Chapter 17A: Into the dusk

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WARNING: this chapter gets really graphic on the violence. If you don't like reading about blood, I suggest you don't read this chapter. Also, there's a character simply referred to as "Cyborg-Ninja" and that's all I'm going to say. You have been warned.

The next day Arnec, Razgriz, Medic, and Tangle were about to go help out at the chemical plant, where something suspicious had recently happened...
"Chemical plant? Alright..." Arnec said as he looked at Tangle, Razgriz and Medic "I'll go in first, in case there are any infected... You'll go in later... Aight?"
"Ok." All three said. A few hours passed and Arnec arrived. He equipped twin tranq-blades, one on each wrist. He entered. He felt something was off though... Like he was being watched... "Come in around 2 minutes..." He ordered.
"Copy." He heard Medic respond. A shadowy figure, Cyborg-Ninja, stood above him on a pipe
"Confirm, target in sight... He won't be a problem... he fights non-lethal... Copy."
Cyborg-Ninja said on a radio before he suddenly jumped down behind Arnec
"Who are you?" Arnec asked as he spun around. Cyborg-Ninja stayed silent for a second before he spoke
"My name does not matter. But you better start running."
Cyborg-Ninja pulled out a katana and swung at Arnec, who leaned back and evaded it. "Wh-who are you!?"
"Me? You're worst nightmare... Like I said. Better start running." Cyborg-Ninja said as he swung again. Arnec went to block with his wrist blades. Unfortunately while they did deflect the katana, they also snapped. Arnec stepped back "Why are you doing this!?" He asked, fear in his voice. Cyborg-Ninja scoffed
"Because... It's my job to kill heroes like you... Hope you've already confronted your demons.." Cyborg-Ninja said as he swung from the side. Arnec attempted a block with his left arm but failed, the blade sliced through his elbow and his right eye. Arnec fell to the ground on his side and howled in pain as he saw his left arm laying beside him... He could see the cyborg, although things were blurry with a tint of red.
(The music adds to the atmosphere.)

Arnec watched as the cyborg spoke into a radio "Target's down... Yes, He's bleeding out, he'll no longer be an issue... Copy..." The cyborg ran off. Arnec laid there on his back in a pool of his own blood... His vision slowly blurred. He could still feel his missing arm, even though it was detached. From his left eye, tears formed "Not like this... Please... I don't want to go... Tangle... Please... Let me live... Please..." He said, barely choking up the words. He saw someone running up to him... Tangle... She was horrified at what she saw... She held him as tears streamed down her cheeks, she got onto her radio"I found him! He's... He doesn't look good... Razgriz... Medic... Anyone!? Please... Arnec's bleeding out!"
Arnec looked over with his one eye and saw both Medic and Razgriz. Medic got onto his left and wrapped his stub of an arm up before lifting him. Razgriz lifted him from the other side. Medic spoke, although he was hard to hear "We're getting you outta here! You're not dying as long as I have a say!" Medic yelled, teary eyed. Razgriz had the saddest look on his face "Don't... Don't go... I... Don't want you to leave... Stay strong... I can't lose my only brother..." Arnec had a slight smile before he was too weak to hold his head up. He then lost consciousness...

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