Stay Gold

115 12 2

Jungkook POV

"Chill, you look perfect in the new uniform. In fact you look better in this than your old one.", I encourage.

"Yeah, the colour dark blue really suits you.", Byeol cheers.

I smile at her. Today's Y/N's first day at our school and I can't wait. This is going to be so fun! But Y/N seems a little anxious.

"Trust me. The teachers are going to love you. How could they not like someone as smart as you?", I say.

"Oh and don't forget the students. You're going to be so popular! I told everyone about my amazing sister and they are literally dying to meet you.", Byeol squeals.

"Right she did. She's been gushing about you ever since.", I agree.

"Thanks guys. It's just last minute nerves.", Y/N says.

"Chin up princess.", I laugh.

"Hey! That's supposed to be my line.", Byeol mocks frustration.

"Thanks guys. Honestly I have no idea where I would be without you guys.", Y/N thanks.

"No problem idiot. I'm by your side.", I hug her.

"I'll leave you two be sweet lovebirds.", Byeol teases.

"Haha.", Y/N giggles, "No need for that."

I shoot her a death stare, "Hey, why did you have to stop her?"

"Someone's a little desperate.", Y/N raises her eyebrow.

"I am not.", I defend.

"Yup, we can definitely see that.", she teases me more.

"Ugh, whatever.", I roll my eyes at her.

Going down, we have some breakfast together before we all begin to walk to school. Y/N becomes nervous all over again but me and Byeol handle her.

"Here we go.", Y/N takes a deep breath and all her past life is about to be rewritten.


I close my eyes as I take my first step in through the gates and I almost don't want to open my eyes again. It's like the blind folded darkness is a temporary shield of protection around me but I open my eyes when I hear a bunch of girls say my name.

"Y/N! Is that you? Byeol, is this Y/N?", the girl's ask.

"Yup, this is her.", Byeol grins.

"Wow, you're so pretty. Byeol's told us so much about you. Can we be friends?", one questioned.

"Erm...", I hesitated.

"Slow down girls. Introduce yourselves.", Byeol instructed.

"Ok fine. I'm Rose. Also the only foreigner apart from my twin sis in the whole school. I originally come from the UK.", Rose introduces herself.

"And I'm Izzy. I'm Rose's sis.", Izzy says.

"I'm Mira. Yeah that's about it for me.", Mira mutters.

"And I'm Lisa.", Lisa says confidently.

"Yeah and they're all my close friends.", Byeol finishes off.

"Yeah.", I whisper.

"Ok guys, she's new as we all know so don't overwhelm her. I bet she'll love to be your friends but give her some time to get used to the new atmosphere.", Byeol perfectly word out all of my emotions.

"Thanks about that.", I say.

"No problem, but you did look a bit scared.", Byeol admitted.

"I just wasn't expecting everyone to be so...", I pause, "So kind and welcoming."

"Come on Y/N. You deserve all this.", Jungkook said.

"Mhmm. We know your former experience of school wasn't great but that can be changed you know.", bye stated.

"I know.", I sighed.

"Ok, so where do you want to go next. The first lesson still has twenty minutes to go so let's use the time to show you around.", Jungkook said.

"Can I see the cafeteria?", I quiz.

"Of course.", bye grabs me and quickly whisks me away, "Here we go."

"Wow, this is a lot bigger and cleaner than my old school's one.", I murmur.

"Anywhere else you want to stop by?", Byeol asks.

"The gym and the library would be nice.", I suggest.

We go to the library and the grand sight of it makes my jaw drop. It seems to go on forever and looks so earthy and smells purely of new books. If I thought that was amazing, then the gym is something I would never be ready for. There are multiple gyms and even a swimming pool.

"There's a swimming pool?", I feel shocked.

"Why else have you packed your swim suit?", Jungkook laughs.

"Oh yeah but this is something I was not prepared for.", I say slowly. 

"Well, we need the final verdict.", Byeol begins.

"Yeah, do you like it?", Jungkook looks desperate, in fact they both look desperate for the answer.

"Guys, what do you want me to say? I have no answer, this is spectacular!", I practically shout.

The both erupt in to smiles and high-five.

"This means a lot you know, you two have forever been by my side and I swear, I have no idea what I din in my past life to deserve this.", I say.

"We'll tell you what.", Jungkook started.

"You put everyone before yourself.", Byeol smiled.

"You guys! You're making me shy.", I playfully push them.

"Seriously sis, the day you realise your worth, you'll be amazed that you never noticed it before.", Byeol said.

"I agree.", Jungkook nodded.

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