Chapter 24A: It has come to this

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After defeating Cyborg-ninja Arnec went to catch up with Sonic. He got into the radio
"Sonic! How you doing?"
"Me? fine... Infinite didn't bother charging the phantom ruby so I just kicked the crud out of him... Also, Zero helped before returning to the main battle."
"Who's Zero?"
"Him before Infinite."
"Oh... Well I thought we'd get a cool fight! Had some music that'd be perfect!" Arnec said disappointed. They met up in another spaceship hangar. A machine that looked like the egg dragoon suddenly appeared! Sonic groaned "Ah come one! How many of those does he have!?" Eggman popped his head out of the cockpit "Oh look, two rats this time! Long time no see, eh Sonic?" He said laughing. Arnec stepped in front of Sonic
"So... You made the Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi?"
"What in the...!? Who would come up with stupid names like that!? I guess you'll be thinking that when you and you're 'family' are drawing your very last breath..."
Arnec growled, a red aura glowing around him (imagine the effect Infinite would do in forces when he used the phantom ruby) Sonic held his arm in front of him "Arnec... Relax... Don't let him get in your head..." He said calmly. Arnec sighed, but then smiled a bit as the aura faded
"I wondered... how could you be like this? After getting defeated so many times... But then I realize... you've never felt loss, not true loss that is! Everytime you get beat you return to a warm and cozy lab! You get to just laze around, you never learn! You didn't live off of scraps that you found in a dumpster! But you know who did!? Me! That was me who suffered! I barely survived day to day... Every day I would ask myself if I'd make it, uncertain of the answer... But you wouldn't know how it feels... But that's what you want for others... If you went through the pain I went through, you wouldn't want this!"
Eggman snarled "why don't you just have that silver pain look into your future... Because your words mean nothing to me! Whatever you-"
Arnec pointed at him, the red aura returning and shining bright "I don't need to look into my future, for I make my own! You made a big mistake... Because all we needed was a single spark... And you? You just lit a torch by mentioning my family! So if you want a fight, then I'll give you a fight! But when you aren't feeling so well... Not. My. Fault!"
Eggman laughed "Oh, but you're held back by something! Your honor!"
"Honor? Ha! Ever heard of natural selection? A wolf would chew it's own leg off to ensure the pack's survival... My honor is the leg that I'll be willing to chew off... But... Even if you kill me and Sonic here... Others will rise from the ashes to fight your tyranny, as they always have!"
"Then I'll just kill you all!"
"Well... You can most certainly try... After you get through me!" Arnec said as he stood confidently the aura glowing bright.
"Get a load of this!" Eggman yelled as he raised the egg dragoon's drill arm and went to punch Arnec. Arnec caught the drill with one hand "pff... You even trying egghead?" Arnec said smirking as he ripped the drill off. Eggman sat there in shock "What the!? How did you!?"

(It has come to this - Sonic and the secret rings Ost)

"Let's play catch!" Arnec yelled as he slung the drill at the egg dragoon like a football. Eggman went to dodge it but was hit by some kind of explosion! Arnec looked over and saw Medic with a rocket launcher "Medic?"
"That'd be me... Better finish this up."
"Yep... It's time..." Arnec pulled out his sword, the blade glowed a crimson red. He ran across some of the walls and swung from pipes on the ceiling until he was at the egg dragoon, which had just yanked the drill out. He smiled "Knock knock!" He yelled as he swung his sword down, slicing the minigun off of the machine. He ran and curled up into a ball, doing something like an airdash, except with a sword. He sliced through the midsection of the egg dragoon before using his grapple hook to swing on top of a pipe. Sonic smiled "When'd you figure out how to do that?"
"Learned it from you..."
"You learn fast then!"
"I'm kidding... I'm full of surprises when I'm not losing limbs!"
"Aww... Way to poop on my party."
"Heh." Arnec chuckled as he sliced the egg dragoon in half diagonally. The two pieces fell to the ground. Medic went to dodge but no one could see if he succeeded or not. Arnec caught up to Sonic, the glow fading. "Alright... That was fun... But if he didn't make the Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi... Who did?" He asked. Sonic had him a puzzled look but before he could answer the roof of the hangar was ripped off! There was a giant robot dragon! "How about Eggman Nega?" They heard a voice. Arnec spun around "Eggman Nega? Who?"
"Better than your bumbling fool... Now, let's take this party outside!" He yelled as he stomped in the wall, breaking it down... It was time for the final showdown...

A/N: alright, we're nearing the end (of A ver. Anyways.)

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