Chapter 11B: The Wolf pack

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As they started to go to the area Tangle got a call this time "Hey, it's Whisper, Tangle I need you to help me with something."
"Oh..." She turned to Arnec "...Hey, Whisper needs my help..."
They both stopped. Arnec looked over at her "Oh, ok... I should be able to handle this... Don't worry about me..."
Tangle nodded and Arnec used a ring to get to the area. He saw a wolf in traditional garb, blue dress and her hair in a braid. A scar could be seen on her cheek. Arnec approached her
"That would be me..."
"You said you wanted to join me?"
"That's correct... The Wolfpack nation had recently had some Zombots invade... Many of my warriors fell... We need someone to push them out... We'd heard about you..."
"Hmm... I don't see any issues..." Arnec replied, shrugging. Lupe smiled "Alright... Uh... What do you need me to do?"
"Move yourself and the others into our little fort..."
"It'll be quite the pilgrimage... And if we're attacked-"
"Don't worry about it...  I have my ways..."
"If... You're sure..."
"No need to worry. Here..." He tossed her a ring "...Use it, you can come when you're ready... And bring any infected, if possible." Arnec told her. Lupe smiled and nodded "Thank you, for helping us."
"Wouldn't be nice to leave you out to dry... Plus, we need all the help we can get. In fact, we recently got some... Someone that's a 'guardian'"
Lupe shrugged "I'll get my people ready... Thank you for allowing us to join you."
"I have no issue, so why not? You're welcome... Be careful out there..." He replied. Lupe nodded before leaving. Arnec sat there for a moment before getting contacted by Tails again "Silver's back, brought some of his friends too."
"Really? That's good news."
"Yep, turns out one of them had a computer with an A.I. inside! I think it was called... Nicole?"
"Hmm... That's interesting... I'll be over in a minute..."
"Not just gonna teleport over?"
"Weather's nice... Might as well walk..."
"Ain't lying there buddy! Alright, see you there then..."
"See ya..." Arnec responded before hanging up. He began the walk home.


Eternal and Timestreak were sitting in one of the houses in Spiral Hill Fortress. Eternal broke the silence "Anyone else coming?"
"Shouldn't... Buuut, you never know..."
"Scrapman? How's he?"
"Still loony... As per usual... Sure would suck if he followed one of us..."
"Careful, don't jinx us..."
Timestreak chuckled "Eh, what's the worst that could happen!?"
"I don't know... And I'd rather not find out."
"Touche... I'm going to go do something real quick..." Timestreak said, getting up. Eternal raised an eyebrow "What're you doing? Timestreak? Timestreak!"
"Huh, wha...? Oh, blanked out... Going to the past..."
"What for?"
"Erm... Reasons... Won't be gone long!"
"But, when you time travel, you're only gone for a second for me..."
"Oh, right..."
"Just don't go causing any time paradoxes!" Eternal said jokingly. Timestreak chuckled before running off. Eternal sat down in a chair. The door opened and Tangle walked in. Eternal got up "Tangle, you require anything?"
"Wondering if you know when Arnec's getting back."
"As far as I know, he should be on his way back. He wanted to walk home due to the weather..."
"Oh, thanks..."
"No problem..."
Tangle nodded and left. Eternal sat back down and shut his eyes, drifting to sleep a few minutes later...

A/N: sorry it took two weeks! I was really behind on this one. Due to life and working on other stories (Newfound Hope Redux).

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