Chapter 13

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Smut warning
He yanked you towel off of you and you slowly undid the buttons on his shirt.
Breathing down on you he said "I'm going to disinfect every inch of you"
Gabriel only spoke the truth when he was drunk so you knew know was the time to ask.
Finishing the buttons on his shirt you paused before going downward.
"Gabe, why did you kill Tanner?" Looking up into his eyes you saw guilt but also anger.
"Because he took advantage of you, he saw you with nothing on and just the look in his eyes showed me what he wanted to do to you and I lost it" you understood part of it but there was one other thing you didn't get.
"But we've been on missions like that before where I've been close to naked or I've had to use my body to get information so why was this any different?"
"It was different when we weren't married, it didn't feel like a betrayal and I didn't feel as possessive over you" this warmed your heart.
This man in front of you was truly remarkable. You brought your lips up to his again, kissing him lightly. He then backed you to the wall and grabbed your thighs so you weren't touching the ground. You put your arms around his neck and entangled you fingers in his hair. His kiss trailed down to your neck where he found your weak spot and started sucking.
"A-Ah Gabe~"
"That's right say my name and get everyone else out of your mind" he then gripped you butt cause you to yelp out.
"God, how I need to hear your moans again" you knew you moaning was like music to his ears but you never knew he enjoyed this much.
You pulled your hands to loosen his belt and unbuckled it.  Pulling down the zipper of his pants you noticed he stopped to look at what you where doing. You pulled out his dick, placing the warm heavy thing in your hand you stroked it just a little to get him going.
"Please (y/n) don't tease" he struggled to say.
You could feel his grip on you tighten the more you played with it. Finally you let go and he thrust into you.
"aaahhhhh!" You weren't ready for it.
"God you feel so tight and warm" he said while pulling you as close to him a humanly possible.
He plunged into you with deep, hard thrusts making it almost impossible for you to keep your moans in.
"F-ahhh p-Papi!"
"No! Say my name!"
"Gabe faster!" You cried out feeling yourself getting ready to climax.
He did as told and sped up making your insides flip inside out with pleasure. You raked your fingernails across his back leaving red marks but he didn't seem to care as his pace remained the same.
"I-I'm about t-to-"
"No! Hold it!"
You didn't know how long you where going to be able to hold it with him going at this speed and intensity but you would try. As if to make it harder he thrusted deeper into you hitting all the right spots.
"Yes! Ga-Gabe right t-there! Ahh!" You where about to split in half from holding it in.
"(Y-y/n) Fuck! I-I'm going to cum!" He yelled out
As his last thrust made its way into you, you screamed out. Your climax felt like you got hit by a train. His hot seed filled you as he stood there with you still pressed up against the wall in his grasp. You breathed heavily as you head fell forward to his chest. You wet hair was know sticky form your session, in fact your whole body was sweaty and so was his.
Looking up into his eyes you kissed him again. You both pulled away panting
"I love you, I'm sorry I was such a dick earlier it's just Jacks been all over me all week and then I saw that guy on top of you and it just set me off and doing this with you is a really good stress reliever"
"A better stress reliever then smoking?"
"Hell yeah" you two laughed and then went silent
"I love you too, but please don't go out and drink next time" the truth was you always hated it when he drank, there was no real reason why but you just didn't.
"I promise I won't" he smiled and placing you on the bed he finally went to take a shower.
You cuddled up on his side of the bed and feel asleep to the scent of his cologne.

Sorry this chapter is kind of short but it needed to happen because there was a lot of mixed feeling after that mission.

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