Chapter 30

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I thought this would be a great ending and I just want to say that I'm so thankful for all the reads I get! But also warning ⚠️ does contain certain material that other might not be okay with so please read at your own risk.
Gabriel's POV

I had just finished up the mission and was making my way back to the apartment. God I missed (y/n) and (d/n) so much even though it was only a day. As I made my way up the stairs of our apartment building the sun was setting and casting golden rays over everything. Making my way to the door I was prepared for a welcome home and some hot shower sex when I noticed the door was cracked open and all the lights were off. I could also hear (d/n) crying somewhere in the apartment. Like déjà vu I grabbed my gun and slowly opened the door. Looking around there was blood everywhere. On the floor the countertop the couch. The glass coffee table was shattered into a billion pieces and the bedroom door was closed with a crying (d/n) on the other side. My mind was racing. Where was (y/n)? Who was bleeding? Did someone break in? Was it the masked man? I opened the bedroom door taking a look around as I scooped up crying (d/n) in my arms I noticed a note beside her. I picked up the note.

Dear Gabriel,
Just an old friend coming to say hello but your wife got a little feisty so I needed to take her and teach her some manners. Also the bounty on her head is a high one but don't worry I won't kill her yet.
This is our location and I expect you to be there.

I crumpled the note in my hand before holding (d/n) closer to me as I made my way out of the bedroom only to point my gun at a figure moving in the dark.
"Woah hey it's me" a western accent rang "I just came back to get my poncho"
I pulled the gun away from him and sighed.
"What the fuck Jesse"
"What happened?" He asked
I explained what I thought had happened and immediately he said he would join me to get (y/n) but I told him no and he had to stay with (d/n). Overall he agreed and we came to the conclusion that if I didn't come back within a couple hours that he would take her and run. It was a great backup plan and it also assured me that she would be in good hands. I gave her to him before restocking the magazine in my gun and making my way to (y/n).

*timeskip to (y/n)*

Walking up to the big warehouse it was already dark and a cool crisp breeze consumed everything. Quietly making your way through the side door you saw (y/n) laying on the ground suffering. She looked like she had been through hell and back about a thousand times. The rest of the warehouse was dark with only a single light shining on her. I started running at her and she must have noticed because she started screaming.
"Gabriel no! Don't come any closer!!" I stopped dead in my footsteps.
I really didn't care if it was a trap as long as I could hold her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be okay.
"Who did this?" I ran up to her and grabbed her as she hissed his pain.
"Reyes, so nice of you to make it" a rough voice said from somewhere beyond the darkness.
The voice sounded so familiar but from where?
As a shadow approached the light and slowly removed the mask from its face I starred at a face I hoped I'd never see again.
"Morrison" I said and was followed by a laugh from him.
(Y/n)'s body trembled under mine as I said his name, I held her tighter not wanting to let go.
Another light came on revealing chains and a chair that was bolted to the ground.
The platform beneath me shifted making me closer to the chair and making me let go of (y/n). I felt the chains wrap around our arms as Jack came and pushed me into the chair.
"Let me go!!" I struggled with the chains but they didn't even budge.
"Your little wife did put up quite a fight" he spoke while walking back over to her.
He paused before continuing "until I fucked her a couple times and then she got pretty quiet" he sneered while giving me an evil smile.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH MORRISON!" I said while once again trying to break free.
I could here (y/n)'s crippled figure crying in the corner and it broke my heart.
"Is this true (y/n)?" I looked at her sorrowful expression before she managed to move her head to nod.
Anger surged through me even more then before. Not only had be beaten her but he had also raped her?!
"Let me tell you, it was a bit of a tight squeeze but I think I loosened her up a little" he grinned.
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU MORRISON!" The chains rattled as my veins popped out of my arms.
I couldn't get the chains off.
"Strong words solider, You already killed me once" he paused and looked over to (y/n) "after I tried to hit on (y/n)...I let you beat me then I was taken to the medbay where I had Angela pronounce me dead, you see I heard about the bombing at Swiss headquarters and I needed (y/n) to die so I thought this would be perfect! Get you somewhere where you couldn't save her and then you would have to live without her the rest of your life"
Walking over to me he added
"And then of course you had to go and save her so then I had to track you down here and steal your kid so you thought that I was after her..."
"Why would you do this?" I growled.
"Because you found happiness, so I'm going to destroy it and leave you with nothing" he grinned before taking out a knife and walking over to (y/n).
She looked at him from her struggling state and already knew what was going to happen. A tear ran down my cheek as I looked at her expression. She seemed almost happy but happy for what? She was dying.
"Gabriel... top left cabinet d-door" she managed to get out before Morrison grabbed her by her hair and slit her throat.
There was no scream.
Only tears.
He let go as her know like less body crumpled to the ground.

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