Chapter 17

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Gabriel had been in Dorados Prison for about a week know and you hadn't gone back to visit him. You tired to find ways to figure out how you where going to prove his innocents but you hadn't made any progress. Everyone continued to give you dirty looks and ignore you which didn't help your case.
You woke up once again and ran into the bathroom and threw up. You have been dreading going to Angela but you couldn't continue like this. You put on some skinny jeans and a simple shirt, putting your hair into a bun you walked out of the door.

*timeskip to Angela's office*

You made it. You hesitated before gently knocking on her door.
"Come in"
You walked in and her face looked the same yours did, tear stained and tired. She looked away from you
"What do you want (y/n)" she was mad because like everyone else she thought Gabe killed Jack. Her and Jack had been dating about a year know so even if you told her the truth you don't think she would believe it.
"I have been feeling sick lately" you simply said.
"Did...did Gabriel really..."
"No" you whispered
You and Angela has been friends for as long as you could remember, she wanted to know the truth.
"Then is it true that Jack tried to..."
"Yes" you said cutting her off.
She walked over to you and wrapped you into a hug. You could hear her crying but you said nothing. Several minutes later she let go of you.
"Thank you for telling me, it might not be what I wanted to hear but I needed to hear the truth"
There was a pause.
"Now let's see why you at feeling sick"
She ran a few tests while writing some things down on her clipboard. She politely walked out of the room and came back a couple minutes later. Her expression was unreadable.
"Um (y/n)... you about two and a half weeks pregnant"
The whole world started spinning. Gabriel was behind bars for a crime that he didn't commit and now you where pregnant?! You didn't even know if Gabriel wanted a baby. He did fine when you had watched over Adrian and he always loved little Pharah but you weren't sure about how it would be when it was your own kid.
You just sat there and stared at the floor not knowing what to do. Angela walked up to you and gave you yet another hug.
"Everything is going to be okay, Gabriel will love you no matter what" she said trying to comfort you.
You just nodded your head and exited her office. You needed to tell him. What if he didn't want a baby? Where you going to be a single mom, having to take your baby to prison in order for it to see it's father? Was Gabriel ready to be a father?
So many questions ran through your head. You needed to tell him but you where so scared of what his reaction might be. You made your way to the landing dock and took a ship (remember flying ship) to Dorado.

*timeskip to Dorados prison*

The whole way over you couldn't stop thinking about how Gabriel would react. You of course where happy and wanted to keep it but you also valued his opinion and feared what he might say. You made your way into the prison and again had to sign some documents. They brought you to a visitors section as sat you down. There was other people there talking through the phones. Gabriel entered and sat down still wearing orange. You didn't really think he looked great in orange away from his usual black but not like he had a choice either. Again he looked tired, you both grabbed the phones from the side of the wall and held them to your ears.
"Hello mi amor" hearing his voice after so long was soothing.
"Hello Gabe"
"Why haven't you come to see me again?"
"I've been busy trying to clear you"
"Any luck?"
"Not really... I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what?" He asked
"It's been a week and I haven't gotten any closer to clearing you" you sighed at the last part.
"Don't worry so much mi amor, we have time"
"Not really" the words had come out of your mouth so fast you didn't even have time to think about what you said. Your eyes got big and you could tell he was worried.
"What? Is something wrong (y/n)?" His voice was filled with worry. You wanted to tell him but you where still scared of what his reaction might be. You straightened in your chair.
"(Y/n) what's wrong? Is someone bothering you?" His voice was now more frantic.
"Don't lie to me (y/n)" now more stern in his voice.
"Nobody is bothering me, I mean people aren't happy because of what they think you did but that's not the problem" your voice was almost a whisper.
"Then please tell me what's wrong, your scaring me" he pleaded
"Gabriel I..."
He waited for a response. You sat there and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I'm pregnant"

Sorry kind of a short chapter but I wanted to leave it off on that!

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