Chapter 31

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After killing (y/n), Morrison let me go.
"You need to suffer for the rest of your days" he stated before leaving.
I looked over at her not wanting to get any closer in fear that I might really see everything he had done to her. I walked closer and scooped her up in my arms.
I was devastated.
Take something I loved more then everything and crush it like a bug.
I slowly walked back to our apartment.
Opening the door I carefully set her on the couch not caring about the mess.
Jesse came out of the bedroom... noticing (y/n) laying there he already knew what had happened. He eyes welled with tears as he made his way over to her dead corpse. I couldn't look anymore so I went into the bedroom to look at sleeping (d/n). She would be the only thing to keep me sane at the moment.
Jesse came in after a little while "did you kill him?" He whispered.
"God dammit" Jesse said punching the wall before sitting down on the bed next to me.
"You know...... she was like a mom to me" he started crying.
"I know kid... I know" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as we both silently cried together while watching (d/n) sleep peacefully.
She would know grow up without a mother.
The sheer thought of it made me want to throw up.
My daughter... would grow up... not knowing what it's like to be held by the loving arms of her mother.
And her last words where...... top left cabinet.
I walked into the kitchen scanning for that exact cabinet. Once I found it I opened it to reveal a small piece of paper in the back of it.
Opening it up I froze while reading it.
Dear Gabe,
I love you so much....I wrote this after the masked man held (d/n) at gunpoint. I knew from the start they where after me and I wanted them to stop coming after our family. Our (d/n) doesn't deserve this. I was so persistent in you taking that job because I knew that man would come for me. But once he kills me, he will leave you and (d/n) alone so I took that chance.
I want you to know that I love you and (d/n). Whatever this man does to me may bruise me on the outside but on the inside I am strong. I wrote this note so that I wouldn't have to say goodbye but maybe a see you later.
Our daughter needs you know more then ever so be there for her, please.
With all my love,

My eyes swelled up, tears ran down my face as I crashed into the counter. I couldn't stand anymore. She knew he was coming and she didn't tell me? I should've known this was coming. She would always risk her life in order to save the both of us.
Jesse came out of the room and I weakly passed him the note. After a couple minutes he finished reading it and joined me on the floor.
In an instant my sorrow was filled with white hot anger. I got up from my place in the kitchen and grabbed my gun that I had placed on the chair.
"Where are you going?" Jesses croaking voice asked.
"To kill strike commander Jack Morrison"

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