Chapter 28

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You woke up the next morning to crying from your baby daughter. Sighing you looked down at Gabriel who's eyes had just opened. You got off of him and went to comfort your child. She was almost a year old know and she already resembled Gabriel in almost every way. Her hair was a dark brown along with her beautiful chocolate eyes and mixed skin. You walked with her in your arms back to the living room where Gabriel sat on the couch. He looked like he was still trying to wake up as he didn't sleep well last night.
You held (d/n) close as you pulled up Gabes shirt you where wearing and feeding her.
"I'm sorry for last night" He said
"I just don't understand why we couldn't talk it out" you looked at him.
"That masked guy just sent me over edge, I know him from somewhere, he seems so familiar-"
"Doesn't matter" you interrupted him.
"Your right I'm sorry, I don't like to fight with you"
"I don't eith- Ow!" You where startled as (d/n) had bit down on your nipple.
She didn't have teeth yet but it still hurt.
"What's wrong?" Gabriel said jumping up.
"N-nothing I'm fine, (d/n) just a little feisty guess she gets that from her papi"
"Mmm you better watch what you call me" he smirked pulling you closer.
"" you got silent as you finished feeding (d/n) and set her down on the floor for tummy time.
"What's wrong mi amor?" He asked worriedly
"What was..........what was your dream about last night? I mean I know you've had them in the past but it's been awhile so I just-"
"You died" he stated bluntly while looking you in the eye.
Your hand grabbed the side of his cheek and brought your foreheads together. One tear escaped his right eye as you looked at him with glossy eyes.
"Where going to be okay Gabriel"
"You don't know that"
"Your right I don't, but I hope" you smiled and kissed him.
He kissed you back and brought you into his lap. Holding you as if you where going to disappear.
You looked back up at his face
"You don't look like you slept much last night" he said
"The bed was too big without you there" you smiled and cuddled into him as you looked down at (d/n).
She was spitting and drooling all over the place and babbling. You chuckled at her and then picked her up and sat her on your knee facing you.
"Hello little one" you smiled at her as she reached out for you.
Gabriel placed one of his fingers in her hand as she took it and put it in her mouth.
"Aaawwwwhhheee" she made the cutest noise and started laughing at herself as she took out Gabes finger that was now covered in drool.
You laughing at her and hugged her close.
"How are we going to keep her safe?" You asked.
"I don't know" Gabriel whispered back.
You felt a vibrating by your butt.
"Hold up its my phone" he cussed after that before fishing in his pocket and grabbing it.
"What?" He answered the phone in a harsh tone. You took (d/n) and got off his lap to give him space to talk. Mindlessly walking around your small apartment holding (d/n) up in the air as she giggled.
You heard the phone hang up as you looked at Gabriel.
"Who was that?" You asked curiously.
"Some business guy that has a bounty for me"
"How much?"
"Doesn't matter I'm not going" he said while placing his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
You placed (d/n) in between you as to stop him.
"No you will take it because rent is due soon and we will never make a living here if neither of us work. Plus then this just shows whoever's out to get us that we are afraid of them"
"But (y/n)-"
"Nope" you shushed him.
"Now call that man back and tell him you'll take the job" you said wiggling out of his grasp and walking into your shared room. You placed (d/n) on the bed and started to change her diaper while talking to her in your baby voice.
"Aww look at you! You look just like your daddy! You pretty girl!" She smiled at you with one of her small fists in her mouth.
You finished changing her diaper and picked her up as you heard Gabriel get off the phone. You held her and ending up meeting him at the doorway.
"Please don't make me do this (y/n)" he pleaded
"Gabriel I know you don't want to but I'll be able to protect her while your gone, remembering was an agent too" you smirked and kissed his cheek.
"Leaving you and (d/n) here alone and unprotected is just not a good idea though"
"We will be fine Gabriel"
"But what if-"
"Hun, we could go on all day about what ifs or you could go and make some money so that we can keep a roof over our heads a little longer. How does that sound?" You smiled up at him.
"God I love you" you kissed him while he pulled you closer but still carful because you where holding (d/n).
"I love you too"
After that he went and changed then grabbed a small Handgun with a silencer and placed it in his waistband. Making his way out the door he looked back at you. Kissing your lips passionately before looking down at (d/n).
"I'll be home soon mija" he kissed her small forehead before looking back up to you.
"I should be home in a day or so, don't let anyone in and don't leave the house" he stated the 'ground rules' before opening the door.
"Say bye papi" you took (d/n)'s little hand and made her wave at him as he closed the door behind him.
Stay safe Gabriel.

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