Chapter 11

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He took out a small ear piece from his pocket and placed it in his ear.
"I've got the girl, you take care of him" he said through the ear piece.
How did he have connection? You took this chance to get off the bed and try to land a punch on him. He grabbed your fist and twisted it making you grunt out in pain.
"You leave him alone!" You yelled throwing your leg up to kick him but he caught your leg while releasing your hand. He brought your leg up and kissed it as you struggled for balance.
"Mm don't you taste lovely" he smiled.
Letting your leg go he grabbed your arm and forced you back to the bed while hovering on top of you.
"Get off of me!" You yelled and tried to force him off of you. If you could get him off of you, you could stab him with your knife and run. As if reading your mind his hand traveled up your thigh and grabbed your knife.
"Is this what you wanted?" He held it up to your throat.
You swallowed hard and stopped struggling.
"Ah good girl" he smiled and grabbed a gun from his pocket.
He had that the entire time? Shit, he was just toying with you now.
"Now be a good girl and strip for me" he said letting go of you and he sat on the bed. You walked to the center of the room and looked back at him.
"Come on I know you can do it, so hurry up before I get mad" he said pointing the gun at you.
You thought about running but you knew he could shoot you before you could even make it to the door. You had wanted to bring a gun on this mission but Jack said it wouldn't be necessary so only Gabriel had a gun. You hoped that he was having better luck then you where.
"Come on!" Tanner yelled.
You slowly undid the zipper on your dress, silently wishing that Gabriel would come through those doors. You then pulled down the top to show your bra, then pulling it down more you showed your stomach and then your underwear. You silently stepped out of the dress.
"Ah you are truly a beauty, how did someone like you fall for someone like Gabriel Reyes?"
So he knew your real names to? How did he know so much?
You knew you could use this time to your advantage. Swaying your hips you slowly walked up to him. Once to him you you placed a hand on his chest and another on his thigh.
"That is a good question, why wouldn't I go from someone as powerful and strong as you?"
Your hand made its way down to his bulge, slowly rubbing it through his dress pants.
"Mmm I see" he groaned while rolling his head back.
Now was your time, you pulled you a knife that you hid in your bra and plunged it into his chest.
"Ahah you bitch!" He yelled as you ran to the door and opened it.
About to run out and find Gabriel you yelled out.
"Gabe!" As you where pulled back into the room and the gun was placed against your temple.
The door was open know and your earpiece was still intact. Gabriel could hear your whole conversation now.

Gabriel's PoV

I watched as (y/n) was escorted to the back of the mansion. The last thing I heard in my ear piece was "Don't worry, these walls are sound proof so no one will be able to hear when I make you scream out my name" my fists clenched at this but I knew I couldn't engage just yet.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" I whispered into the ear piece but there was no response. Shit.
I looked around and started walking towards the back of the mansion. As I walked down the hall I was greeted with four guards.
"Let's skip the pleasantries and get on with it" I was already pissed off about what that guy had said and now was not the time to mess around. Pulling out my gun I shot two of them mercilessly while the other two charged me. Punching one in the gut I heard someone scream out "Gabe!".
It was (y/n)! Shit!
Shooting the last guy I ran to where I heard the voice from. I saw a door half open and looked inside. I saw Tanner on top of my wife while holding a gun to her head. Anger rose in me as I watched him cut her bra with the knife he held in his other hand. I pulled my gun on him, watching (y/n)'s face.
"I suggest you let go unless you have a death wish" I clenched my teeth.
He slowly put his hands up and dropped his gun. I pulled him off of (y/n) as I heard more guards running down the hallway. (Y/n) got up and closed to door, trying to by us more time.
"Tell us where you hid the gear you stole!" I yelled while taking the knife from the floor and stabbing him. He had already a stab wound which you guessed had come from (Y/n).
"Won't talk? Maybe you will know" I said while placing the knife on his neck and dragging it up his face. That was going to leave a nice scar.
"Aahhhh! Okay okay!"
"WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT?!" I yelled once again as (y/n) walked up behind him and pulled his hair back exposing more of his neck to me.
"It's at the docks in Ilios!" He yelled out.
Guards where now trying to break down the door.
"(Y/n), we have to go!" I said while tossing her my jacket to cover herself. Turning around I shot him in the head.
"Gabe what the hell?! He wasn't supposed to be dead!" I said nothing and threw a chair out the window. Breaking the rest of the glass I hopped out into the bushes. Turning around I reached up for (y/n) to jump down. She had just taken off her heels and jumped into my arms. We both took off running through the backyard. Even though (y/n) had no shoes on she still ran faster then I did.
We ran into the tall hedges and hopped the fence.

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