Chapter 2: The stranger revealed

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Tails woke up and went into his lab when he saw something that shocked him... Tangle was on his lab table and all signs of the metal virus were gone! He went up to her and noticed a note beside her. He picked it up. "If You ever need me friend, I'll be in Spiral Hill Village. First house on your left." He read it to himself. He wondered who it was. Tangle woke up and hugged him "Tails! You survived... Is it over? You found a cure?"
"No... Someone else did though... And I think we should arrange a meeting with them."
"Really? Where?"
"Spiral Hill Village."
"My old town? Let's go!"
They went to get their things when they heard a rumbling... The Zombots were attacking! Before they could do anything however a familiar person came to their rescue! They were shoved through a portal. They looked up and saw him. The stranger that helped them the first time. "Sorry about the sudden rescue. Should tell y'all my name shouldn't I?" He took off his hood, revealing a wolf with white fur and black accents "Name's Arnec. Don't worry I know you both, Tails... And Tangle." Tangle dusted off her knee "wait, you have the cure don't you?"
"Um... Unfortunately... No. My blood is immune but it's no cure. It needs to be more... Refined and mass produced. Something Tails would be more suited for. I'll help you out best I can." Arnec said as he paced back and forth, making hand gestures. Tails left to explore the lab Arnec had downstairs. Tangle grinned a little "thank you Arnec... sigh... I remember the pain I went through when I transformed... It was so painful." He watched a tear go down her face and quickly wiped it "Tangle... The pain's over. This is our chance to end other's pain. Know anyone here in Spiral Hill Village that could use our help?" Tangle smiled "yeah, I'll show you!" She said as she left his house and led Arnec to the museum. "When I first heard about this mess I went to check on my friend Jewel... She was already turned and attacked me when I wasn't looking... She was my best friend..." She sighed and looked down. Arnec put his hand on her shoulder lightly "it's okay Tangle... We can help her now! Just... Let me get her..." Tangle smiled a little "you're right... It's just this... This virus has put so many people through so much... I'm glad we have the ability to help them now." Arnec smiled a little. Tangle showed him where Jewel was held. Arnec could feel the pain... Not just from Jewel but from Tangle too... He thought it must hurt to see a friend hurting like this. He was going to help the best he could. Tangle walked up to the glass as Jewel kept hitting it. "You ready Arnec?"
"Yeah, let's do this." Tangle opened the glass with her tail and Jewel lunged at Arnec... He dodged and launched a grappling hook at her, yanking her towards him. Tangle looked as Arnec seemingly just put his hand on Jewel, she slowly stopped trying to claw and bite him... And fell asleep. "Woah! What did you do?" She asked. Arnec smiled as he put Jewel on his shoulder and held out his arm bottom up. Tangle noticed something attached to his wrist "you see this? It has a very small needle on it. Barely pokes em. Feels like those old allergy pens you stick in someone's thigh. This has tranquilizer in it though. That's how I got you without hurting you." Tangle thought that was interesting. Now she knew how he got the infected back to his place. They walked back to Arnec's house and Arnec laid Jewel on the table in his lab. Tangle watched as Arnec wretched his arm in pain and he looked... Pale. "Arnec? You okay?"
"Yeah... Just drawing my blood. I'll be good." Tangle looked kind of worried for him. Sure, he can't feel the pain of being a Zombot but he had to give up so much of his own body just to save one person. And considering how much blood he needed for Jewel alone... Egh... Can't imagine how much he needed for her. She heard Arnec grunt a little as he injected the syringe gently into Jewel. The metal appeared to just disappear... "She'll be asleep for a while. Thanks for the help Tangle."
"What do you mean?"
"If it weren't for you I probably would've gotten bit."
"Thought you're immune?"
"I am. Biting still doesn't feel good... Especially with the teeth these guys tend to have." Tangle knew exactly what he was talking about. Jewel got her infected when she bit her. Arnec leaned on the table. "Imma lay down for a bit. Just make sure the doors are secured and no one's attached to the ceiling fan..." Tangle chuckled a little. "...yeah, terrible joke. I know." Tails smiled. "You wouldn't happen to have more room would you?" He asked Arnec "got plenty of room, why?"
"Got split from my friends... Was wondering if you would let them stay?" Arnec smiled "more survivors? The more the merrier! Just let me get some blood first. Gotta get my blood flowing again after taking so much out." Tails watched Arnec went into his fridge and pulled out a vial of blood and injected himself. "Okay. That'll be good for now. Just send the coordinates and I'll be off."
"You got a mobile computer?" Tails asked him as Arnec pulled out a small computer. "Yep, sure do." Tangle walked up to Arnec "can I come with?" She asked. Arnec blushed a little "yeah, of course... Just... Don't get re-infected or anything." He replied as they teleported to the location. Arnec looked around and saw some people on top of a house: A wolf, bunny, and... A pink hedgehog? That's new. He looked over at Tangle "you ready?" Tangle gave him a thumbs up and winked. Arnec nodded and charged into the crowd of Zombots, knocking as many out as he could. He didn't want to kill them. The pink hedgehog looked over at the wolf "Whisper! Over there! It's Tangle and some other guy, they're helping us!" Whisper looked over at Tangle "Tangle?! Come on Amy, let's clear the way for em!" She blasted some Zombots. Arnec and Tangle joined the Mobians. Arnec looked at Amy "Tails sent us. Here, step through this!" He threw a ring and it opened a portal, Amy grabbed the rabbit and hopped through with everyone else. Amy looked around at Arnec's home "so it's safe here?" Arnec nodded. "Any of you touched? Bitten? Or infected in any other way?" The three looked at each other "no... Thankfully... I've been in some hairy fights, but that one... My hammer couldn't fend off that many." The rabbit walked up to Arnec "what's your name mister?" Arnec smiled, been a while since he'd seen a child. "Arnec. Yours?"
"Cream." He looked over at Tangle who was hugging whisper and crying "I saw what you were turned into... I thought I'd never see you again..." theybheard Whisper say... Cream noticed a tear going down Arnec's face "why are you crying Mr. Arnec?"
"Seeing friends loving each other... I've never had friends..."
"Why not?"
"I was orphaned... I grew up alone, wanting to be a hero but... Didn't think I was good enough."
"You didn't have parents when you were a child?"
"Nope. What about you?"
"My mom got turned... *sniffle* into one of those... Monsters..." Arnec hugged her as she cried "it's okay... You've got friends here... Can i be one?" Cream wiped her tears away "you want to be my friend?"
"Of course, especially in these times..." Amy smiled and pushed Cream a little out of the way "so... You found a cure?"
"Were it so easy... Yes and No. My blood is immune to it. My blood also has extensive healing properties so all skin, fur, whatever, is converted back to normal." Amy looked kinda confused "sounds like a cure." Arnec looked at her "a cure would work as a vaccine and prevent reinfection. My blood can't do that. Tails is researching a cure though as we speak." Whisper looked over and saw Jewel on the table "she's... She's cured?" Tangled smiled "Yep... And me..." Whisper smiled "so... What was it like being one of them?"
"Painful... Watching as you try and kill your friends... Lucky Arnec saved Tails before I tried killing him." Whisper raised an eyebrow "who's Arnec?"
"Only the guy who's saving everyone! Where's Sonic at? We got a fix on him?"
"Ran to Crisis City last I heard." A few hours passed...

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