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Your POV

"What do you have for lunch today?", a girl snarled.

"I bet it's cold meat again.", another girl scoffed. 

I hugged my food close to me and tried to ignore the comments.

"I asked you a question. What you having for lunch today?", the first girl asks again.

I look to the ground and avoid eye contact. There's no point in answering.

"So now you think that you can be all powerful by ignoring her?", the second girl said.

Anger was bubbling out of me like hot lava. I looked at them and said, "Rice and kimchi."

"Mmm, sounds nice.", a third girl joined in, "Something I'd totally give to a homeless person."

"Have you forgotten Rae? She is a homeless girl.", the second girl laughed. And then they cackled like the three evil witches.

"Oops, my bad.", the third girl corrected.

"It's so sad that your mother can't care enough about you to pay for hot food.", the first girl giggled.

"Yeah. Even her mother doesn't want her. I can see why her father left.", the third girl chuckled.

Hot tears spilled down my cheeks. They can't say stuff about my family. They don't know who I am, or why I do the things I do. But there come's the real question. Who am I and why do I do the things I do? The third girl snatched my lunchbox from me and then through it on to the ground with all the power she had. I waited till they went away before I picked up what I could and begun to eat. 

Jungkook POV

"What is ten plus twenty?", the teacher asked.

"It's thirty.", I answer.

I don't like maths at all. And this lesson is taking so long and it's so boring. I can't wait till the end of the day. Today's going to be the first day of taekwondo club. My dad's going to pick up me and then go over to Sehjun's school and pick him up as well. Then we're going to go to the class together. I can't wait to go there but until then, I have to wait so long. I hate maths!

Your POV

"Hello sweetie!", my mum hugged me as I came home.

"Annyeonghaseyo eomma.", I responded.

"Did you have a good day?"

"I did.", I lied. There's no way I'd tell her about the bullies at school. I don't want to worry her.

"You're looking very thin my dear. Are you having your lunch?", my mum speculated.

"Yes eomma.", I lied again as I showed her my empty lunchbox.

"Well I'll be having to pack some more food then. I'm not giving you enough.", Mum said.

"No eomma, this is already too much for me.", I smiled.

That day I saw my mum take out most of her lunch and pour it in to my own box. If she gives me more, then she would have nothing left. And I don't want that. 

"Are you sure sweetie?", Mum asked, "I could give you a bit more."

"No eomma, I'm fine."

"Okay then. Now I have some good news.", she smiled.

"What is it?", I started jumping up and down.

"You'll be able to start taekwondo from next week."

"Yes!", I cheered.

She opened up her arms for a hug and I took it with great pleasure. Watch out bullies! I'm coming for you and when I come, you'll be begging on your knees. But I'll get payback for all the pain you're causing me now. 

Jungkook POV

"This is my son Jungkook.", Dad said to the man.

"Ah, so you're the little Jungkook. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Master Jay. How old are you?", the man said.

"Annyeonghaseyo Master Jay, I'm four.", I answered.

"He's polite too.", he said.

"Yes he is.", my dad agreed.

"Well, go there next to Sehjun and try and copy the things he does.", Master Jay instructed.

"I'll be off then. See you after class.", Dad said.

"Ok.", and then I jogged up to Sehjun.

 There was about another thirty students in the class, some of them with different colours of belt. We did some running and then stretching and after we got to the actual bit. I can't exactly remember everything we did but there was horse-riding stunts, turning kick and mid-section punches.

"All the white belts go to the back with Master Yeonbin.", master Jay ordered. I followed Sehjun there.

"You're the new boy aren't you?", Master Yeonbin asked.

"I am."

"What's your name?"


"Ok. Can you count in Korean?"

"I can but only up to ten."

"Could you show me?"

"Sure. Hana, dul, set, net, daseot, yaseot, ilgop, yuldul, ahop, yo."

"Now that was very good. Jungkook, in this part of the lesson, you'll be learning some theory. It's fine if you don't remember everything in one lesson. You'll get it soon"

"Ok.", I nodded. And that's how my first class went.

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