Chapter 18A: gifts

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Medic looked over at Razgriz "He's unconscious!"
"Darn it!" Razgriz yelled. That's when whisper appeared "Let me help... I can fly him back..." She said holding Arnec. She used her hover Wisp mode to fly Arnec home. Tangle ran up to the two men
"I need some help..." She said with a somber tone. Razgriz opened his arms "Need a hug?"
"Yes... Please..." She said as she hugged him. "...Will he make it?"
"He's strong... Just believe in him..."
Medic walked up to the edge of one of the pipes and started howling like a true wolf. Razgriz felt a tear go down his face as he did the same. Tangle looked at the two, seeing just how much Arnec meant to them... They then walked towards home...

-2 hours later-

Whisper sat there in her and Silver's bedroom. Medic suddenly walked in. Whisper got up "What do you need?" She asked. Medic handed her a custom made Wispon, it had a sleeker design and a long barrel. Perfect for a sniper. A Sniper wolf that is...
"The engravings... Don't go you any tactical advantage whatsoever... But they're pretty..." Medic said with a slight blush.
"...I wanted to give it to you since you saved Arnec... Without you, he wouldn't have made it back in time..."
"It wasn't anything too special... I just did what I had to..."
"Arnec might as well be my brother, so... If you need anything... Don't hesitate to let me know... Silver's a lucky guy..." Medic said smiling. Whisper blushed a little "I'll keep that in mind..."
"Thanks again!" Medic said as he left their room. He went down to the lab and saw Arnec on the table. His coat covered in blood from the attack. "What's the damage?" He asked Tails. Tails shook his head "His right eye socket has a slash wound and his left arm, from his elbow to his hand, is gone... He's in a state of comatose... He probably won't be up for a while..."
"It looks so horrible..."
"Whoever attacked him... Was a powerful opponent to do this kind of damage... I'm estimating 2 to 3 weeks, then he'll be ready to be back in the fight."
"Well... At least he'll make it..."
"Worst part is... I finished the cure..."
"You did!?"
"Yeah... Just need to find a way to spread it... I don't know..." Tails said shrugging. Medic nodded and left. Suddenly Razgriz walked in "Tails..."
"Could I do a... Memory transfer?"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw one of the cameras... The person used a sword, something Arnec has little skill with. So I was wondering if I could transfer my memories from when I was a champion swordsmen."
"That... Could work... You'll be out a few days though... At least..."
"That's something that I'll just deal with... Thanks buddy..."
"No problem... Just sit down in that chair and we'll get started..."
"Alright." Razgriz replied as he got into the chair... He passed out seconds later from Tails injecting him with anesthetic...

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