Chapter 24

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Warning lemon

It had been about a week since you, Gabriel and (d/n) had moved into your little apartment. Gabriel was taking jobs here and there to be a hit man while you struggled to find work. Nobody wanted to hire a female hitman who had just had a kid even though you had already lost most of your baby weight, so you looked around at some community jobs like a shelf stocker. There were very few jobs that needed filling in Ilios and rent was due within the new week. You needed to find something to do or you'd go insane. You where supposed to go job searching today with Gabe so you found a babysitter for (d/n), even though you were a little hesitant to leave her with anybody Gabriel said it was going to happen eventually.
Rolling over in bed you saw him cuddled next to your back. You silently smiled at him and combed his freshly cut hair with your hand. He always looked so peaceful when we slept, no stress lines or pissed off faces. His eyes started to open then he looked at you.
"Good morning mi amor" he greeted with his husky morning voice.
"Morning Papi" you whispered and kissed his forehead.
"You know you really should be careful when you say that"
"Why?" You asked smirking.
"Because you might turn someone on" he shrugged before rolling over so his big body was hovering over you.
You bit your lip and traced your fingers over his toned chest. He brought his face to yours and pulled you in for a deep kiss. Slipping his tongue into your mouth without any hesitation.
"Mmmmmmm" you moaned out as his hand started to roam your body.
Sleeping without a shirt last night was a mistake but a good one. Gabes hand found its way to your breasts and started playing with them. Moving his mouth away from yours and slowly making his way down to your breasts. His mouth sucking on your left breast as you let out a moan. Fondling with the other in his hand. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer if that was even possible. Both his hand and mouth stopped
"Gabe~ why did you st- AH!"
He inserted a finger into your pussy. Painfully slow about pulling it in and out. He watched your facial expressions change which only turned him on more. He kissed his way down your body leaving bruises and hickeys along the way till he made it to your pussy.
"Your so wet and we haven't even started" he smirked as you were unable to speak.
He licked along your folds until his tongue started playing with your clit. Your hands grabbed the sheets tightly unable to hold onto anything else as you released on his hand. You sighed as your tense muscles relaxed. Panting heavily as Gabe backed away and sat with his back on the headboard while he pulled down his boxers. His dick sprung out as precum dropped from it. You got up and made your way over to him and got down in front of him. Laying on your stomach you took his cock in your hands. It seemed bigger then you remembered it, heavier to. You played with it in your hands and let your nails run along the sides on it.
"(Y/n)" He grabs ahold of your hair while looking contently at you, waiting for you to continue.
You kissed the top of it and started pumping it from the bottom. He groaned as you started playing with his balls in one hand, ever so gently squeezing them from time to time. You took what you could of him into your mouth. Swirling your tongue around his cock and you only felt him get bigger. Your eyes widened as you pulled him out of your mouth. Coughing a little while continuing to pump with one hand. He looked at you with a worried expression
"Are you okay?" He asked sweetly
"Y- *cough* yeah"
He pulled you away only for you to straddle his lap. His dick against your butt. He grabbed your butt with his hands causing you to moan. You lifted yourself up and positioned his dick moving it a your entrance a couple times before trying to move down. You struggled and only got a couple inches. You where breathing heavily, his cock was only in a few inches and it felt so good. He took hold of your hips and whispered into your neck
"I love you mi amor, so forgive me for this" he spoke before slamming your hips down balls deep on all 12 and a half inches of his rock solid dick.
"AAAHHH!" You screamed out as he covered your mouth with one of his big hands. Your upper half fell onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
His dick throbbed inside of you as he waited for you to adjust.
"It's been too long" he stated with a shaky voice before continuing "you so fucking tight".
You sat there trying to catch your breath.
You started to move up, you got about half way before slamming down again causing you both to moan. You repeated this movement over and over again as Gabriel watched your breasts bounce up and down. He couldn't take the slow pace anymore. He grabbed your wrists and forced you down to lay on your back while pulling out of you.
You whined as he did so until he opened your legs up and penetrated you again with full force.
"God DAMMIT!" You screamed again.
Your legs rested on his shoulders as he started relentlessly pounding into you as you tried to hold back moans and screams.
"Let me hear you" he grunted while ramming I go you harder.
"Aahhhh- aahhh- ga-be -ga-AH!" He grabbed onto your breasts as you looked down.
You could see your stomach moving as his dick went in and out of you at an almost inhuman pace.
"Say my name!" You could tell he wasn't holding back.
Your eyes rolled back as you held onto his arms, leaving scratch marks across them.
"Ga- Gabriel!" As if adding fuel to the fire his thrusts got harder.
You screamed and wiggled under his grasp as he continuously stretched your insides.
Eventually his thrusts got sloppy but still rough. You had climaxed around four or five times by now and he was close to his first.
He drove his dick as far as he could into you before releasing his seed into you. After a couple seconds he pulled out and laid beside you on the bed. You both panted heavily before he pulled you into a warm embrace and kissed the top of your forehead.
"I love you (y/n), I won't let anyone take you away from me again" he whispered into your neck.
"I love you too Gabriel"

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