Alleyway Girl

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Your POV

Me and alleyway girl, Jiwon, hang out a lot these days. It's been almost a year since I met her. Turns out the best people in your life really do come unexpectedly. She's my only real friend. Mum doesn't care where I am so it means I can hang out with her a lot after school. I'm walking down the alleyway as usual to meet her.

"Hey!", she smiles.

"Hi. How are you?", the worries of school instantly fade away.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I'm great, thanks."

Jiwon's a really sweet girl but like every human, she has flaws. I don't like how she drinks and smokes. But it's fine. To get something, you got to lose something.

She offers me a cigarette, "Here."

"No thanks.", I politely refuse it.

"Come on kiddo. Just one for today. It's your birthday isn't it?"

"It is."

"Then just for the occasion have one today.", she hands the cigarette to me again.

"No thanks. I don't want to smoke.", I push it back.

"Why do you have to be so difficult chingu? Please, take it as a gift from me."

"Ah, fine.", I regret taking it but I don't want to hurt her feelings so I accept it.

She lights it for me and as I take my first puff, I cough and wretch. It so strong and... and smokey. I know that sounds obvious but it's a lot more smokier than I ever expected.

"Take it easy, small puffs.", Jiwon demonstrates.

I copy her and this time, it's a little less painful on my throat. I take another puff and it seems as if I've been doing this for years. I watch the little smoke patterns dance as they're released. My breathing is rhythmic and all in all, there's something reassuring about smoking. It's not at all depressing. In fact, all the horrible things that happen, they seem a world a way.

"It's nice.", I admit.

"Want another one?", she offers.

"Yeah.", she hands me another and that's finished in no time, "So you've been enjoying life like this and you didn't even tell me?"

"I offered you many times before, you refused.", she said.

"I know, but this is what I was missing out on?", I laugh.

"Want to see what else you missed out on?"

"You bet it."

She hands me a bottle of alcohol, "Here."

I look at it, the liquid in it the colour of honey. I think about all the lessons I've had in school telling me not to get in to these kind of things. And I also think about all the discipline I've been taught through taekwondo. Is it really time to let all that go and move on to the next chapter of life? I want to move on but something stops me, Jungkook. I want to take him with me but I can't. So looking back one last time, I let myself fall into the darker side of life. 

"Only a few sips for today.", I say.

"Sure, I won't force you.", she supports.

I take a sip and gag, "This tastes disgusting!"

"I know but what it does to you is amazing. Only a few have the power to realise its true potential."

I take another sip, but unlike the cigarette, I can't adjust myself to this, "Ugh! That's it for today."

She takes the bottle, "Of course. Ask me if you'd like some more any time."

I watch her take big swigs of it and wonder how she does it. She really must've been drinking for long.

"How did you get into all this stuff?", I ask.

"My parents left me, they disowned me. I had to work hard to raise myself, and I reward myself like this.", she explains, "But no more about all that. It's your birthday, let's spend it happily."

I hook my hands with hers and we begin to dance, and then I catch sight of someone looking at us out of their window. If all this smoking and drinking brought me up to the sky, I feel like I've literally lost my wings and been left to fall. Jungkook looks at me out if his window silently. They say actions speak louder than words and I can see why. The plain, emotionless expression he wears as he stares at me tells everything, he has no more love left for me.

"You fine?", Jiwon stops dancing.

"Yup, I'm all fine.", I brush it off my shoulder.

It doesn't matter Y/N. He was in the last chapter of your life, you're now in the next one.

Jungkook POV

I watch her dance happily as she links arms with a girl. I know that girl. I swear she's the one who got disowned by her parents and was left for the streets. She has a bad reputation around here, the nickname of alleyway girl. And we all know that alleyway girls aren't good. Is this really Y/N that I'm watching. She was always a wild one but never would she sacrifice her discipline. This really is the end for her, isn't it? I watch her and she catches sight of me and stops abruptly. My expression doesn't change when we make eye contact. Fourteenth birthday was with me, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok. Fifteenth birthday with alleyway girl. Oh, how fast time goes. But I'm not quite ready to let you go yet.

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