Chapter 20A: Woke and ready

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Arnec slowly opened his eyes. He was on a table in the lab. Everyone was around him. They're were some though that he didn't recognize... Like a bunny that looked like an older version of Cream and a dark purple large cat. Also in the corner there was a light purple cat. He also saw a Jackal who had a yellow and blue eye, sharpen his sword Tails smiled "He's come to! Arnec... It's... You were almost dead..."
"How long was I out?" Arnec asked groaning. Tails rubbed the back of his neck "2 weeks... That dude really screwed you up..."
"Why... Can't I see out my right eye?"
"It got cut... With a blade along with half your left arm..." Tails said with a bit of sorrow in his voice. "...Don't worry though, I did my best to fix it... Let me show you." He said as he grabbed a mirror. Arnec looked in the mirror and noticed an eye patch and his new prosthetic arm, there was a ball joint where the wrist would be. The two main pieces were blue in color, while the trim and joint where jet black. "...Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about your eye, so might as well cover it." Tails said, talking about the eye patch. Arnec looked at it and smirked. "Is it good for me to get up?"
"Yeah..." Arnec slowly got up and stretched. Razgriz walked up to him and handed him a katana "Thought you'd need this... After all, you were a champion..."
"Thanks... And thank you Tails. I need some time to get used to walking around." He said as he left...

A few hours later

"I said, revenge is not honorable..." Arnec told Shadow. Shadow smirked
"He's working for Eggman you know?"
"What!?" Arnec yelled. Shadow looked over at him "Yeah... We'll get both of them... Make them pay for what they've done to this planet..."
Shadow said. Arnec smiled, putting his prosthetic arm in a fist. "Agreed... Now that you've mentioned him working for ole egghead... Might not be dishonorable for a pursual of revenge afterall... But first, we need a way to spread the cure..."
Suddenly a red wolf who had glasses and a mic on walked in, he had a holo-screen come out of his glove. It was a digital 3d model of Imperial Tower. "Rookie?" Shadow said, crossing his arms and smiling a bit. The wolf nodded. Arnec smiled "Alright... I think I have a plan..." Arnec said with a big smile. A few minutes later and they were all in the town hall, the only place with enough room for everyone. Tails walked in beside of him. Arnec cleared his throat "Aight... It's time... For far too long Eggman and his goons have made us suffer under their wrath... But that ends tomorrow! We shall free our planet and restore it to what it once was, a truly beautiful planet... So I ask all of you here, who have been saved and those who managed to survive to this point, raise your weapons and prepare for the fight of your life... It's time for us to fight back! To take what is ours! Our freedom! For we shall stand as one! Are you with me!?" Everyone cheered and loaded up their weapons (except big who just grabbed a fishing pole and had no clue what was even happening.) Blaze walked up to Arnec "So... Who are you?"
"Me? You can call me Big Boss..." Arnec said smiling. "...Kidding... name's Arnec."
Tangle walked by and stroked her tail across Arnec's back, causing a massive blush to form on his face... She pulled him back with her tail and whispered into his ear "Our room..." She said as she released him. Arnec smiled
"Alright princess... See you there..." Arnec said with a smirk before looking back at Blaze "Uh... I should go." He said as he left.
He went to walk into his bedroom but tripped on something, landing on his face. He looked up and saw Tangle holding her tail "What's up, pretty boy?"
"Well, there's the ceiling."
"How you feel?"
"Miss my eye, prosthetic arm feels like my old one... So... Pretty bad. There is a princess though that could make me feel better..." He said smiling. Tangle grabbed him with her tail and tossed him towards her "Yoink!" She said playfully as she caught him. Arnec blushed "Well... This is awkward."
"Wanna be back on the floor?"
"Missed you."
"Missed you too."
"Every day I'd go down and see you... You were clinically dead for a few minutes..."
"Thought I was in heaven when you held me." Arnec said with a smirk. Tangle laughed before tossing him on the bed. She climbed up on him "So... You gonna keep me waiting?" She asked. Arnec smiled and flipped her over "You're pretty good..." He said as he pinned her wrists. Tangle smirked "isn't that Razgriz's line?"
"So why-" Tangle started, Arnec interrupted her by kissing her upper neck right below her chin "... A-arnec... That's... That's my weak spot!" She yelled while purring loudly Arnec chuckled but continued with what he was doing. "Sorry... But I've been waiting two whole weeks so I could love on you!"
Arnec said as he continued kissing on her. Tangle's tail grabbed Arnec and rolled him over. Tangle jumped on top of Arnec and pinned his wrists before doing the same to him as he did to her. Arnec chuckled
"Sorry, but that don't effect me princess. Also, why'd you cheat and use your tail to flip-" before he could finish his sentence Tangle kissed him "You're almost as bad as your brother... You know that?"
"Whatcha mean?"
"You won't hush..."
"Alright, if you really want me to shut up... But I'm getting on top." He said as he lifted Tangle up and flipped her. Tangle laughed "Oh no you don't!" She yelled as she flipped him back over. They kept on until they flipped off of the bed and tumbled into the floor. The door swung open and Medic ran through "Arnec! You-?" he noticed the two in the floor "...Nevermind... I'm gonna leave..." He said before going out the door, shutting it behind him. He went downstairs and saw Blaze. Blaze looked over at him and had a slight blush "Oh, didn't see you there... Who are you?"
"Medic... You?"
"Blaze? Ok. When'd you get here?"
"Yesterday... Was dealing with issues in my dimension... Had a crazy doctor go missing around 2 weeks ago."
"His name?"
"Eggman Nega."
"There is a Dr Eggman."
"Not the same."
"Oh, my bad." Medic said shrugging.
"Sorry if I came off a little rude..." Blaze said looking away. Medic smirked "It's alright..." He replied. Blaze grew her own smirk
"No. I shouldn't be rude... Especially to strangers. How's Silver's garden? It survive this... Madness?"
"I'll be taking that as a no. Any houses here empty?"
"There's one by the museum."
"No problem Blaze." Medic replied smiling. Blaze smiled back and walked off. Medic went to lay down on the couch but felt something. He suddenly felt two hands yank him down and felt someone cuddling him. He raised an eyebrow and looked behind him. He saw Silver. He mumbled in his sleep "Whisper... You feel... Different..." He mumbled between snores. He opened his eyes and saw Medic "Ahh! What the-!" He jumped off and fell into the floor. Medic laughed "You good man?"
"Where's Whisper?"
"Oh well you're so much help!"
Suddenly the two heard someone run down the stairs. They looked and saw Arnec. He had his jacket and shirt off and his hair was all frizzled up. "What in the world?" He said as he turned to face the two. "... Alright... Someone explain what's going on?"
Medic laughed a little "Someone's roughed up... What's been going on? Little... You know...?" Medic said approaching Arnec. Arnec blushed "That's... None of your business! Now... What happened!?"
"I tried to get some sleep, but someone was laying on the couch and i didn't know."
"Oh... Ok. Just didn't know if a wall collapsed or something. Y'all need some sleep... Tommorow is a VERY important day..."
"We know." Medic and Silver responded at the same time. They heard Razgriz yelling from his bedroom "I'm tryin' to make love up here so could you keep it down!?" Arnec looked at Medic and winked before yelling back "Alright, don't love on yourself too much!"
"Why you little...! I outta go down there and kick your rear end!"
"You couldn't even if you still had your pants on!"
Medic and Silver busted out laughing. "Mate... Shut up!"
"What? The king of smart allecks can't come up with a decent comeback?"
He heard Razgriz growl before hearing Relic mumble something. Whisper then walked in. She had her hand on her stomach. Silver jumped up "Whisp! What's wrong?"
"I just spent the past 2 hours throwing up."
"What you throwing up for?"
"I... Don't know... But I feel like crap..." She said as she laid on the couch. Silver picked her up and laid her on top of him "It'll be alright... I'm here..."
Medic looked at Arnec "And why are we still staring?"
"I have no idea... Let's go to bed..."
"Let's... Well, I will... As for you..."
"Oh... Playing that card?"
"No... I just know what you're going to be doing..."
Arnec grumbled
"goodnight then." Medic said smirking. He headed for his bedroom and went to sleep... The next day was going to be crazy...

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