alright... We did what we could..."
"Just wish... We could... I dunno, do more..." Amy said as she sighed. They heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Cream asked. "Arnec..." Arnec replied. Cream smiled as she opened the door. Arnec smiled as he walked in as Amy quickly hid her face in a pillow. "I saw Amy run in here like something was wrong... I was wondering if maybe i could help..." Amy grumbled "Arnec I heavily doubt you could get me out of the friendzone..." She said grumpily. Arnec chuckled "Who would reject a girl like you? Whoever did is one of the biggest dummies on the planet."
"Sonic did..."
"Oh... My bad..."
"I want to be with him on his adventures... Fight by his side..." Amy said as she cried into a pillow. Arnec sat beside of her and put his hand on her head "Well... Maybe Sonic's not meant for you... Sometimes those we think we love we really don't...But maybe... Sonic does love you back... He's just too scared to admit his feelings... Take for example, I was scared to admit I had a love for Tangle and you, her, and Jewel..." He looked over at Cream and blushed "...And Cream now, found out... I was worried sick that she would reject my feelings... But she didn't... And Amy, I think that he didn't MEAN to friendzone you... You just went into it a little too quick and his fight or flight instinct kicked in and he didn't want you to know his true feelings..." Arnec explained as he rubbed Amy's head. She looked up at him "You really think Sonic thinks of me like that?"
"Personally... Yes, I've seen the way he acts near you... Just don't go into it too quick... Us guys tend to get worried when girls cling onto us..."
"Bet you know ALL about that, don't ya?" Amy asked smirking. Arnec laughed a little "Actually no, like I told Tangle... I never liked a girl before meeting her... She's my princess... And I'm her pretty boy... When you grow up alone you tend not to think about these types of things..." He said as he got up and held his hand out "...Now... Let me help you up." He said smiling as he helped Amy up. He handed her a tissue "Here... Can't go talk to Sonic like that can we?" He said smirking. He exited the room and walked up to Tangle who was in the kitchen. "Hey Arnec... What was up with Amy?"
"Nothing... She just needed someone to talk to, that's all." Arnec said wrapping his arms around Tangle. Tangle blushed "Uhm... Tails said he needed to see you..." She said stuttering a bit. Arnec chuckled "What's wrong? Don't like being loved on?"
Tangle blushed as he kissed her cheek. He pulled away smiling and went downstairs to the lab. Tails greeted him "Developed a new system to help is locate survivors..."
"Really? That's great! How's it work?"
"Well if you find any blood on the ground, you smear a bit onto this and it'll tell you who's it is and their location..."
"That's... That's freaking amazing!" Arnec said happily. Tails blushed from embarrassment "I do try my best... Unfortunately I haven't been able to make any new progress on the cure..."
"Don't worry, we got faith in ya..."
"I know, I know..." Tails replied smiling. Arnec attached the mod to his left gauntlet. He grabbed a vial of blood and put a drop on the panel... The screen flashed and Arnec's name appeared and his location... Arnec smiled and left after giving Tails a fist bump and a nod. He went upstairs and laid on his bed and slowly drifted to sleep...

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