Chapter 29

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Okay first I'm going to say that I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in like forever! I've been strait up lazy and I started a new writing prompt on this other app that has a deadline so I've been trying to finish that first but writing that had been really slow so... I'm sorry guys!

Gabe has only been gone for about a a day now and you already missed him. In your head your where thinking that maybe you shouldn't have sent him on this mission. What if it turned out bad?
You tried calming yourself down by distracting yourself with (d/n) but she looked so much like him that it only made you miss him more.
You took a hot shower with (d/n) on the other side of the shower curtain so you could keep an eye on her and it calmed you nerves a little. Being almost trapped in your apartment with just you and (d/n) was an unsettling feeling like you where always being watched. If someone did come in Gabriel left you a small handgun you could use but you weren't very strong. You where still fast like you where back at blackwatch but that only gets you so far.
You where more scared about (d/n)'s life then you where your own. Someone was out there who thought it would be fun to have or kill the daughter of Gabriel and (Y/n) Reyes. You shuddered as you thought of what they might do to her if they got their hands on her.
There was a bounty on you too but that was to keep you alive. You didn't know why they would want you alive but you didn't care either. They weren't going to touch (d/n) and that's all that mattered.
You sighed as you sat on the couch, (d/n) was napping and you where just sitting there with your thoughts. Looking over to the chair where Jesse sat not that long ago you noticed something beside it. You walked over and picked it up. It was Jesses red poncho he wore, covered in ash and dust. You smiled at it and placed it on the coffee table. He would surely come back for it soon. As if someone had answered you there was a knock on the door.
You grabbed your gun and slowly walked to the door.
*knock knock*
You quietly undid the locks and opened the door just enough to peek through.
Just as you peeking you head through someone pushed the door all the way open. You slammed to the ground and the gun dropped from your hand a slid across the room.
You cussed and looked up to see none other then the masked man from the other day.
You crawled backwards desperately trying to get up as he stepped closer and closer to you.
You back hit a wall as your shoes kept slipping on the floor on all your attempts to regain your footing. The man with the visor grabbed you hair and yanked you up before slamming your head on the countertop in the kitchen.
You clawed at his arms before biting him and kneeing him in the stomach. He released you and you ran over to grab the gun but he grabbed you arm yanking you back and placing you in a choke hold. You struggled for breath as you felt his arms tighten further around your neck. You went limp in order for him to let go of you and round house kicked him square in the face knocking his visor off. He brought his hand up to his bloody face before you saw who it was.
He only smiled as he caught you shocked and punched your stomach. You stumbled backwards coughing, blood and saliva came from your mouth. You tried to regain your breathing but he took out your legs from underneath you making you hit the floor with a loud thud.
"Y-your s-supposed to be dead" you managed to get out.
He chuckled at you.
"Pathetic" he growled "Just like the day I tried to fuck you" he sneered.
"Get away from me you bastard!" You swung your legs and knocked him down before kicking the top of his head. You heard crying from the other room as (d/n) was probably woken up from her nap due to all the commotion.
"Seems like the little one is here" he grinned before trying to walk into your room.
You tried blocking his way by putting yourself between him and the door.
"Over my dead body" you glared at him.
"That can be arranged" he laughed before taking a gun out and pointing it strait at your head.
You stood there firm not wanted to show weakness.
In a flash you darted around him and climbed on his back enough to where you placed both legs around his neck and began to choke him out. His arms flailed as he tried to hit you. He slammed his body backwards onto the floor leaving you breathless and crushed under his weight. You struggled once again to get air into your lungs as you coughed and tried getting up but your legs wouldn't move. You heard the cracks of bones on the way down but you hoped it wasn't you. You writhed in pain as you watched jack make his way to your room where crying (d/n) was. Now was your chance!
You crawled with only your arms over to the gun you had dropped earlier in the corner and grabbed it. Taking aim the moment he came out of the room. To your surprise he came out empty handed. You shot him in the arm thanks to your shaky hands.
"You bitch!" He yelled as once again (d/n) started to cry.
You felt your eyes get heavy as Jack made it way over to you and kicked you repeatedly over and over.

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