Chapter 6

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Your eyes slowly opened.
You gaze glided over the room.
You where in a medical room.
Gabe was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room sleeping. He again looked so peaceful when he slept. The sun from the blinds casted lines across his face.
"G-Gabe" you managed to get out before it turned into a fit of coughing.
He startled awake and looked at you.
"(Y/n)! Thank god" he started crying.
He looked like he wanted to pull you into a hug but was to scared to. As if with one touch he would break you.
You nodded over to some water sitting on the table beside you. He reached over and handed you the cup which you drank.
"Gabe what happened?" You couldn't remember how you got here.
"Talon took Adrian and you left while I was sleeping and then I found Moria trying to kill you"
A flood of memories came back to you.
"Is Adrian okay? Where is he? I have to see him" You urgently attempt to get out of bed but your legs where to weak opposed your body weight. You waited for the feeling of the cold laminate floor against you face but it never came. Instead you where engulfed by two big arms. Gabe caught you and gently put you back on the bed.
"(Y/n), you can't move yet your body isn't recovered. Adrian is fine, Angela's over in the next room watching him"
You groaned out as you where placed back on the bed. You whole body was sore from what Moria had done.
Finally Gabriel's lecture started, something you had been dreading.
"What the hell where you thinking (y/n)! You could have gotten yourself killed! Hell you almost did if I wasn't there to stop her!"
This was different, Gabe never really yelled at you. But you think you might have just pushed him over then edge this time. Sweet talking him wasn't going to get you out of this.
"Do you understand how dangerous that was? You could have died and I wouldn't have been the wiser!" You decided to sit there and take the lecture.
"(Y/n), I don't think you understand! I cannot live without you! You like a drug that if I don't get enough then I will go insane!"
This time you felt tears roll down your face. He was right, you where married which meant you where in this together. You knew how much you meant to him and still you went out there. You risking your life was also risking his in the process.
One he saw you crying he stopped. He hated seeing you cry. He would rather take a thousand years of torture then see you cry.
Pulling you in for a tight hug he said "(y/n), I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you but I need you to understand that your not in this alone and your decisions impact the both of us. I love you so much and I don't want to loose you" he bent down and kissed your forehead and cradled you tighter.
All you could do was sit there in silence. You eventually pulled you head back to look at his face. You eyes traveled from his jaw line to his lips then to his chocolate brown eyes. His eyes looked worn and tired, knowing him he probably stayed here the whole time you where unconscious. Noticing around one eye was darker then the other you realized you kicked him pretty hard the other day. This only made you cry harder.
"Mi amor what's wrong? Tell me and I'll make it better" he looked like he was on the verge of tears with concern and worry laced in his voice.
"I-I gave you a black e-eye! I-I'm s-so sorry" you sobbed.
"Hon, it's alright we where sparring. What did you think was going to happen? Your quicker then fucking lighting" he chuckled.
This made you feel somewhat better.
You slowly brought you lips to his. Kissing him with a burning passion. His kissed you back but it was gentle. Different from his usual urgentness. You kissed him over and over until you where out of breath. He was know mostly on top of you. You felt a sudden need for him, like a fire that wasn't going out and only getting stronger. You kissed him again while he dominated you, his tongue explored your mouth like it had many times before.
Your hand traveled down to his pants, giving a slight tug and his belt before undoing it. He pulled away from this kiss.
"Mi amor we can't do this, you can hardly feel your legs the way it is. If we where to go know then you wouldn't be walking for the rest of the week" he whispered in your ear.
This sent shivers down you spine as you could imagine what he would do to you. You knew he was turned on by the way he was adjusting in his pants. You pouted as he started to buckle his belt. Just then Angela walked into the room and saw as Gabe was putting his belt back on.
"GABRIEL REYES! WHAT DID I TELL YOU! SHE IS STILL RECOVERING!" Angela stormed up to Gabe and hit him with her clipboard.
"Hey! Hey! It's not what it looked like Angela!" He said trying to defend himself as she hit him with her clipboard once more.
Breathing a sign of relief you could tell Angela wasn't sure about his story or not but she looked at you for reassurance and you nodded. You noticed the bandage on her head.
"Angela how's you head?" You asked
"It's fine, right after you and Gabe left, Jack came and took care of me so I'm fine"
"I'm glad to hear that" you smiled
"So then is Adrain?" You asked
"He's perfectly fine, not a scratch on him" you let out air that you didn't know you where holding.
"That's great thank you" and with that she left the room.
Right before the door could close Jack came waltzing in.
"(Y/n), so glad to see you awake. I have some questions for you to answer".

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