Chapter 23A: Vs Cyborg Ninja

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A/N: finally! You get to see what he looks like... (Header image, in case you didn't know, you can actually tap on it and it'll show the whole thing.)

A few minutes later and Arnec had found him in a massive hangar "alright... Just who are you?" Arnec asked. "Me? I have no name... I'm just a Cyborg-Ninja... So, might as well call me that... And you should turn back while I give you the chance... Lucky I didn't finish you." Cyborg-Ninja said as he turned around. Arnec noticed the fancy armor and drew his sword "Didn't know it was Halloween already! What's the theme this year? Metal Gear? Should have grabbed myself a cardboard box."
"Sarcasm? A true warrior wouldn't waste time with jokes..."
"A murderer who doesn't like jokes? Jeez, Who are you?" Arnec asked smirking. Cyborg-Ninja scoffed "compared to you... I'm a demon, carrying out the will of the doctor... Alongside Infinite..." He said, referring to the two horns on his helmet. Arnec smiled
"Well, you took my arm and my eye... Guess that makes me a one winged angel, does it not?" Cyborg-Ninja rolled his eyes, though they were concealed by his visor
"Ugh... I wish i would have killed you the first time... This time there'll be nothing left..." Cyborg ninja said as he drew his sword. Arnec smirked "Yeah, threats won't protect you... At least, not from me." He said drawing his sword.
(Alright, this is a boss fight so there has to be a theme right? Got two songs that go perfectly, both from Sonic games. One is meant to be from Arnec's POV, the other; Cyborg-Ninja. Of course you can listen to your own music.)

(Arnec POV, Never Turn Back by Crush 40)

(Cyborg-Ninja POV, With Me (Massive Power) mix by Crush 40)

Arnec smiled as he twirled his sword, swapping hands "Let's dance!" He yelled happily. Cyborg-Ninja scoffed "Alright... You can show off... But can you fight?"
"Time to find out..." Arnec raised his sword by his head and pointed the tip at Cyborg-Ninja. He laughed "Why should i even bother? I beat you once... Guess I'll do it again!" They charged at each other. Arnec deflected each of the sword blows, doing spin kicks while tossing his sword to swap hands. Cyborg-Ninja couldn't keep up and was slowly losing whatever advantage he had. Arnec slid back and pointed at him smiling "Amateur!"
"That's why last time you lost?"
"Lost? You never finished me off..."
"Won't make that mistake again..."
"Then prove it!"
"Come over here and I will!"
"Think I'll fall for that again? The way you fight... You sneak in the shadows... Like rats in a sewer... You're only friend is the dark... For the light has abandoned you... Who's fault would that be?"
"Silence!" Cyborg-Ninja yelled in fury. Arnec smirked "ooh... Pulled a nerve didn't I? How do you think I felt?"
"I'll kill you!"
Cyborg-Ninja rushed at Arnec. Arnec slid and dodged him before kicking his back.
"Looks like you missed."
"You little-" he was interrupted by a dropkick to the face. Arnec spun and got up onto his feet "It's too bad you're scared to hit me!"
"I'm. Not. Scared. The soldier knows no fear..." Cyborg-Ninja said before getting up and rushing at Arnec. Arnec smiled and raised his sword. Their sword's collided, steel against steel, Sparks flying. They kept fighting until Cyborg-Ninja tired out and slid back. Arnec wasn't tired at all... For he used his prosthetic arm nearly the entire time. Cyborg-Ninja got onto one knee, to try and recover some stamina. He got back up and Arnec swung upwards, slicing off Cyborg Ninja's hand. He screamed in pain but Arnec wasn't done. He spun in a circle and sliced upwards again, hitting the visor on Cyborg Ninja's helmet, slicing his right eye. Arnec spun around and ran his sword through his opponent's midsection... Cyborg-Ninja slid off the blade and fell to the ground, back first. Arnec smiled as he cleaned the blade with his hand "Unfortunately for you... I never turn back!"
He said smiling as he sheathed his sword and ran off to find Sonic.

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