Chapter 9

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Slight lemon so you have been warned!


The next morning you awoke with Gabriel's arms around you as you laid on top of him. You shifted so you could see his face. His eyes where closed and his lips where parted enough to see his gleaming white teeth. Placing your hand on his face you traced his scars. His face twitched and then he opened his eyes.
"Morning beautiful" he said while one of his hands rubbed his left eye.
You placed you head on his chest hearing his heart beat while his chest rose and fell. Almost as if you where making sure he was still alive. He had been on so many missions that you weren't sure he would come back from. You had first hand watched him get shot and this left you with some PTSD.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" He asked
"Making sure you are still alive and that I'm not dreaming" you whispered.
Looking back at his face you placed both of your hands on his chest. Slowly tracing over the scars on his chest as well.
"Mi amor I told you I'm not going anywhere"
He picked up your hand and kissed it.
You sighed not convinced, getting up you grabbed some clothes and went to shower. There was a slight limp in your walk and a soreness from last night.
You heard the bathroom door open as you started running the warm water.  Seconds later Gabriel stepped in and closed the glass shower door behind him. Coming up behind you he wrapped his arms around you protectively.
"I love you" he whispered into your ear and then biting it.
"I love you too" you said.
Steam from the warm shower had fogged up the glass walls of the shower.
He pressed you face first against the glass and pushed himself into you without any warning.
"Ah! Mhmmh" you moaned out
"Mmmm baby your so tight~" he let out a grunt.
"This won't help my limp" you managed to breath out.
"No but it will help my boner" he chuckled.
You smiled at his comment, it was rare for him to be selfish towards you so you didn't mind it.
He thrusted in and out of you, pushing you into the glass more as he put his hands on it. His thrusts got harder as you got tight.
"F-fuck! Not m-making it easy are y-you!" He groaned.
"Not a chan- AHH!!" He rammed into you harder hearing you disobedience.
"What's my name!"
"Papi!" You screamed out.
The soreness from last night had completely left you body as he rammed into you over and over. Warm water ran down both of your bodies as he was close to finishing.
You breasts where banging against the glass cause a loud noise. You where getting close.
"Gabe I-m go- cum!" You screamed out as he picked up speed.
"Just a little more!" He yelled out
You cummed only for it to be washed away by the water. You legs felt weak as you felt yourself slowly start to slide down the glass.
"I'm not done with you yet" Gabe said holding you up.
After a few more minutes of thrusting and you cumming again he finally came. Pulling all the way out and ramming into one last time he buried himself deep into you.
"AAAHHH!" You screamed out as he spilled his seed into you.
Turning you around he pulled you in for a hug.
"G-Gabe don't let g-go, I c-can't feel my legs" you said trembling from overwhelming pleasure.
He laughed "I'm sorry I was a little rough" he leaned in and kissed you.
He washed your hair and cleaned your body off and got you out of the shower.

*timeskip after shower*

You where finally able to walk but know you had and even bigger limp them before. Good thing you had the day off due to it being the last day your file was being checked. Tomorrow you and Gabriel had to go on an undercover mission to some fancy dinner party. But today you got to rest which you really needed.
You grabbed a white crop top and put in on and then some black sweatpants. You did you hair up in a nice bun and went to get some breakfast while Gabriel finished his shower.

*timeskip to cafeteria*

You arrived still with a limp. You tried you hardest to cover it up but couldn't.
"(Y/n) did you have a fun time last night?" Angela asked seeing your limp.
"Shut up Angela, it's none of your business" you stated
"Um it is when I can hear you scream out Papi from from my room" you blushed at this statement and hoped no one else heard her say that.
"Angela don't get jealous just because Jack always finishes first leaving you behind" you spat.
Walking over you got a muffin and some coffee. You then walked to Gabriel's office which was a long walk but it was so worth it. You arrived to see Gabe standing there looking out his window smoking a cigarette. You placed your muffin and coffee down and plopped in his chair. Placing your sock covered feet on his desk you looked over at him.
"What are you stressed about know?"
"I'm not stressed"
"You only smoke when your stressed or worried so it's one of the two" you commented.
He looked over to you and immediately frowned.
"I should've burned that shirt when I had the chance" you giggled
"Oh really? And why would you do that" looked down at the shirt that only covered your breasts and exposed the rest of your stomach.
"Because I don't want anyone looking at you like that" walking over and placing his cigarette in the ash tray.
"Oh really? This shirt" you pointed to it
"Are you scared that Jack might find me attractive and steal me away from you?" You grinned knowing that was exactly the case but he wasn't just worried about jack. He was worried about any male in overwatch/blackwatch seeing you like that.
You giggled and ran out of his office. Heading towards the male locker room of training area c-4. Most of the boys would be there just finishing their morning workouts. You heard Gabes loud footsteps behind you but the truth was you where always faster then him.
You made a hard right and dashed into the men's locker room. You found most of them in the middle of changing or just getting out of the shower.
Then looking at Gabriel behind you, you slowly began to take off your top. Knowing you had a black lacy bra underneath.
Most of them looked away while some couldn't stop staring. Jack was one of them.
You bust out laughing "hahaha you guys! April fools!" You said swinging your shirt over your shoulder and swinging your hips as you walked out. Grabbing Gabe in the process. He looked stunned and angry but you would have to deal with that later. You giggled as you ran off back to his office.

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