Chapter 11A: Star's align

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A/N: I reckon who's gonna appear this time?

Amy greeted them "Alright... We've found an old foe, someone who we thought was dead... His name? Dr. Starline..."
"Hmm... Okay... What should we look out for?"
"Considering he apparently doesn't have the warp topaz... He's of little physical threat... He is very intelligent however... Do NOT underestimate him!"
"Alright... Tangle. Let's move out..."

-10 minute's later-

They arrived at the area... They saw Dr. Starline, but it appeared he had been weakened from an encounter with some Zombots and he had gotten infected... Arnec snuck up on him and jabbed him with the tranq-blade, incapacitating him. Arnec picked him up and, using a ring, teleported back to his house. He sat Dr. Starline down on the lab table and let Tails work his magic... He went upstairs to the living room and noticed Sonic and Silver carrying some survivors in. Slowly, Spiral hill village was regaining it's population... Too bad it still had that big wall surrounding it.

-A few hours later-

Arnec had Dr. Starline sitting in a chair and was talking to him. Dr. Starline swore he was evil due to him helping Eggman and that the Restoration couldn't use an evil person... Arnec stepped in front of him
"The thing is... You're not necessarily evil Dr.... You've just been looking up to the wrong people... I think it'd be unfair to not give you another chance... You looked up to the legend of Eggman but when you found the real him... You lost your will to be like him... You were fooled... But here... We don't fool each other... So Dr... You want another chance? Because here's the thing... You've got yourself 3 choices the way I see it... 1... You join us and start with a clean slate. 2... You try and return to Eggman and see if he'll accept you... Or 3... We let you go and you try and survive on your own... So... What's it going to be?"
"Not much of a choice is there? Eggman would kill me and I'm no fighter without the warp topaz... So... I'll offer my knowledge... I know plenty about neurology and I was the one who gave him his memories... As long as you don't pester me with minor annoyances..." Dr. Starline said, causing Shadow to roll his eyes. Arnec smirked "At least he's joining us."
Shadow kept a straight face "You better watch him..."
"Don't worry..."
"I have plenty of reason to worry..."
"I'll watch him..."
"All I ask... But, can I ask you something?" He looked over at the doctor "...In private?"
"Sure..." Arnec replied as they left. They went up to Arnec's bedroom
"Alright Shadow... What is it?"
"I... I need you to do that thing... With the blood..."
"Alright... Do you have the person's blood on you?"
"Yeah... Just... Don't ask where I got it..."
"Alright..." Arnec said as Shadow handed him a small pouch with some blood in it. Arnec put some on the scanner... The name said... Rouge!
"She's at... The chemical plant!"
"We're going!"
"You go on ahead, I'll get ready..."
"Thanks... Friend..." Shadow said with a small smile as he left. Arnec smiled himself upon hearing Shadow say that. It was time for him to get ready...

A/N: In case you're wondering where Shadow managed to get some of Rouge's blood, let's just say that Shadow has his red wings. All I'mma say. Heh. Terriblejoke.jpeg

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