Chapter 17B: Epilogue

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A/N: Fluff warning! Also, merry Christmas!

-Later that day, on Solace-

Eternal was in his old home, on the surface of Solace. He looked around at the dust covered floor and furniture. He saw a dust covered note on a table. It was from Katie... 8 years ago... He heard her younger voice in his head... "Happy 8th birthday Eternal! Sorry I couldn't come over... Hanging out with Solar. She needed some help with her powers again. You know how hard it is for her to control it! By the way, Timestreak left you a present! Never told him what kind of chocolate was your favorite, so he just got you the normal."
He smiled before laying it back down. He looked over and saw an old chocolate bar with some ribbon around it. "8 years past it's expiration date!" Eternal said to himself. He heard the door creak open and saw Arnec step through "Hey Arnec..."
"Hey. You know, they weren't lying when they said this planet's beatiful!"
"Heh heh..." Eternal chuckled softly. "...shoulda seen her back in the day... Solace was a true beauty... Glad we can live on the surface again though..."
"Yep... Soo... You and Katie... Y'all...?"
"Yeah, we're a thing now." Eternal responded shyly. Arnec smiled
"Y'all are cute together!"
"You and Tangle are too." Eternal responded, holding a hand out as he leaned against the wall. Arnec blushed a little "Now you done gone and made me blush!" Arnec said, chuckling. Eternal laughed a little "Yep... Me and katie have known each other a while... Growing up, we liked each other... I was always the shy one though..."
"Same... Well, not me and Katie, obviously!" Arnec said, laughing nervously.
"You and Tangle, right?"
"Yeah... Well, me being shy us what I was talking about..."
"Couldn't you have just read my mind? You used to do that."
"Getting access to my Ultra Guardian form allowed me to expand on my knowledge of my powers, I can switch my powers at will now... It's good though... Surprises can be fun! Especially when it's from someone you love..."
"You're acting... Unusual..."
"What do you mean?"
"Usually you're all serious..."
"Perhaps expressing my feelings to Kates expelled my pent up stress... Or it just lightened me up..."
"You start getting philosophical with me, I might not be able to keep up." Arnec said, smiling. Eternal smiled back "Being on Mobius... Seeing everyone's struggle... It... It reminded me of my responsibilities as a Guardian... Protecting all life from darkness... Scrapman may have scrambled a part of that, but no longer is that the case. Now, we can focus... You're required a thank you for this..."
"What do you mean?"
"Hanging out with you and your friends, It's been... educational... I've learned plenty, including that even though we're similar, each and every one of us is unique... I wish you luck with Tangle, and don't worry... She wants kids too..." Eternal said before winking, although his wasn't as awkward as Timestreak's towards Amy. Arnec smiled and nodded his head before saying goodbye and leaving...

-A few hours later-

Eternal and Katie were... Having fun... In Eternal's old bedroom. Eternal had her against the wall and was kissing on her neck and chin. "Oh Eternal~!" Katie yelled, giggling.
Eternal stopped and smiled.
"I found that note."
"What note?"
"You wishing me a happy birthday... 8 years ago?"
"Oh... That one... Feels like an eternity." Katie said, smiling. Eternal chuckled
"Yep... Glad it's back though... 8 years... Does feel longer..." He said, smiling at Katie. She smiled back as she softly kissed him. He kissed her back, before she spun him around, slamming him against the wall. Eternal gave her a goofy surprised look.
She smirked "Come on, gotta let me have some fun too!" She said as she scooted her face closer to his. He blushed and looked away bashfully. Katie smirked as she grabbed his chin with two fingers and turned him to face her, smiling as she admired his eyes "...Come on... Eternal, you of all people... What are you so shy about!?"
"I... Uh... Um..."
"Shy because you've never been in a relationship before?"
"Uh... I... Erm..." Eternal continued nervously. Katie chuckled "Jokes on you, I'm into guys that are shy!" She said before kissing him. Eternal's eyes were widened in shock, but relaxed after a few seconds. A few more seconds later and his eyes were closed as his hands were on her sides. She scooted forward, her body brushing against his... (Don't worry, they're in their normal outfits!) They pulled out of the kiss and looked at each other in awkward silence for a minute or two. Eternal suddenly bent down and grabbed Katie by her thighs, lifting her up. Katie chuckled "Be careful with me, would you? This dress isn't as pretty when it's wrinkly!" She said jokingly. Eternal chuckled before he jumped onto the bed, taking Katie with him. She laid on her back, while Eternal was above her. She smiled as she rubbed the marks on his chest and face
"Anyone ever tell you how pretty you are with these?"
"What, the scars?"
"Yeah... They look good on you."
"Thanks, hope you don't get any though."
"I got you to protect me if I need it!"
"I'll sure do my best!" Eternal said, smiling as he leaned forward, kissing and licking Katie's cheek. "Ey, that's cold!" Katie yelled, laughing. Eternal chuckled "What, me loving on you?"
"No, when you pull back... Feels chilly."
"Oh... Guess I'll do it some more then!" Eternal said before resuming his loving. Katie chuckled "You know, you have bad aim though."
"My mouths right here silly." Katie said, smirking cutely. Eternal smirked back "Ok..." He said before gently pecking her lips. "...that better?"
"If you'd do it for more than two seconds!" Katie said as she rolled her eyes. Eternal rolled his back at her before smirking cutely. Katie smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and yanked him onto her, kissing him. Eternal kissed her back as he put his hands on her cheeks. They kissed for a few minutes, with one of Katie's legs scooting and her knee raising by Eternal's side. He smiled as he pulled back, looking at Katie. Both laughed a little before they sat up. Katie smiled before she jumped onto Eternal's lap, surprising him. Eternal smiled as he held Katie on his lap, brushing his cheek against hers. Both smiled before Katie got up.
"Where you going?" Eternal asked. Katie chuckled "Gotta go check on Solar."
"Think you're 8 years late for that!"
"Ha ha, so funny!" Katie said sarcastically. Eternal smiled "Kates, you keep on, I might blush!"
"Oh, I wanna see this!" Katie said as she jumped on top of him, pinning his wrists. Eternal held back with all of his power to stop that blush. Katie grinned real big which finally caused Eternal to blush.
"Oh! Oh, there it is! There's that blush!" Katie yelled estaticly. They heard the front door open and quickly scrambled to make the scene more... Presentable... They sat by each other and looked at the doorway. They saw a familiar wolf walk in. Timestreak. "Hmm, got the feeling y'all weren't like this when I stepped into the house..." He said smiling. Eternal and Katie both blushed and laughed nervously. "...anyway, I'm here for that race Eternal promised!"
Eternal looked at Katie, who nodded at him. He nodded back and gave her a quick kiss before heading outside with Timestreak. They saw an old highway and looked at each other, smiling.
"Let's see who wins this time! I'm ready!"
Timestreak said excitedly. Eternal smiled "Alright... Let's go!" Eternal yelled before both took off into the sunset...

A/N: Woo hoo! It's done baby! Holy heck did I really enjoy writing this! Reminder to y'all, I do take suggestions, and that's how this B version came to be.

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